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IntroductionRoutine supplementation of dietary Cu, as well as other trace minerals, is intended to prevent deficiencies that originate from the lack of sufficient amounts of this micromineral in the feeds. Copper sulfate (CuSO4) is traditionally utilized as the source Cu of supplementation in poultry feeds because of its wide availability and low cost (1).Total supplemental Cu in commercially form ...
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DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEMA principal goal of nutritionists is to provide birds with a balanced diet that maximizes production at the least cost. Meat bird performance is maximized when feeding pelleted diets (Patton et al., 1937; Hussar and Robblee, 1962; Jensen et al., 1962). However, the nutritional value of feed presented to birds in feed pans throughout the house may not align with diet formulati ...
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fully agree with the line of arguments of Tahir Naseem, however, the words he uses to define the "form" of an element limit the possibility of further development of research in this direction.1. 1. The terms "organic or inorganic": the term organic is applicable only to compounds of elements and is not applicable to individual elements. Thus, Cu, Zn, Na, Ca, P, N, O are elements and they cannot b ...
Participation in Forum on December 10, 2024
fully agree with the line of arguments of Tahir Naseem, however, the words he uses to define the "form" of an element limit the possibility of further development of research in this direction.1. 1. The terms "organic or inorganic": the term organic is applicable only to compounds of elements and is not applicable to individual elements. Thus, Cu, Zn, Na, Ca, P, N, O are elements and they cannot b ...
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Copper (Cu) is a vital element involved in cellular metabolism and enzyme systems. At levels greater than nutritional requirements, dietary Cu addition enhances growth performance as a growth promoter (Pesti and Bakalii, 1996). Copper dosing at levels up to 250 mg/kg feed has been shown to improve intestinal structure and function, and alter the intestinal microbiota profile (Di Giancamillo et al. ...
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I. INTRODUCTIONThe move towards lower protein diets in the UK has been driven by several factors over the last 20 years or so. In the early 1990’s the transition was made to formulating using digestible amino acids rather than total; this immediately gave a reduction in protein content and was, in hindsight, a useful cost reduction and performance improving step. By 1996, though, the challen ...
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1. IntroductionFeed materials, such as wheat and maize, are known to be major variables when formulating poultry diets, as their nutrient profile and quality are often inconsistent and deviate from default values used by feed formulation software [1]. Additionally, the feed industry has access to a wide range of feedstuffs and the use of a particular ingredient will often depend on its cost, sinc ...
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IntroductionRecently, higher dietary arginine (Arg) levels than the recommended values in nutritional tables have been reported (Murakami et al. 2012; Xu et al., 2018; Zampiga et al.,2018; Oliveira et al., 2022). This suggests that Arg levels needed for maximum performance are increased in modern broilers. The high dietary Arg levels found in the literature may be associated with the critical role ...
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John Boney (Penn State University) comments on nutrient segregation, feed quality, pellet degradation, and on-farm feed sampling methods, in this Engormix interview.
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