Explore all the information onPoultry gut health
The efficient conversion of feed into its basic components for optimal nutrient absorption is vital for both broiler and broiler breeder production and welfare. Gut health, an intricate and complex area combining nutrition, microbiology, immunology and physiology, has a key role to play. When gut health is compromised, digestion and nutrient absorption are affected which, in turn, can have a detrimental effect on feed conversion leading to economic loss and a greater susceptibility to disease. In addition, recent changes in legislation on the use of antimicrobials, differing feed requirements and more efficient birds highlight the need for a better understanding of gut function and gut health.
Aaron Cowieson (DSM) discusses microbiome research in poultry nutrition and the feed additives considered, during this Engormix interview....
1. Introduction The small intestine is a highly differentiated and complex organ with many nutritional, physiological, and immunological functions [1–8]. First, the small intestine is responsible for the terminal digestion and absorption of dietary nutrients and is, therefore, essential to health, growth, development, reproduction, and sustaining life in organisms. Second, the neonatal small intestine can absorb immunoglobulins from milk before gut closure, which is...
Two experiments evaluated the addition of an exogenous sfericase protease in broiler diets. Experiments were run (Exp1 and Exp2) with 1,848 and 2,100 one-day old male chicks being allocated into 84 floor pens with 14 replicates of 22 and 25 birds each, respectively. The studies were conducted in completely randomized designs. In Exp1, Standard diets were formulated with energy and AA at marginally lower levels than usual by the Brazilian integration such that broilers were expected to grow...
Introduction Modern broiler chickens are most certainly a most visible manifestation of genetic advancements. At hatch, a Cobb500 broiler weighs 42 grams. This newborn chick grows 31 % (55 g/bird) in just twenty-four hours. By day 35 of age, this chicken reaches a body weightof 2,521 grams, representing 5,902 % relative to hatching mass (Cobb-Vantres 500, 2022). Genetic selection, food, health, and management measures carried out intensively have resulted in these successes....
Following the success of the Research Topic “Alternatives to Antimicrobial Growth Promoters and Their Impact in Gut Microbiota, Health, and Disease: Volume II,” we received an invitation from Frontiers to work on Volume II. This second volume includes 31 scientific articles, in the text of individual chapters in this Frontiers Research Topic. The editors are grateful to all 197 authors that contributed and participated in the achievement of Volume II. Homo sapiens reached...
The Poultry Research Foundation, in conjunction with WPSA -Australian Branch, cordially invites you to the 35th Australian Poultry Science Symposium at the Sheraton Grand Sydney, Hyde Park.
The Australian Poultry Science Symposium (APSS) is the premier avian science conference in Australia, attracting delegates from right across the country and around the world. This year our conference will focus on an over-arching theme of: “Frontier Science - Integrating Nutrition, Gut...
Deoxynivalenol (DON) is a major mycotoxin from the trichothecene family of mycotoxins produced by Fusarium fungi that cause disease in grains. Food and feed contaminated with DON cause a variety of adverse health effects in humans and farm animals. Fifty-four one-day-old broilers (Ross 308) were randomly allocated to three different treatment groups (n = 18 per group): ...
I. DEVELOPMENT OF A BALANCED GUT MICROBIOTA ECOSYSTEM AND THE COMPLEX HOST –MICROBIOTA INTERACTION. In the past, investigation of the intestinal bacterial population has been done with in vitro culture techniques. These techniques are able to assess only those bacterial species that can be grown in different media in laboratory conditions. Modern approaches using molecular techniques were able to show that a significant part of intestinal microbiota was not properly...
The caecal microbiota composition of commercial broilers is essential to the poultry industry as it can affect the broiler’s health and performance (Pandit et al., 2018). Bioactive components of the Black Soldier Fly larvae (BSFL) include antimicrobial peptides, chitin, and lauric acid. They are known to modulate the immune system of broiler chickens (De Souza-Vilela et al., 2020). This study aimed to investigate the impact of BSFL on the diversity, structure, and composition of the...
David Revilla, DVM from Liptosa Sales Department, talks about the use of Liptosafe® in poultry farming.
*Certain information associated with products, their composition and claims may be different depending on the geographical region and may not be applicable in all countries. Liptosa reserves the right to adapt to the requirements and legislation in each case.
The information and technical recommendations provided herein are based on Liptosa's current knowledge and experience.
Overview Corn is the most common feed ingredient used in poultry nutrition. Maize contributes with up to 65% of the metabolizable energy and 20% of crude protein in poultry diets (Gehring et al., 2013; Dei, 2017). Its average nutritional value is well-known, but it is accepted that the variability in its composition and energy value is a very common issue with great impact on poultry performance and health (Cowieson, 2005; Gehring et al., 2013; Latham et al., 2016;...
Joginder Singh Uppal. Regional Business Director at Proteon Pharmaceuticals India, talks about the experience and success of using bacteriophages in the Indian Subcontinent
Tryptophan, Serotonin & Melatonin Tryptophan (Trp) is an essential amino acid (AA), which is the building block of protein, therefore it cannot be synthesized by the body itself and must be obtained through food; it is important for many metabolic functions. Trp supplementation improves...
Introduction Protein besides biologically active compound in the body exists as enzymes & hormones, also plays important role in physiology of living organisms. Soybean meal (SBM) is complete conventional protein source with well-balanced amino acids profile. On the other hand due to increase in prices of SBM, alternative sources like groundnut cake, sunflower meal, guar meal, rapeseed cake, cotton seed cake, copra meal, maize gluten, DDGS etc. are used, but they have...
BEST-PRO is a most formidable alternative protein source along with probiotics. BEST-PRO is a unique combination of highly bioavailable protein with probiotics which helps to optimize protein requirement of birds, improve gut health, growth performance and production parameters....
Introduction Probiotics are living microorganisms which when administered in adequate amount confer health benefits on the host. Probiotics are one of the more efficient methods of pathogen control and have not detrimental effects to the environment as...
Ana Maria Villegas (Evonik Animal Nutrition) speaks about some strategies for preventing and controlling Necrotic Enteritis in poultry flocks...