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Video published on December 20, 2024
Mr Shrikrishna Gangurde, Director of Avee Broilers, discusses India’s first pure-line broiler breed, and the company’s global expansion into Africa, Uzbekistan, and Russia. He shares insights on adapting poultry to local environments, evolving chicken consumption trends, and India’s growing role in global poultry production.
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Mr. O.P. Singh, Managing Director of ABTL Enzymes, shares his experience and tips on some steps to develop a strong brand in this sector
Participation in Forum on January 21, 2023
Very rightly said sir
Participation in Forum on May 2, 2021
shrikrishna gangurde likes the comment:
It is likely that addition of protease enzyme in feed with the reduction of protein in the feed could help in better balance between essential and non essential amino acids there by reducing the endogenous losses.
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Dear Rami Unfortunately still many of the nutrients in feed specification for poultry is crude, like CP , CF , EE and of course Ca. Ca is usually over supplied to the poultry diet from many sources like: Drinking water (as a rule of thumb poultry take water twice the feed intake) , Carrier in premix , concentrate , pro-prebiotics also as anti-caking agent in SBM. For example when you add 1 kg ...
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Should used matrix with CA because when good phytase work and broke IP6 to IP5 to IP4 to ....IP CA well be free to used and strach and protein and the important sodium
shrikrishna gangurde likes the comment:
Hello. Any nutrient defined as digestible is, in principle, potentially of use to the animal. Total has much less meaning vs digestible from the nutritive stand point.
Participation in Forum on July 1, 2019
You can 1. Grind coarse particles and reduce fine in feed by replacing Calcite powder with MCP. 2. Include insoluble fiber like sunflower deoil cake.3. Reduce the peristaltic movement.Will help in reducing cocci with anticoccidial programme.
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August 5, 2018
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