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Ricardo Hume likes this technical article:
I. INTRODUCTIONCalcium (Ca) is a dietary essential mineral for poultry and the requirements for poultry have been investigated extensively for more than 75 years (Driver et al., 2005). Calcium is the most prevalent mineral in the body and is important for many physiological processes such as enzyme activation, intracellular signalling, acid base balance, eggshell formation and bone mineralisation ...
Participation in Forum on February 5, 2024
Excellent paper Stuart.Right now the only thing that I am sure of is that almost 99% of Ca is stored in the skeleton as hydroxyapatite (Proszkowiec-Weglarz and Angel, 2013) and that hydroxyapatite has a Ca:P relationship of 2Ca:1P.If today, when formulating by total calcium, we tend to exceed the calcium requirement of the formulas, we will do so to a greater extent when formulating by digestible ...
Participation in Forum on January 29, 2024
This is certainly not the case in Argentina where the cheapest feed cost per balanced calorie tends to be at the highest range of commonly used feed energies.And as a consequence, the poultry industry is going towards grow to higher broiler weights to maximize the return over feed costs.
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Mohammad Afrouziyeh (University of Alberta) discusses Least Cost Feed formulation and Maximum Profit Feed formulation models, as well as the application of mathematical Linear Programming and Non Linear Programming models that are used in animal nutrition.
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Great topic! That will be a robust energy system to chase NE for maintenance and production. So far, there's been an ongoing debate among researchers on whether the poultry industry would benefit from a NE system over the ME system due to the following challenges: 1. Inconsistent definition of NE 2. Challenges regarding measuring heat production (Sources of heat are confounded; Non-feed factors ca ...
Participation in Forum on August 7, 2023
Congratulations Christine!
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The status of Fellow is one of the highest distinctions a PSA member can achieve. The election to Fellow recognizes members of the Poultry Science Association for professional distinction and contributions to the field of poultry science and service to the Poultry Science Association. Not more than five members may be elected as Fellows at any one annual meeting. A two-thirds majority vote by the ...
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Dr Mohammad Afrouziyeh You are right we are witnesses of a debate among researchers and poultry practical nutritionist about the benefits or merits of a NE system over the consistent and very well known AMEn energy system. Moreover you listed at least three challenges to be overcome ; and thereafter you stated factors that " make unnecessary " to use the NE system in poultry nutrition. Loo ...
Participation in Forum on March 5, 2023
Lofgreen G.P. and W.N. Grarret developed a Net Energy System in Formulating diets for Beef Cattle. As doing so they partition the energy of the feeds into two measures, one for maintenance and a second one for weight gain. Is Dr. Coon developing something similar for poultry?. In that case I share the same interest as A.Irazusta to know more about his System. If so, it creates a new difficulty to ...
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Craig Coon (University of Arkansas) shares his knowledge regarding this subject, focusing on energy, proteins and amino acids, as well as the advances made in the industry throughout the years, in this interview during IPPE 2023 in Atlanta, USA.
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Location:Escobar, Buenos Aires, Argentina
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