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subhash jogdand
M V Sc
Technical Advisor Godatir Poultry Services pvt Ltd Nanded
M V Sc
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The occurrence of pasty vent is usually observed after 3 days of age when chicks are mainly depending on their feed rather than their yolk sac. Some chicken flocks present pasty vent more often than others, being their frequency variable and hard to track. How can it be prevented or treated? Could this characteristic damage the growth or feed conversion ratio at the market age? The pasty vents are ...
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This practically depends on the percent of variation and etiology. Its difficult to recover if Reo or AE infection in origin & need to workout from parent level for next batches. Now at present what you thought to separate is advisable which we do follow in India in large size flocks. If weight variation is above 10% and variation percent is more than 15% it becomes mandatory. Do separate the smal ...
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There may be various reasons of uneven growth. Most of them are managemantal. The small farmers and chick traders have a normal tendency to blame the chicks producers of supplying poor quality chicks but, dose never rectify their managemental condition. My experience is,even poor quality chicks perform well provided management is good. Out of the major conditions- overcrowding, lack of feeders and ...
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The key issue in broilers is maternal antobody levels. Integrators vaccinate the parent stock before lay and mid lay at 45 weeks to acheive high mab in chicks. Broiler chicks are vaccinated once on 13/14 days. Depending on the challenge they decide on intermediate vaccines. For layers in india typical 13 and 23 daysxvaccination is followed. For new areas where the disease is emerging 3 13 23 sche ...
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Dear Sir, I would like to know if the mortality figures are in % (In Broilers: Mortality is 30-50 and decreasing in the weight gain about 10 the price of 1kg was 1.78 $. After the increase in temperature, the price of 1kg is 2.28$. In Egg Layers: Mortality is 15-20 and decline in egg production by 20. In Broiler Breeders: Mortality is 10 and decline in egg production and hatchability) T ...
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Dear All, I wish to add some following points thoroughly to overcome the problem of heat stress : Heat Stress & Ambient Temperature 55° to 75°F Thermal neutral zone. The temperature range in which the bird does not need to alter its basic metabolic rate or behavior to maintain its body temperature. 65° to 75°F Ideal temperature range. 75° to 85°F A slight reduction in feed consu ...
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High ambient temperatures coupled with high humidity can be devastating to commercial broilers. Heat stress interferes with the broiler´s comfort and suppresses productive efficiency. Although increased heat is seen as a major problem in poultry production, studies show that it is not only the excessively high temperatures, but also the fluctuation of the temperature which is more detrimenta ...
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Enzymes are widely accepted to improve the utilization of nutrients in poultry diets and increase the capacity of birds to perform on less digestible feed ingredients. However, increasing volatility in raw material prices for feed ingredients and stricter regulations on feed safety to control salmonella in poultry production, are changing the way we formulate and process poultry diets and requires ...
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Besides all the good coments above, it is advisable when one receives chicks to check on their body weight uniformity and CV to see it they are sourced from different aged egg donor flocks mixed together which will cause the smaller birds to struggle to compete with the older birds, see also how long since the birds have been from hatch to farm and at what temperature, since dehydration plays a ...
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Specially brooding is effect on growth of birds. it may seen as uneven growth of birds. Brooding is a critical stage to all typrs of birds. 1. Temperature - Provide better source of heat and adjusting the temperature based on the chick activity Air temperature in the facility must be uniform in all areas. Chicks will huddle and will not eat if the environment is cold. 2. Humidity - For chicks, id ...
Location:Pune, Maharashtra, India
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: M V Sc
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