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Vaccines against Gumboro disease

Vaccines and vaccinations against Gumboro disease: the key points

Published: September 29, 2011
Introduction Gumboro Disease, more properly called Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD), is one of the most important viral diseases of chickens. The virus responsible for this condition (IBDV) can be found in almost all farms and countries. Many studies have already been conducted on this disease but more are still needed to better understand the consequences of the genetic and antigenic va...
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Tarusenga Munyanyi
3 de marzo de 2016
the best immune is acheived in clean in environment where there is no high level of contamination of bacteria and virus. Good biosecurity is important and all in and all out is important. Remember also the field strain which you are dealing with could be more virulent than r the vaccine. Remember all vaccines do match all geographical locations of each particular strain in the vaccine as well.
Sataluri Satagopa Raja Ayyangar
Synergy Biorefineries Pvt
3 de marzo de 2016
Self immune systems are to be developed instead of external methods which may cause serious effects.
Nagwa Abd El Aziz Shalaby
3 de marzo de 2016
Hi I think the bio security is the first step in farm . The secand ration use for chicks. The third one status of health chicks. The fourth program of vaccine
Dr Kotaiah Talapaneni
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
4 de marzo de 2016
The key issue in broilers is maternal antobody levels. Integrators vaccinate the parent stock before lay and mid lay at 45 weeks to acheive high mab in chicks. Broiler chicks are vaccinated once on 13/14 days. Depending on the challenge they decide on intermediate vaccines. For layers in india typical 13 and 23 daysxvaccination is followed. For new areas where the disease is emerging 3 13 23 schedule is followed. The first one is milder. When there is a heavy challenge re combinant vaccines combining ibd+mareks for day old or in ovo at 18th day is being followed. For high challenge areas intermediate+ vaccines are available which are generally used once on a farm toning down to intermediate types in the next batches to avoid immino suppression.
Youssef Attia
5 de marzo de 2016
Maternal antibody; infram biosecurity; nutrition of the breeders and chikens as well; vaccnation program; and health status are among the most imprtant factors; IBD is a problematic in Egypt
dauda oche
5 de marzo de 2016
According to research I conducted. The best route of Gumboro vaccination is the intra ocular route. At day 7 and 17 respectively
salih osman
5 de marzo de 2016
I think take blood samples in parents and layers chicken to check maternal immunity levels to make prediction day to vaccination it will help . And biosecurity as others mentioned is the back bone of the poultry farm
Kabir Ahmed Chohan
5 de marzo de 2016
1st important priority: biosecurity 2nd: Biosecurity 3rd: Biosecurity 4th: Vaccination. The only thing that can prevent the chick from 1st week or from 1-10th day is MDA. SO BREEDER VACCINATION IS MOST IMPORTANT TO PREVENT EARLY AGE INFECTION. THE PROTECTIVE TITRE FOR DOC IS 3000-4000 WITH LOWEST CV%
Dr m usman haider
5 de marzo de 2016
I Dr m Usman haider lot of factors are here for good IBD tigers. 1.Wt of day old chick chicks between 36 to 40gm have good maternal antibiotics titer you can vaccinate the flock Ist shot from 7 to 9 days of age but again area of flock Ist live shot can not provide titer up to protectI've margen because 1 to 3 days need recognization of antigen and further 3 to 4 production of antibodies so a gap create between Bird protective range and if toxin in feed weather stress brooding stress medicine stress will not achieve the protective titer so need 2nd shot within 10 day of Ist shot when second shot introduced it will get titer in 7 hours above from protective titer which help flock save from IBD 2.Bird health important for good titer.3.biosecurity most impotent.4.in pak we get good result of transimmune vaccine. 4 vaccinaction programme made according to area and bird wt severity of disease in area.5.if the age of parent flock is more then 40 weeks and no vaccinated with oil Base IBD the maternal antibiotic titer is less so vaccinate that flock early.6.it's important to vaccinate parent flock after 40 week age get excellent maternal antibiotic titer.thanx.
Richard Muia
6 de marzo de 2016
I find this a very interesting presentation. Something though perplexes me. Assuming high presence of the virus within the chicken environment I would expect a collateral high seroconversion and high titres of circulating antibodies in the birds especially after the maternal antibodies wear out. such flocks would be protected from challenged from virus present in the environment, I expect unless the birds are immunosuppressed through other management or disease conditions in the farm. Why then do the young birds come down with disease immediately maternal antibodies wear out? Is it the heavy challenge or the is the virus antigenicity changing? What levels of the virus should we expect within the flock for optimal productivity low, high or moderate levels? Thank you for the eye opening presentation. Muia
6 de marzo de 2016
I think that biosecurity has a minor role in preventing Gumboro disease. IBDV is very resistant in the environment and the vaccination is unavoidable.To reduce the incidence of IBD, we must ovoid the vaccine neutralisation by the residual antibodies. we can achieve this goal by vaccination at the optimal age or by using a new generation of vaccines like recombinant ones. it is known that the immune induced by recombinant vaccines don't replace the maternal antibodies but reinforces them.
Wajid Arshad
6 de marzo de 2016
The incidance of gumboro has a great relavance with the maternal antibodies, in some broiiler breeder management systems, the boosters for gumbo vaccinations are overlooked du= to the reason that it doesn't has direct significance to their breeder. So, it is the best proposed way for commercial broiler producer that they get a complete profile of antibody titer against certain diseases from the hatchery or they themselves get the titer of day old chicks. This may better help them to design a MDA curve to programme vaccination schedule. In endemic areas, hyperimmunization at an early stage has yielded excellent results. Wajid Arshad Khan PhD, immunopathology.
9 de marzo de 2016
With my little experience in the field. I think two major things are very important when considering vaccination for gumboro. 1st thing is the maternal antibody which has to be monitored till it waned before introducing vaccine. There are several systems nowadays that can be used to monitor mab and also predict accurately the vaccination day. All this methods uses deventer log 2 system. The 2nd thing of consideration is vaccine type: Intermediate, intermediate plus, hot gumboro vaccine, eyc
9 de marzo de 2016
It should be noted that intermediate plus and hot vaccines can break through mab and also will cause significant damage to bursa of fabricius. If u are in very endemic areas u can consider using this type of vaccine. This also has something to do with expertise cos if not u can have vaccine break and thus experience classical infection. So pls always be aware of the type of gumboro vaccine u are using. Also the hot vaccines have sometimes immunosuppressive properties and Shd be carefully used. Two times vaccination with hot and intermediate strain is enough in endemic areas
Oyedele Oyewumi
Prinzvet Livestock Consult
11 de marzo de 2016
sero-monitoring and biosecurity are two ket factors to consider in immunising birds against gumboro
19 de octubre de 2016
Two times vaccination with hot and intermediate strain is enough in endemic areas is really good idea. What would be yours advice if the vaccination day prediction is on day 14? Day 11 Intermediate strain Day 14 Intermiediate plus or hot strain? Thank you for answer.
Dr. Jignesh Barot
1 de marzo de 2017
Thank you all for sharing your experience and assumptions. If we talk about commercial layer, how effective/logical if an Inactivated IBD vaccine is given on 3rd/4th day, followed by live intermediate-intermediate plus-intermediate- vaccine schedule (7-10 days intervals) , particularly in high challenge area? Will that inactivated vaccine provide immunity in later susceptible age period (5-8 weeks)? Thanks
Desmond Osakue
5 de abril de 2023
Is it healthy to keep gumboro vaccine frozen for some hours like 5 to 6 hours before defrost ?
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