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Minerals in poultry nutrition

Minerals in poultry nutrition are typically classified as macro- or micro-minerals, depending on the levels needed in the diet. The macro-minerals include calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, magnesium, potassium, and sodium. Requirements for the macro-minerals are typically expressed as a percentage of the diet, while the requirements for the micro-minerals are stated as parts per million. Although the quantities required for micro-minerals are lower than for macro-minerals, they play an essential role in the body's metabolism. The micro-minerals include copper, iodine, iron, manganese, selenium, and zinc.
Wooden breast (WB) is a degenerative myopathy seen in modern broiler birds resulting in quality downgrade of breast fillets. Affected filets show increased toughness both before as well as after cooking and have decreased water holding capacity and marinade pick up compared to normal fillets. ...
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Cristiano Bortoluzzi
INTRODUCTION Coccidiosis is an enteric disease caused by protozoa of the genus Eimeria that affects several animal species, including poultry. Eimeria multiplication in the intestinal epithelium leads to enterocyte destruction and severe tissue damage, which negatively affects poultry health and welfare status (1). Although difficult to predict, researchers have estimated that the loss in productivity induced by clinical and...
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Robert Swick
Robert Swick and 3 more
University of New England
University of New England
Traditionally, Zn, Cu and Mn have been added to poultry diets in the form of inorganic salts, such as sulphate, to meet requirements and prevent deficiencies. The sulphate sources of trace minerals have low bioavailability, are highly water soluble and reactive in the feed and digestive tract (Ma et al., 2011). Hydroxychloride minerals (HyC) are a class of naturally occurring minerals with fully defined crystalline structure, where the crystal is held together by a series of covalent bonds...
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Robert Swick
Robert Swick and 6 more
University of New England
University of New England
Calcium is an important cation in chicken diets, being the most abundant element in the body of the chicken. Its functions include: mineralization of bones, blood clotting, enzyme activation, neuromuscular function, muscle contraction, and intracellular signaling. However, high dietary Ca is a limiting factor for phytase efficacy and the formation of insoluble Ca-phytate complexes decreases Ca and P availability. Furthermore, Williams (2005) has shown high dietary Ca concentration in the...
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Michael T. Kidd
University of Arkansas (USA)
University of Arkansas (USA)
1. Introduction Commercial poultry production is associated with a variety of environmental, technological, nutritional and biological/internal stressors which are responsible for decreased productive and reproductive performance and compromised health [1,2]. A great body of recent information clearly indicates that very often overproduction of free radicals, compromised antioxidant defences and oxidative stress are the leading causes of the detrimental consequences of...
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Ronnick FONG
Hangzhou DE Mark Industrial Co Ltd
Hangzhou DE Mark Industrial Co Ltd
Vitamin A Affected by the excessive decline in the profits of live pigs and poultry farming, the market is mainly replenishing goods in a moderate amount for the time being. The current VA market is quoting USD43.50-46.50/kg, and the price is relatively stable. However, the temporary shortage of supply due to the suspension of production...
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1. Introduction Carotenoids are natural pigments which are responsible for yellow to red colour observed in plants and vegetables (Mortensen, 2006). Carotenoids are important for its various roles in human and animals, these include immune functions, decrease in the risk of disease and antioxidant function (Johnson, 2002; Rao & Honglei, 2002; Hinds et al., 1997). There are over 700 carotenoids (Junpatiw et al., 2013); one of which is the β-carotene. β-carotene can...
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This study investigated the effect of a novel phosphorylated tocopherol mixture (TPM) on the growth performance and meat quality in broiler chickens reared in normal temperatures (NT) or cyclical high temperatures (CHT). Three hundred and sixty Ross 308-day old broilers were housed in groups of 5 in cages (n = 12/treatment). From day of placement until d 35, broilers were assigned to 1 of 3 vitamin E-adequate, wheat and soybean meal-based diets containing TPM at 0 (Control; 20ppm of Vit E),...
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Peter Surai
Scottish Agricultural College - SAC
Scottish Agricultural College - SAC
INTRODUCTION Natural antioxidants play important roles in maintaining chicken health, productive and reproductive performance of breeders, layers, rearing birds, and growing broilers. There is a wide range of antioxidant molecules in the body. Some of them are supplied with feed (vitamin E, carotenoids, selenium), others are synthesized in tissues (ascorbic acid, coenzyme Q [CoQ], carnitine, taurine, antioxidant enzymes, etc.). In the body all...
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Roy Brister
Roy Brister and 1 more
Let's Squawk About It is a monthly interview segment by the Poultry Science Association. The COVID-19 Pandemic has changed many aspects of life, but how about for a chicken? Roy Brister, of Tyson Foods, shares some insight on how feed formulation had to change due to a domino effect brought on by the pandemic....
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Bob Buresh
Bob Buresh and 1 more
Listen to Dr. Bob Buresh and Megan Niemeyer with Novus as they discuss how REDUCE AND REPLACE™ works and what it can mean to your operation....
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Hear what Dr. Rajesh Kharvi, Senior Marketing Specialist, Novus South Central Asia, has to say about some of the more common challenges being encountered by egg producers, today, characteristics of superior eggshell quality and how to improve overall egg performance using Novus solutions ...
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Antagonisms are organisms and processes within the animal that negatively impact nutrient absorption, with the ability to impact animal protein production in a number of ways. Hear what Dr. Heather Tucker, Ruminant Nutrition Research Manager at Novus International, has to say about it and how to combat antagonism with Mintrex, a bis-chelated mineral...
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Robert Swick
Robert Swick and 5 more
University of New England
University of New England
Copper (Cu) is an essential component involved in a wide variety of biochemical processes. It must be supplemented in the trace mineral premix as the amount present in raw materials is inadequate to meet broiler requirements. At levels higher than nutritional requirements (up to 250 mg/kg), dietary Cu addition enhances growth performance by altering gut microbiota and enhancing nutrient absorption. Such high levels may irritate the gizzard and result in high Cu levels in the poultry litter...
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In this interview, Matthew Bekker, Technical Services Manager at Novus International Oceania Region, describes the role that essential trace minerals play in the development and performance of modern birds, some factors that affect epigenetics, and how bioavailability of minerals support breeder hens ...
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Gene Pesti
Gene Pesti and 3 more
University of Georgia
University of Georgia
DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM Broiler diets are mainly composed of vegetable feedstuffs. These ingredients usually consist of high amount of P in the phytate form (60 to 80%). The phytate form that is found in plants is mostly unavailable to be used for broilers [1]. Phytate is negatively charged under many pH conditions, and because of this property, phytate can form complexes with positively charged molecules and reduce their digestibility. Forming complexes with other nutrients can...
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Biosecurity is a major consideration for egg farmers across the world, and can be regarded as the ecosystem of measures capable of preventing the spread of harmful organisms to animals to reduce the risk of transmission of infectious diseases. Strong biosecurity requires all preventative measures to work collaboratively, from vaccines to physical barriers, hygiene practices, personal protective equipment (PPE) and bio-monitoring. It is essential that all elements are working in sync, with no...
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Gene Pesti
University of Georgia
University of Georgia
INTRODUCTION The largest costs in poultry meat and egg production are for feed. Feed cost minimization is dependent on determining the proper blend of ingredients to provide the desired nutrient levels. The desired nutrient levels should be those that result in the greatest differences in returns from meat and eggs sold and feed costs. Ler-man and Bie (1975) demonstrated the importance of knowing the variation in ingredients and variation in expected responses from different...
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Rick Kleyn
I. INTRODUCTION The global supply of poultry products will need to double by 2050 if we are to meet the aspiration of all people to be food secure. We will need to produce more poultry meat in the face of changing consumer perceptions and constrained resources. Consumers expect this to be achieved in a sustainable manner. The industry has the skills to achieve this. Genotypes continue to improve; production methods and business models are evolving; and we have enhanced our...
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"Based on various studies we have conducted, MINTREX® itself can reduce the incidence of wooden breast in broiler birds," said Vivek Kuttappan...
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