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Using Phytase Matrix Value with the LCF

Published: January 3, 2020

Good Evening I have a question regarding using the phytase matrix value in the least cost formulation software. Should I enter the Calcium value, or should I leave it Zero? Dealing with the calcium figure is not like the others, because we don't have Total calcium, and available calcium in the formulation, we have only calcium which will assume that it is 100% available. for the energy, we have Total energy and ME, for phosphorus we have the total and the available, Amino acids we have total and digestible. but for the calcium we have only one figure, so I believe that the figure for the calcium should be Zero, because we assume that the calcium is 100% available. Please share with me your ideas.

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Nima Eila, Ricardo Hume
Haroon Mushtaq
9 de enero de 2020
In practical formulation, nutritionists usually consider P & Ca as per the recommendation of 'phytase company', keeping the rest of the nutrients escaped to provide benefit, if any, to birds. As for as terminology of 'P' is concerned, it's being used as 'non-phytate' and 'digestible'. The value of both is different for different sources (e.g.) MCP has 100% non-phytate P whereas its digestible value is 55% (as per the latest work of Ravindran). Why 'Ca' is taken as the total is, obviously, its low price. However, Anwar (2017) recently found out the digestible Ca value of different ingredients which range from 28-30%, for example, for canola meal.
M Hazzledine
Premier Nutrition
9 de enero de 2020

Hello Rami. You do need to take account of the Ca release from the phytase. You have 2 options. The first is to duplicate your Ca values on all raw materials and re-name this Ca analytical - no value on phytase. You use this for QC. Call the duplicate Ca biological and in this case, include the Ca release value on the phytase. Ca biological you use so set the animal requirements; Ca analytical has no constraints and just gives a QC target.
The second option is to formulate to digestible calcium depending upon what species you are referring to. We have some raw material values now for pigs but not complete as yet (unless maize/Soya/DDGS/lime based). Hans Stein and the group at Illinois, and Kansas State University, have a number of papers published on DCa in pigs. Mick

Mohammad Hosein Shahir
Zanjan University
9 de enero de 2020

I think you should use calcium matrix value of phytase, otherwise, calcium to phosphorus imbalance (the ratio more than 2) occurs.

Dr Maikano M Ari
10 de enero de 2020

Mohammad Hosein Shahir I agree with this position especially in rations where phytase is not added

Dr. Fiodor S. Marchenkov
Kronos -Agro private company
29 de abril de 2020
Mohammad Hosein Shahir Dear Mohammad, you are absolutely right! form my practical experience, if I use effective phytase against high phytate feed content, it is necessary to add more Ca to avoid imbalance! The excess of phosphorus, released by phytase, resulted to decrease egg shell quality. The best way to solve these problem is to use mogern software like Korm-Optima (Russia, Voronezh). And of course, apply phytase matrix values. For feed cost decreasing is reason to use "down specification" method (in contrast with "ower the top" method). In such poor countries like Ukraine, ower the top gives not enough benefit to user. In case of questions, my email is marchenkov150@gmail.com
Rafael Duran
IFF - International Flavors & Fragrances
9 de enero de 2020

Hello there. Mick´s comments are, to me, absolutely correct! Phytases do have an effect in making tot Ca of the diet more available to the bird. But to reflect this effect correctly without making mistakes in what real Ca can be measured in your feed, then use 2 Ca values for each ingredient: Ca analytical - I call it Ca label - and tot Ca (biological by Mick). However, for the phytase, just apply the second value, the tot Ca (biological).
When running LCF and fixing your min values, then apply tot Ca (biological); the program with target that min in the most economical way and you´ll get two Ca values: tot Ca (biological) and the Ca-label. This one will indicate the real Ca which eventually could be analyzed in the feed.
In this way, you optimize the phytase effect and reduce real Ca in your feeds.
Digestible Ca values for pigs are already available (Mick´s comment is accurate).

By from Colmenar Viejo, here in Spain.

Ahmad Karimi
University of Kurdistan
University of Kurdistan
9 de enero de 2020

Hello there. Based on my personal experience with phytase, beside considering phytase nPP equivalency (the value depend upon phytase origin and level), one should be very careful in considering phytase matrix value (for other nutrients such as amino acid, Ca, etc.) in practical diet formulation.

Dr Riaz
13 de enero de 2020
Ahmad Karimi your experience is correct and practical
9 de enero de 2020

Hello, everybody. I would like to know in your opinion what is the difference between Total and digestible Ca? How can this difference affect on our formulation? i think that we don't leave ca level Zero. Because with using Phytase we improve availability of Ca.

Rafael Duran
IFF - International Flavors & Fragrances
10 de enero de 2020
Hello. Any nutrient defined as digestible is, in principle, potentially of use to the animal. Total has much less meaning vs digestible from the nutritive stand point.
Amin Nahal
11 de enero de 2020

Should used matrix with CA because when good phytase work and broke IP6 to IP5 to IP4 to ....IP CA well be free to used and strach and protein and the important sodium

Ali Afsar
Evonik Animal Nutrition
Evonik Animal Nutrition
12 de enero de 2020
Dear Rami Unfortunately still many of the nutrients in feed specification for poultry is crude, like CP , CF , EE and of course Ca. Ca is usually over supplied to the poultry diet from many sources like: Drinking water (as a rule of thumb poultry take water twice the feed intake) , Carrier in premix , concentrate , pro-prebiotics also as anti-caking agent in SBM. For example when you add 1 kg of probiotic to the diet, practically you added 1 kg of CaCo3 that need to be taken under consideration. Also, consider that excess Ca has negative impact of Phytaze activity via complexing with Phytic acid in the small intestine and forming an insoluble complex via binding to the active site of phytase enzyme. Then my understanding about matrix value is as below: 1) Any source of Ca coming to the poultry diet (water, additives and so on) 2) Adjustment on the matrix value of Phytaze, as matrix values of enzymes are based on the average substrate content in the raw materials. Substrate is not fixed therefore matrix value should not be fixed also. 3) Considering both Ca and Av.P matrix in phytas Phytase matrix value Although each phytase product has its own matrix value that published by the manufacturing company, these matrices are not derived in the same way. The matrix involves values for Av. phosphorus, calcium, protein/amino acids, energy, and sodium. Research results and field experiences revealed that there should not be a fixed matrix value for phytase in all feed formulations. Poultry nutritionists can have their own matrix values that can be more reserved and have more safety margin than the values published by the manufacturing companies. The most important characteristics influencing phytase efficacy include activity in the upper digestive tract, affinity to phytate, and resistance to degradation. 1) pH : pH of 2.5 to 5.5 is the optimum range at which maximum benefits are obtained from phytase. Research studies revealed that bacterial phytase is more effective than fungal phytase at the above mentioned pH range. 2) Resistance to endogenous protease : Phytase enzyme is a proteinaceous compound, so, it can be susceptible to hydrolysis by pepsin enzyme in the GIT. Bacterial phytases revealed higher resistant against hydrolysis than fungal phytases. 3) Resistance to temperature : Due to its protein nature, phytase enzyme can be inactivated if exposed to a high temperature (above 70-75 ° C) as that occurs during feed conditioning and pelletizing. If the temperature exceeds 80 ° C as that occur during feed pelletizing, phytase enzyme should be protected either by coating or by providing it in an intrinsically thermostable form. Unprotected phytases can be utilized in pelletized feed in liquid form via spraying on the feed post pelleting. 4) Effect of NSP enzymes : a) elimination of the nutrient encapsulating effect of cell walls b) reduction of digesta viscosity (Kim et al., 2005) c) NSP enzymes may also increase the efficacy of phytase by eliminating the phytate chelating effects of NSP (Kim et al., 2005).is because NSP have the capacity to bind multivalent cations (Debon and Tester, 2001), which associate with phytate in both feedstuffs and in digesta. 5) Dosing and mixing errors ( mixing and dosing errors are almost every where ) 6) Availability and variation of the substrates 7) Dietary Factors a) Mineral content Although doubted in some literature, high level of dietary calcium has been reported to adversely affect phytase efficacy either via complexing with phytic acid in the small intestine and forming an insoluble complex or via binding to the active site of phytase enzyme. Similarly, higher levels of iron or zinc make insoluble complex with phytate and subsequently decrease the phosphorus releasing efficacy of phytase. Recently, high dietary sodium has been revealed to decrease phytase activity. Inspection of the mineral content of farm drinking water should be conducted at least once per year as most water of desert areas contains very high level of some minerals that could hinder phytase activity. Phytases that efficiently hydrolyze phytate in the proximal gut (crop and proventriculus) will counteract the adverse effect of high dietary minerals. b) Dietary phytate level Although phytase activity (phytate hydrolysis) is increased in diets containing low level of phytic acid, the absolute amount of liberated phosphorus is high in diets containing high level of phytic acid compared to those with low phytic acid. The degree of phytate hydrolysis and phosphorus release was at its highest level in rice polish followed by rice bran, wheat bran, sunflower meal, wheat middling, canola meal, soybean meal, corn gluten meal, full fat soy, wheat, corn, barley, sorghum, and corn DDGS respectively. c) Feed acidification As the acidic pH is the optimum pH for phytase activity, adding organic acids in the feed such as citric acid has been reported to increase phytase activity. 8) Feed conditioning and pelleting ( heat damage ) : Enzyme coating, granulation or post-pelleting applications have been proposed to counteract such effects 9) Granulation size I hope this can help
Akbar Yaghobfar
14 de enero de 2020
Ali Afsar Thanks
Dr. Md. Zaminur Rahman
Tufts University
Tufts University
21 de enero de 2020
Ali Afsar nicely written.
Dr. Fiodor S. Marchenkov
Kronos -Agro private company
29 de enero de 2020
Dear Ali Afsar , you are absolutely right! I confirm your opinion using my personal 20-years experience with an phytase and NSP-enzymes.
Dr Maikano M Ari
26 de abril de 2020
Ali Afsar Nice narrative but you need to take into account the class and physiological functions of animals uptaing Ca.. example is high performing layer
Abdelrahman Salah
16 de mayo de 2020
Ali Afsar Dear Ali, Your reply is highly appreciated, thanks.
Mohammed Hasan Alzawqari
23 de agosto de 2024
@Ali Afsar thank you so much for writing these useful points
Faiz ahmad
Optimus formulation
13 de enero de 2020
Ricardo Hume
21 de enero de 2020
If we don't use a "digestible calcium" value for the ingredients I think Rami is right saying that we should put a 0% value for calcium in the phytase matrix because the enzyme does not provide calcium by itself.
Syed Farjad Zaidi
21 de enero de 2020
Dear Ali Afsar Very good nice presentation covering all possible aspect to be care for for getting maximum from a phytase enzyme.Direct and indirect effect of different minerals and other enzyme regarding it enhancing efficacy of Phytase enzyme.Hope more detailed work on points highlighted will improve use of enzyme and performance of feeds.keep sharing more.
Ali Afsar
Evonik Animal Nutrition
Evonik Animal Nutrition
24 de agosto de 2020
Dear Syed Farjad Zaidi , Many thanks for your kind feedback.
gaurang singh
5 de febrero de 2020

Input on supper dosing of phytase. That’s more than 500fyt/kg feed to 1000fy/kg feed.

Rafael Duran
IFF - International Flavors & Fragrances
5 de febrero de 2020
Hello again. Respecting all opinions, from my experience, I would certainly use a tot Ca value as a matrix - the phytase has an sparing effect of Ca by avoiding its chelation to the phytate-, but then for the rest of the ingredients I would add to the existing tot Ca, a new value - identical to the total Ca-, called "label", "analytical"..., you name it. After the LCF exercise, you´ll get the solution with: i) tot Ca - including the value provided by the phytase matrix - and; ii) label Ca, lower than the tot Ca, but this will be the one to reflect in the label, since it should match in reality with the Ca coming from all other ingredients but the phytase. If still not clear, then I will accept my educational skills are poor. Have a great day you all, Rafa, from Colmenar Viejo, Spain.
Yeshambel Mekuriaw
Bahir Dar University
Bahir Dar University
12 de febrero de 2020
Yes, I like.
19 de febrero de 2020

Ali Afsar and all other sector partners, thanks for your valuable comments and information sharing. Thank you to all of you...

Tanaji Valmik Lokare
16 de marzo de 2020
Sir, Its knowledge giving Article regarding use of phytase Enzyme, Matrix value of phytase , Activity at acidic pH , Most important things is that it is proteinaceous enzyme which can not be blend with Protease like enzymes while making cocktail enzymes. Enzyme making company having cocktail enzymes containing both Protease as well as Phytase . from This Article this is sure that phytase should not be mixed with Protease . Bacterial phytase is more resistant than fungal this point also a learning one. Phytase activity is depends upon Phytic acid contain to releases the phosphorus. Very good information I got from this Article its great Article thanks
Dr Valeriy Kryukov
24 de abril de 2020

Matrix values of enzymes, including phytases, are a Chimera invented by merchants to promote products on the market. In serious scientific journals, the matrix is not supported.
I publish my work only in Russian. There are publications on matrices, Review on phytases (2019). Russian Russian translator who can read in Russian or translate an article from Russian using a computer translator, I can send you my articles. Give me the address.

24 de abril de 2020
Dr Valeriy Kryukov sebai@teknoyem.com Thanks in advance
Dr Piotr Stanislawski
5 de mayo de 2020

Dr Valeriy Kryukov Matrix value/correction factors - doesn't matter the name. But the values contribution from enzyme activity is a must for nutritionists. We can't neglect the nutrients improvement (more avP, Ca, ME) adding enzymes.For many cases adding enzymes "on top" is not helping, even negative. If you don't calculate eg. Ca reached from phytates then your Ca is too high vs,P (disballance) and lead to lower performance. For enzymes producers/distributors/users the value of nutrient "uplift" is calculated in money.Is that something wrong? You get same feed nutritional value for lower many. I am FOR.

Dr. Fiodor S. Marchenkov
Kronos -Agro private company
6 de mayo de 2020
Dr Piotr Stanislawski Agree with Dr.Stanislavski opinion. Absolutely right! "Down Specification" is the best way to use feed enzymes, at least at East-European feed market. Main target is to decrease feed cost, as much as possible.
Akbar Yaghobfar
25 de abril de 2020
Dr Valeriy Kryukov
25 de abril de 2020

Dear Sirs! All my publications are in Russian, but you can translate them into any language using a computer translator. Below is my brief note about matrices at www.kombi-korma.ru.

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