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Dr. Greg Archer
Egg Industry Center
Damaging behaviors in poultry include feather pecking, vent pecking, and toe pecking. While feather and vent pecking are well-known welfare problems in poultry that have received significant attention from researchers and farmers, toe pecking remains relatively unknown. Therefore, this article aims to shed...
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Ronnick FONG
Hangzhou DE Mark Industrial Co Ltd
The price index of veterinary APIs was 63.17-63.26-63.43-63.53 respectively for the four weeks of this month, from August 7th to 28th. It indicates that the overall veterinary drug raw material market was stable this month, with some varieties fluctuating and adjusting. In the first half of the month, most categories, such as doxycycline hydrochloride and neomycin sulfate, showed oscillating adjustments; categories, such as florfenicol, amoxicillin, and doxycycline hydrochloride,...
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International Avian Influenza and One Health Emerging Issues Summit 2024
September 30, 2024
United States - Arkansas - Fayetteville
Mr. O. P. Singh
ABTL Advanced Bio-Agro Tech Ltd
Communication strategy in animal nutrition
Discover how ABTL communicates its dedication to innovation and differentiation in Southeast Asia, as Managing Director Mr. O. P. Singh explained. ...
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Christian Vinueza
Universidad Central Del Ecuador
Nontyphoidal Salmonella (NTS) represents one of the leading causes of foodborne gastroenteritis worldwide (1, 2). The global burden of NTS infections is 93.8 million cases, and it is estimated that NTS causes around 155,000 deaths annually (3). Unfortunately, there is a lack of information about surveillance studies of NTS in Latin American countries, and reports on NTS outbreaks are scarce in this region (4). In South American countries, there has been an increase in reports of...
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Featured users in Poultry Industry
Annie Kneedler
Annie Kneedler
United States
Kendra Waldbusser
Kendra Waldbusser
United States
Phillip Smith
Phillip Smith
United States
Kim Litteken
Kim Litteken
Trouw Nutrition
Marketing and Customer Service Manager
United States
Rider Anderson Perez Maldonado
Rider Anderson Perez Maldonado
Technical Manager at DSM Asia Pacific
United States
José Henrique Stringhini
Universidade Federal de Goiás - UFG
Butyric acid: benefits and sources
José Henrique Stringhini (Federal University of Goiás) comments on the advantages of butyric acid compared to other additives and offers practical recommendations for its use in water or feed, during this Engormix interview....
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Probiotics are included in the feed and administered continuously during the entire production cycle to maintain intestinal integrity and strengthen the immunity of the bird, thus reducing the need for repeated medication. Alternatively, water-soluble probiotics are often applied to quickly react to upcoming stress situations in the flock – but they can negatively impact the formation of biofilm in the water lines. For this reason, formulations that reduce the formation of biofilms...
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Akbar Yaghobfar
Hello to all The relationship between calcium and phosphorus and the relationship between these two elements with the actions of the bird's physiology and other elements with the inhibitory effects with the climatic conditions for the absorption of these elements were not discussed. Because the permitted level of use of these elements is with the dynamic power and requirement of the bird without having any harmful or inhibiting actions and ultimately the effect is on the performance of...
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John Boney
PennState - University Pennsylvania State
Impact of high pellet-to-fine ratio feed on nutrient segregation in a broiler house
John Boney (Penn State University) comments on nutrient segregation, feed quality, pellet degradation, and on-farm feed sampling methods, in this Engormix interview....
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1 Introduction The emergence of multi-resistant bacteria (MDR) to antibiotics represents one of the principal global threats to public health (Murray et al., 2022). The clinicians have been considered the use of the last therapeutics options, such as vancomycin, polymyxin B, carbapenems and colistin, with low rates of success (Wang et al., 2022; Yao et al., 2023). The infections by MDR are currently associated with considerable increase in morbidity and mortality of intensive...
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Daise Rossi
Daise Rossi and 2 more
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - Brasil
1. Introduction Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the main global threats today, and recent reports estimate that it directly caused 1.27 million deaths in 2019 [1]. In Brazil, the National Health Surveillance Agency, through the Evaluation of National Indicators of Health Care-Related Infections (HAIs) and Microbial Resistance (MR), in the year 2021, estimated that Escherichia coli resistance to different classes of beta-lactams can reach rates of 47.5% to cephalosporins,...
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Daise Rossi
Daise Rossi and 1 more
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - Brasil
INTRODUCTION Campylobacter jejuni (CJ) is a Gram-negative commensal pathogen prevalent in the intestinal tract of chickens and other animals. Human infection is characterized by inflammatory bowel response, followed by bloody diarrhea and painful symptoms to the affected people and pets. In addition, Guillain-Barre syndrome can be a secondary sequelae, characterized by a potential fatal autoimmune disorder in humans (Crofts et al., 2018). Moreover, CJ multidrug resistance to...
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Luis Fernando Vergamini Luna
Thanks for the good discussion. I suggest also lowering the antinutritional and allergenics by changing part of the protein source Soybean meal for SPC Soybean Protein Concentrate. This will challenge the gut development less and also increase the whole feed digestibility. Currently, when the Microbiota is becoming in evidence, modulating its patterns to better diversity and consequently higher performance, seems to be a proper strategy. ...
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Dr Charles Ibe
For birds laying in battery cages the best approach is to decongest number of birds per cell. From 4 or 5 to 2. So that they can have space to flap their wings. The hot period is about 8 weeks. Then have Holden pens to drop the birds outside the battery cages in deep litters. Try to program the birds to start laying two weeks before the end of heat zones. So that they can peak just immediately after the hot period. Then you can reduce mortality of heat and laying stress and have prolonged...
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Miazzo, Raul Daniel
Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto - UNRC
1. Introduction In intensive broiler production, the objective is to obtain high-performance productivity at a low cost. To accomplish production goals and satisfy the increased demand for poultry meat worldwide, intense genetic selection, health, management, and nutrition programs have emerged (Peralta et al., 2016). As a major development priority for nutrition, researchers are looking for natural additives to replace antibiotic growth promoters (AGPs). The AGPs were banned since...
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INTRODUCTION Aflatoxin Testing in Changing Times: The Context at a Glance As toxic contaminants of very high concern, aflatoxins stand out as a key area of focus in today’s food safety testing arena. The issues surrounding the rising importance of accurate, defensible aflatoxin test results are numerous and complex. Chief among them are a growing public awareness of the health and economic implications of foodborne toxins, the increasing globalization of the...
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1. Introduction Campylobacter is a virulent Gram-negative bacterial genus mainly found in the intestines of poultry [1], dogs, and cats [2]. These pathogens can cause bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea, and vomiting. In more complex cases, they can cause Guillain–Barré syndrome and death [3]. Since its first recognition, several pathogenic species of Campylobacter that cause human campylobacteriosis have been cataloged using phylogenetic tools...
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 Fumonisin measurement: Introducing Fumo-V™ ONE
Join Carlton Skipper, SE Sales Representative, as he introduces Fumo-V™ ONE, the groundbreaking solution for measuring fumonisin levels in complete feed and pet food formulations. ...
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Dr. Shayan Sharif
Poultry Health Research Network
1. Introduction Marek’s disease virus (MDV) is an oncogenic and highly contagious alpha herpesvirus in chickens [1]. This virus is considered a major global challenge in the poultry industry and is estimated to cause annual losses of approximately USD 1–2 billion [2]. Protective vaccines against Marek’s disease (MD) have been widely used since 1969 [3]. Due to the evolution of viral strains selecting for higher virulence, the need to develop vaccines with...
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Laura Raquel Rios Ribeiro
Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR
1 Introduction Brazil’s food production is among the largest in the world. Poultry production ranks first globally among all the animal species used for food production. Brazil is one of the world’s leading chicken producers and exporters, while the state of Parana is the largest chicken meat producer and exporter in Brazil, representing more than 40% of Brazilian exports. The Brazilian Animal Protein Association (ABPA) reported that Brazilian chicken meat exports,...
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Sumit Sipany
ABTL Advanced Bio-Agro Tech Ltd
Importance of Marketing and Branding
Mr. Sumit Sipany, Assistant Manager - Marketing at ABTL, elaborates on how these elements are vital for success in the animal health and nutrition sector....
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