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Sandro Cerrate likes the video:
BE THE MASTER OF ENERGY. Dr. Pierre-André Geraert, Adisseo's director of Scientific Marketing, points out the benefits of NESTOR, a service to obtain nutritional recommendations for poultry & swine in net energy, digestible amino acids, and minerals to adapt them to specific conditions
Participation in Forum on April 26, 2022
Dr.SENNA KESAVAN BVSc&AH, Yes, sure. Just contact me at Regards
Video published on February 11, 2022
Sandro Cerrate (Credinser) explains the benefits of doing it with a device that measures the breast angle instead of following the traditional manual method.
Participation in Forum on January 10, 2022
ibrahimmuhammadisah The requirements of amino acids change for several reasons, one of them is the feed form, mash or pellet; and another is the age of feeding. As birds age, the digestible amino acids reduce. The levels of lysine that you mentioned is digestible and what level is?. Further, the digestible methionine and cysteine should be quantified together. We are assuming that the requirement ...
Participation in Forum on December 21, 2021
Luis Fernando Vergamini Luna thanks for your kind words. Indeed, it is a challenge for the poultry industry trying to achieve or surpass the standard guides from the breeder companies. For that reason they, institutions, and Universities always are running broiler trials to fine tune the genetic progress. Further, these new changes are tested in large or medium poultry companies to later on apply ...
Article published the December 3, 2021
During these difficult times facing the coronavirus outbreak, the poultry producers are acting toward the abrupt drop of broiler meat prices. Further, the reduction of chicken sales has forced some farms to decrease their poultry production. Under this circumstance, poultry farmers are increasing their biosecurity and becoming more efficient by reducing the feed cost or costs related to poultry pr ...
remove_red_eye 531
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Article published the December 1, 2021
Sometimes chicken flocks resulted in less livability and body weight at seven days of age than other ones without knowing the reason. Besides, this reduced performance at an early age has a carryover effect until the market age. What was the cause? Probably, the lower broiler performance is mostly related to the quality of the chicks that arrive at the farms. Indeed, the broiler breeders, incubati ...
remove_red_eye 395
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Sandro Cerrate likes the comment:
Excellent summary, very useful, thankyou. I see throughout the text references (1,2...etc) but I cannot really correlate these with the bibliography. Maybe next article you can number the bibliography to directly link to items in the article? MPS
Sandro Cerrate likes the comment:
Very good article, excellent data. Congratulations!
Article published the November 3, 2021
Calculating a proper stocking density will determine the maximum farm profitability in broiler chickens. Choosing the stocking density implies knowing the impacts on live performance, and its interrelations with the environment and dietary nutrients. Abundant studies about stocking density run under non-commercial conditions might not indicate the best reliable information to know the farm profita ...
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Location:Madison, Alabama, Estados Unidos de América
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Animal Nutritionist
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