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Participation in Forum on August 2, 2022
Peetambar Dahal I would say it is too late when we look the problem in use of binder. For two reasons. One is that contaminated grain besides mycotoxin have also strong shortages in feeding quality, and the second is that it costs much money and the effect is never 100 %. Therefor I prefer prevention, I summarized my thoughts in this respect in DOI: 10.23880/oajvsr-16000197. Of course the we need ...
Article published the June 30, 2021
1. IntroductionBreeding for Fusarium head blight (FHB) resistance is the most effective means of providing useful protection of wheat [1,2]. It is well known that resistance to Fusarium graminearum and Fusarium culmorum is not race-specific [3–7]. Research has shown that in wheat, the resistance to different Fusaria is also species-non-specific, e.g., the genotypes, being resistant to F. gra ...
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Article published the June 10, 2021
1. IntroductionMixing of isolates is a general methodical procedure used to produce inoculum for artificial inoculation. In most cases, no reason is given as to why it is used. It is known that the isolates of the Fusarium spp. have a strong variability in aggressiveness [1–3]. As mixing in seedling tests strongly influences aggressiveness [1], it is important to know what the influence of m ...
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Article published the June 2, 2021
1. IntroductionGrain production is the basis of global food security and is indispensable for feeding the world. In 1798, Malthus argued that the global population increases more rapidly than global food supply until war, disease, or famine reduces the number of people [1]. The failure thus far of Malthus’s prediction has not prevented others from promoting similar scenarios in more recent d ...
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Article published the April 7, 2021
IntroductionThe toxigenic fungi cause heavy losses in the in the yield, but the toxic poisoning of the grain is economically far more important. They provide food safety risk in human food supply and the same is true also for the animal husbandry. The amount of the global grain mass contaminated by mycotoxins is estimated to about 210 million t. A significant part of the storage loss, estimated ab ...
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Article published the March 17, 2021
1. IntroductionFusarium head blight (FHB) is one of the most destructive diseases of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) worldwide. Research in the last decades clarifies that the most important toxin-regulating agent is disease resistance [1–4]. Therefore, most of the work belongs to the competence of plant breeding. The artificial inoculations have a larger significance as the natural conditions ...
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Participation in Forum on February 11, 2021
Most of the mycotoxin contamination is of field origin, this is valid also for aflatoxin, in the latest ecition of Compendium of corn diseases it was transferrer to field fungi and no discussed in chapter stotage fungi. From maize the higher aflatoxin rate from aflatoxin B1 was more than 2200 pp, fumonisin B1+B2 was 46 mg/kgand DON 27 mg/kg.In wheam the worst data wete between 20 and 30 mg/kg, but ...
Participation in Forum on January 5, 2021
I think that the best way is the prevention of the preharvest contamination. When you see the latest (4th) edition of Compendium of corn diseases, Aspergillus flavus was reclassified as mainly of field origin. From the Fusarium spp. this is not new. Most of the wheat and maize genotypes produce toxin contamination proportional with the visual severity, but a changing rate 10-20 % show overproducti ...
Participation in Forum on October 24, 2020
My largest problem that in your chart the first step is the forecasting. The prevention would be better, as I mentioned we have resistance differences to exploit. As it cannot ever be perfect, at least not at out present genetic knowledge, the significantly lower toxin contamination could be treated at a much better efficacy than the high one. This is clear. Toxin binders, antibiotics are expensiv ...
Participation in Forum on October 24, 2020
Occurrence of aflatoxin become regular in hot and dry seasons, lower occurrence wa in 2007, high in 2012 and medium in 2017. Natural aflatoxin contamination reached 3-400 ppb in maize (2017). As A. flavus is a regular component of fungi in the soil and sporadic infection can be seen yearly, the sword of Damocles is over us. However we detected high differences in aflatoxin contamination between h ...
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