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TUCKER, Ga. – The International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) is excited to announce that IPPE Marketplace will take place Jan. 25-29, 2021. IPPE will continue to support the poultry, egg, meat and feed industries through its new, online IPPE Marketplace that...
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Juarez Donzele
Universidade Federal de Viçosa - UFV
Universidade Federal de Viçosa - UFV
Introduction Quail farming is very important for providing jobs and producing high quality protein at a low cost. Nutrition during the growing phase of the birds can influence their performance during the production phase. Most research has focused on the nutritional requirements of quails during the laying phase and there is little information about requirements during the growing phase. Quails are characterized by early sexual maturity (40 days), demanding feeding programs...
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High-shear dry extruded corn and soybeans and the quest for higher growth performance in modern broiler genetics. Feeding young broilers during the first 10 days post-hatch is the new frontier in poultry nutrition. The same holds true for any effort to boost life-time growth performance in modern genetics through nutrition. Research and commercial experience have shown that it is possible to boost overall growth performance by...
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Mohamed Mammeri
Phileo by Lesaffre
Phileo by Lesaffre
The production of pelleted feed is a complex and expensive activity. Optimising the manufacturing process is therefore important to maintain production profitability, making it necessary to collect all relevant data along the processing...
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Peetambar Dahal
UC Davis - University of California
UC Davis - University of California
Preventive public health measures to cope with non-communicable and infectious diseases include improving immunity through better nutrition. Immune dysfunction is regarded as both a cause and a consequence of malnutrition. Malnutrition is a daily killer in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs), and evidence suggests that susceptibility to and severity of infections increases with malnutrition, leading to illness and death. Undernutrition interacts with repeated bouts of infectious...
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INTRODUCTION The continuous growth of aquaculture production based on fishmeal (FM) is fundamentally unsustainable, since most wild fisheries stocks are already beyond their catch limits (FAO, 2018). Plant-based ingredients, such as soy protein concentrate (SPC), are sustainable products widely used by the aquaculture industry as an important source of protein (ABDUL KADER et al., 2012). Fermented SPC is an innovative product, based on aerobic SPC fermentation using the bacteria...
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Mohammad Afrouziyeh
University of Alberta
University of Alberta
DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM   The main interests of animal nutritionists are in biology, not econometrics. As a result, the economic interpretation of feeding practices has practically been ignored in animal nutrition texts and in teaching programs. The development and implementation of easy, customized software models should facilitate the teaching of (and increase interest in) the economic ramifications of choices in animal nutrition and...
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Mohammad Afrouziyeh
University of Alberta
University of Alberta
Feed Formulation Mathematical Models in Poultry Nutrition
Mohammad Afrouziyeh (University of Alberta) discusses Least Cost Feed formulation and Maximum Profit Feed formulation models, as well as the application of mathematical Linear Programming and Non Linear Programming models that are used in animal nutrition....
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INTRODUCTION Like other animal production systems, aquaculture has developed into a highly globalized trade-dependent industry, therefore as global fish farming continues to increase, the need for formulating nutritionally balanced and cost-effective diets with high-quality protein source is important (Furuya et al., 2010). In fact, nutritional value of protein in the diet for fish is influenced by its amino acids(AA)  compositions,  therefore,  the quality...
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HJ (Ine) van der Fels-Klerx
Wageningen University & Research
Wageningen University & Research
1. Introduction According to Regulation (EC) No 882/2004, Member States in Europe should establish and implement multi-annual control programs for contaminants in feed and food materials and derived products, to ensure that checks are regular and proportional to the risk for animal and human health [1]. In the Netherlands, descriptive (including trend) analyses of historical monitoring results and risk modelling are performed with the aim to obtain insights into which...
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Istanbul Universitesi Merkez Kampusu
INTRODUCTION The rapid expansion of commercial ethanol production, esp. in the United States, has resulted in a significant increase in the availability of corn distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS), a co-product of the ethanol production process (De Matteis et al. , 2019). Total annual ethanol and DDGS production in the USA is 15 billion gallons and 44 million metric tons, respectively, making the USA the world’s largest DDGS producer (US Grains Council,...
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Ingredients are the basis of all animal feed. In times where alternative ingredients receive more and more attention, we should not forget to ask ourselves how ingredient properties affect the transition into actual feed. It is time to unravel the black box that is...
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Juarez Donzele
Juarez Donzele and 2 more
Universidade Federal de Viçosa - UFV
Universidade Federal de Viçosa - UFV
Introduction The use of enzyme complex in animal feeding improves the utilization of nutrients that would otherwise be unavailable (Leite et al., 2011), reflecting positively on the performance and reducing the pollution load of excreta (Opalinski et al., 2010). However, the inclusion of enzymes in formulations should be made carefully, because this additive may lose their biological activity during pelleting process, which involves high temperatures, moisture, and...
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INTRODUCTION Aquaculture is the fastest growing source of animal protein for humans. However, as this industry continues to develop, several inherent challenges will arise. Foremost is the need for increased production of suitable and sustainable feeds. Aquaculture has long been criticized for ‘‘using fish protein to make fish protein’’ ( Naylor et al., 2009 ). This ‘‘fishmeal trap’’ ( New & Wijkström, 2002 )...
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Bob Goodband
Bob Goodband and 4 more
Kansas State University
Kansas State University
Introduction Soybean meal is one of the most readily available and economical protein sources commonly fed to pigs. Due to a number of anti-nutritional factors, its inclusion in newly weaned pig diets has been limited. Thus, specialty animal proteins, such as animal plasma, blood cells, or fish meal have been commonly added as highly digestible amino acid sources in starter diets. In recent years, the cost and variability of specialty animal proteins has increased while...
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Prevalence of numerous livestock diseases and increasing emphasis on animal health is expected to augment yeast market share for the animal feed application. The demand for high-quality meat has propelled significantly across the globe in recent years. In a bid to follow a high-protein diet, consumers are steadily shifting towards animal-based products. Use of yeast in animal feed could help meet this growing demand. The product can stimulate growth of infant and young aged...
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Mohamed Mammeri
Phileo by Lesaffre
Phileo by Lesaffre
Phileo is constantly working to improve its range of yeast probiotics, giving farmers and companion animal keepers effective and consistent products, backed by extensive trials evidence and practical user experience. The...
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