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Poultry biosecurity

Biosecurity is a key management tool and an essential part of any successful poultry production system: it can be defined as the planning and implementation of a set of measures to protect domestic poultry flocks against the introduction of unwanted organisms. Because of the concentration in size and location of poultry flocks in current commercial production operations and the inherent disease risks associated with this type of production, it is imperative that poultry producers practice daily biosecurity measures. Developing and practicing daily biosecurity procedures as best management practices on poultry farms will reduce the possibility of introducing infectious diseases such as Avian Influenza and Exotic Newcastle as well as many others. Contract poultry growers should be familiar with the specifics of their company’s biosecurity protocols and work closely with company representatives to implement those programs.
Featured users in #Poultry biosecurity
Susano Medina Jaramillo
Susano Medina Jaramillo
Buenaventura Grupo Pecuario
Buenaventura Grupo Pecuario
Gerente de Operaciones
Dr. Mário Sérgio Assayag
Dr. Mário Sérgio Assayag
Gerente Geral de Produção no Brasil
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