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Participation in Forum on October 17, 2023
@Pirzado M Zakria I do not understand your question ("If use phytase, nsps and protease enzymes in feed, how can we get matrix from these").What individual enzyme you mean?
Participation in Forum on October 15, 2023
Hi Pirzado M.ZakriaThere is a matrix for multienzymes use. The general rule is: minerals from Phytase, energy from NSP and protein from protease (as 100%). From other enzymes, we take 50-25%. This is a simplification, of course, and the composition must be considered individually. For exact calculation please ask the producer/distributor as DSM, Danisco, AB or Addiseo.
Dr. Piotr Stanislawski likes the comment:
I know that enzymes work at least on our farm
Participation in Forum on August 23, 2022
Luis Fernando you are right. I am always against using enzymes on top; it is not only Waste of money but additionaly destroy the mineral balance as Phytase does. It costs extra. As the best case enzymes on top do not work and money to buy them are just lost
Participation in Forum on August 22, 2022
Ahmad fully agree with you. All the factors must be considered by nutritionist to reach optimum efficacy
Participation in Forum on August 20, 2022
Please check If any enzyme is maybe in your concentration They could be included to decrease cost of components;; eg Phytase dose is much cheaper than phosphate as MCP or DCP to reach proper P level in concentrate If there is not included you can add it directly to the mixer together with concentration and cereals, etc
Dr. Piotr Stanislawski likes the comment:
Dear Piotr, thanks for very interesting and very important discussion. It is very heavy to discuss it in short. A lot of questions! For what reason we apply feed enzymes? Is it reasonable? Is it profitable? Matrix values: maximum rates to obtain maximum sales? Search for alternative sources of energy and protein? Also important: what application method to apply: over the top or down specification? ...
Participation in Forum on April 14, 2022
Ewa Sujka It means that 600 g CC we can replace with 300 g your product; the concentration is double. How to describe it in LCF program? As choline or choline chlorid? The equivalent content in 1 kg product (1200 g CC in 1 kg product?).
Participation in Forum on April 13, 2022
Akbar Yaghobfarf feed enzymes are exogenous and they work with/ on proper substrate eg xylanase works with xylans ( substrate) included in feed components Cutting xylans they open the „ door” for endogenous enzymes ( eg amylase or protease) Birds don’t have enough (eg Phytase) or not producing such enzymes at all. So, exogenous and endogenous enzymes cooperate in digestive process. Without exogen ...
Dr. Piotr Stanislawski likes the comment:
Unfortunately, most people claim they are nutritionists and don't pay attention to basic nutrition concepts such as precision nutrition and optimal growth curve, also known as the magic mountain; Enzymes will work regardless of the formula. A well-trusted source of enzyme is all that is needed. However, if the diet is formulated to optimum or over formulated, and the formulator decides to give the ...
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Location:Warsaw/ Grodzisk Maz., Warszawa, Poland
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Nutritionist
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