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Zelal Saftli
Participation in Forum on September 10, 2024
@Haysam demeriah If We suppose 1 Kg Phytase 5000 will release 10540 g avP100 g/T ..............will release 1054 g of avP/ T1 Kg DCM = 180 g av P1054 / 180 = 5.86 Kg /T?100 g/T ..............will release 922 g Ca5.86 Kg * 24% = 1406 g Loss = 1406 - 922 = 484 gCaco3 = 40 %484/400= 1.21 Kg
Participation in Forum on September 10, 2024
@Haysam demeriah If We suppose 1 Kg Phytase 5000 will release 488716 Kcal100 g/T ..............will release 48871.6 Kcal48871.6 ÷ 8800 = 5.6 Kg oil
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Steve Leeson (Professor Emeritus, University of Guelph) comments on the use of amino acids in broiler nutrition and the performance of low energy diets, in this Engormix interview.
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Balanced nutrition for different phases of chicken The potential of the germ plasm in poultry available in India is manifested to the maximum, when the health and management of the flock is maintained. If either the nutrition or nutrient management is suboptimal, growth and egg production decline, increasing the cost of production. Higher nutrient specifications than required cause nutrient wastag ...
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Dr. Mike Czarick, Senior Public Service Associate at University of Georgia, discusses the principles of keeping birds cold during hot weather during the XXII Latin American Poultry Congress, August 2011.
Discussion created on September 22, 2020
nutrition, breeding
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Due to the vast expansion of poultry industry challenges also increases. One of them is the control of microbial population which is done by excessive use of therapeutics antibiotics and AGP’s. The indiscriminate use of these products results in the emergence of antibiotic resistance. Apart from resistance it also leads to public health concern. Due to this EU has banned the use of AGP&rsquo ...
Photo posted on October 5, 2017
Awassi sheep fattening
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October 15, 2014
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Location:Damascus, Dimashq, Syria
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