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Article published the December 10, 2021
IntroductionThere has been interest in the utilization of actively growing natural microorganisms for the competitive exclusion of toxigenic fungal species or by using their naturally produced metabolites for inhibiting the germination and growth of these pathogens that cause diseases of humans and contaminate food and feed (Dogi et al. 2013; Faheem et al. 2015; Guo et al. 2011). A key driver is t ...
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Article published the August 20, 2021
Climate change threatens future food security due to the probable increase in temperature and changes in precipitation patterns which could affect the distribution of where different crops may be viably grown1,2. Land suitability and capability classifications are used to evaluate the best growing areas for specific crops and to identify factors that might limit their growth3,4. Key factors in det ...
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Article published the May 3, 2021
1. IntroductionWheat is susceptible to Fusarium head blight (FHB) world-wide which causes both yield and quality losses, in addition to contamination of harvested grain with mycotoxins, particularly zearalenone (ZEN) and type B trichothecenes such as deoxynivalenol (DON). There are strict regulations in place for maximum contamination levels of these two toxins to reduce accumulation in the human ...
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Article published the April 9, 2021
1. IntroductionToxigenic fungi and mycotoxin occurrence varies between crops, as fungal species and strains differ in their ability to infect a particular plant host. Crop varieties also show different levels of susceptibility or resistance to toxigenic fungal infection. In addition, the same plant host can be attacked by different toxigenic fungi resulting in multi-mycotoxin contamination. Additi ...
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Article published the October 28, 2020
1. IntroductionMycotoxins are low-molecular-weight secondary metabolites produced by filamentous fungi. The word mycotoxin is derived from the Greek radicals “mykes” and “toxicum”, meaning fungus and toxin, respectively. This term was coined after a veterinary outbreak in England in 1962, when approximately 100,000 turkey poultry died from the ingestion of aflatoxin-contami ...
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Article published the April 14, 2020
1. IntroductionMycotoxins are fungal secondary metabolites with adverse effects on human and animal health. To date, more than 400 different molecules, produced by several types of fungi, have been characterized [1]. Because of their high toxicity, aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, and G2 (AFB1, AFB2, AFG1, and AFG2) are the most important, and are produced by the species of Aspergillus section Flavi, m ...
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Article published the January 4, 2018
INTRODUCTIONFood security has become a very important issue worldwide and the potential effects of climate change on yields and quality of food is now receiving significant attention by scientists, especially from a risk analysis perspective. The moldy contamination of staple foods such as cereals has received attention because of their acute and chronic effects in humans and animals. Indeed, the ...
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Video published on December 27, 2013
Professor of Applied Mycology, Naresh Magan, speaks at the Latin American Congress of Mycotoxins about Pre and Post-harvest intervention strategies: will climate change factors impact on mycotoxin control?
This member had joined Engormix
October 21, 2013
equalizer Statistics: Articles(7)Videos(1)
Location:Cranfield, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Profile: Academic / scientific
Occupation: Professor of Applied Mycology Environmental Science and Technology Department
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