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Expertise in Aquaculture, Seaweeds & Micro-algae, Microbiology, Probiotics, Nano-biotechnology, Molecular biology and Immunology.
Article published the December 22, 2021
INTRODUCTIONDiatoms play a major component and dominant life form of the phytoplankton community. Diatoms are made up of complex silica cell wall and microscopically single-celled autotrophic eukaryotic algae belonging to the class Bacillariophyceae and kingdom Protista1. The tiny algae diatom range from 2 and 500µm in length or diameter and their habitation vary from ocean to freshwater sys ...
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Article published the December 22, 2021
INTRODUCTIONThe macroscopic algae has always been associated with human and animal life for their innumerable beneficial properties and has been used as a source of food, feed, fertilizer, medicine and the availability of economically cheap phytochemicals.[1,2] Seaweeds are also used as raw material for many industrial products like agar, alginates and carrageenan.[3,4,5] Fresh and dry seaweeds es ...
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Article published the December 22, 2021
I. INTRODUCTIONVibrios have emerged as a major problem affecting shrimp culture across the world. The Outbreaks and mass mortalities of vibrios in hatcheries and grow out ponds of shrimp have been reported across many regions (Couch 1978; Overstreet 1978; Lightner 1983, 1985, 1988, 1996; Sindermann 1990; Ruangpan and Kitao 1991, 1992; Chen et al. 1992; Yang et al. 1992; de la Pena et al. 1993; Jir ...
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Article published the September 20, 2021
INTRODUCTION:Leptospirosis, a zoonotic disease caused by the spirochetal bacteria Leptospira is a common disease of livestock, pet animals with its prevalence worldwide 1. The geographical distribution of leptospirosis has been overlapping over the decades and produce endemic and epidemic acute febrile diseases 2. Sporadic outbreaks have been reported from the countries like USA, UK, Australia, Ne ...
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Article published the August 23, 2021
IntroductionSilver has been known for antibacterial activity since ancient times. The importance of silver has regained due to the increase of bacterial resistance to antibiotics, caused by their overuse. Silver nano particles and silver based compounds containing ionic silver (Ag+) or metallic silver (Ag0) which possess antimicrobial activity are of great importance in the field of medicine. Silv ...
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Article published the July 26, 2021
IntroductionSilver has long been known to exhibit a strong toxic activity towards a wide range of microorganisms, for this reason silver based compounds have been extensively used in many bactericidal applications. Nano particles due to their large surface area are highly reactive and Ag Nano particles have been tested in various fields of biological sciences, Viz drug delivery, wound treatment, b ...
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Article published the June 30, 2021
INTRODUCTIONAlgae are simple photosynthetic eukaryotes which owing to their colonization of the oceans are responsible for up to 50% of the planet’s atmospheric carbon fixation (1), secondary and primary metabolites produced by these algae may be good potential bioactive compounds of interest in pharmaceutical industry (2). Many bioactive and pharmacologically active substances have been iso ...
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Article published the April 7, 2021
INTRODUCTIONSeaweeds are the raw material for many industrial products like agar, alginates and carrageenan; also, they continue to be widely consumed as food and medicine in Asian countries.[1,2,3] Most edible seaweeds are known to contain significant quantities of protein, lipids, minerals, vitamins[4,5,6,7] , and nutrient contents.[8,9] Seaweeds are also considered as a source of bioactive comp ...
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Article published the February 9, 2021
INTRODUCTIONFree radicals are responsible for aging and causative agents of various human diseases. Antioxidant compounds play an important role in various fields such as medical field (to treat cancers, cardiovascular disorders, and chronic inflammations), cosmetics (anti-aging process) and food industries (food preservative) [1]. Seaweeds contain reactive antioxidant molecules, such as ascorbate ...
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Article published the January 22, 2021
INTRODUCTIONMarine algae, popularly known as seaweeds, are considered very important because they are excellent source of single cell protein (1), hydrocarbons (2), biogas, polysaccharides such as agar-agar, alginic acid, carrageenan (3), antibiotics (4), color pigments (5), important medicines (6).Diabetes mellitus a metabolic alteration characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from defects in in ...
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