Explore all the information onPoultry gut health
The efficient conversion of feed into its basic components for optimal nutrient absorption is vital for both broiler and broiler breeder production and welfare. Gut health, an intricate and complex area combining nutrition, microbiology, immunology and physiology, has a key role to play. When gut health is compromised, digestion and nutrient absorption are affected which, in turn, can have a detrimental effect on feed conversion leading to economic loss and a greater susceptibility to disease. In addition, recent changes in legislation on the use of antimicrobials, differing feed requirements and more efficient birds highlight the need for a better understanding of gut function and gut health.
Introduction: Poultry meat industry has been more dynamic than egg industry over these years. Broiler breeder companies are making every effort to produce progeny that produces higher (breast) meat yield, lower FCR and better weight gain. Consequent to faster growth rate, a part of the energy utilized in the past to maintain health and disease resistance is now diverted for higher growth & production resulting in increased risk for...
Components of Gut Health The intestine is a complex organ that comprises regions with distinct structural and physiological functions specialized in digestion and nutrient absorption. Simultaneously, the gut represents the primary contact site with foreign antigens and pathogens that can enter, reside and disseminate to the internal organs. For this reason, the gut harbors the majority of immune cells, referred to as gut-associated lymphoid tissues, when compared to other tissues....
Introduction There is a mandatory requirement for crude protein (CP) in broiler chicken diets ranging from 180 to 230 g/kg. When dietary energy density is not limiting, the quality and quantity of dietary CP dictates birds’ growth performance. The digestibilities of protein and amino acids are pivotal to the quality of the inclusion of any feedstuff in diets for chicken-meat production. However, a series of studies [1–3] have demonstrated that feed conversion...
José Manuel de la Fuente, Global Feed Additives Lead at Selko, points out some practices for achieving gut health in animals using Selko’s solutions
Pathogen control is a crucial challenge faced especially in the young animal stage of production. Young animals are very prone to pathogen infection since their gut takes time to fully develop. In this TechTalk, Annafe Perino, Product Manager from Southeast Asia and Pacific, shares how organic acids work to support animals in managing gut pH, fighting pathogenic bacteria as well as controlling pathogen proliferation....
Silvia Peris Miras, DVM, Ph.D., Executive Regional Technical Services Manager for Europe, Africa & Middle East at Novus International speaks about the role of zinc, copper, and manganese trace minerals in Breeder Hens...
Is it possible to achieve animal health with nutraceutical and phytogenics solutions? Hear what Pablo Olivera Domingo from Liptosa has to say about it.
*Certain information associated with products, their composition and claims may be different depending on the geographical region and may not be applicable in all countries. Liptosa reserves the right to adapt to the requirements and legislation in each case.
The information and technical recommendations provided herein are based on Liptosa's...
Dr. Mirza Abdullah, Sr. Techno commercial Manager at Proteon Pharmaceuticals, provides technical support for customers using bacteriophage solutions in the Indian Subcontinent...
Joginder Singh Uppal, Regional Business Director, speaks about Proteon Pharmaceuticals, a biotechnology company developing Phage based products preventing bacterial diseases in animal farming...
Dr. Prasad Nagpure (Indian Herbs) speaks about the major problems poultry farmers are facing and Gustocheck, a phytogenic for healthy gut function and control of loose droppings...
From your point of view, why phytogenic are so relevant nowadays? Hear what Dr. Steve Leeson has to say about it...
Dr. Shivi Maini, General Manager Technical, Indian Herbs Specialties, speaks about a novel natural nutritional emulsifier, BioEmulsin. A research breakthrough to make fat and energy efficient
Fausto Solis (Wenger Feeds) explains the benefits of hemp seed cake in poultry production, in this interview during IPPE 2023 in Atlanta, USA....
Ewa Sujka talks about a natural biosurfactanct for monogastric diets that ensures an excellent digestibility of fats and availability of energy as it acts as a natural emulsifier. It also improves the digestibility of other nutrients in the feed and promotes the absorption of fat soluble vitamins.
*Certain information associated with products, their composition and claims may be different depending on the geographical region and may not be applicable in all countries. Liptosa reserves the...
Introduction The poultry industry has experienced unprecedented growth in the past 70 years due to improved genetics, nutrition, housing, water quality and veterinary care driven by post-WWII consumer demands (Havenstein, et al., 2003). Modern-day poultry efficiently convert feed to meat and eggs, but genetic selection for improved performance may have inadvertently selected for a negative correlative response to other traits such as immune function (Cheema et al., 2003). The reader...
Introduction Blackhead disease, also known as Histomoniasis, is an important poultry disease caused by Histomona meleagridis, which is a protozoa that spreads in the bird by the roundworm Heterakis gallinarum, and infects the cecum and liver. Turkeys are highly susceptible to this disease. Although mortalities in turkey flocks reach 80-100% and economic losses exceed 2 million USD/year, there are lack of approved drugs against blackhead disease. Therefore, phytogenic compounds...
Sebastian Decap (Plantae Labs SpA) comments on this disease and the process of encapsulation for this additive so it can reach the ceca, in this interview during IPPE 2023 in Atlanta, USA....
An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of corn particle size (CPS) on turkey hen performance, intestinal permeability (IP), and litter dry matter. Hybrid turkey hens were housed in floor pens from 0 to 42d. Hens were fed a crumbled starter 1 (0 to 21d) and pelleted starter 2 (22 to 42d) diet. The experiment was a 2 x 2 factorial with diet phase (starter 1 and starter 2) and CPS (fine or coarse), resulting in 4 treatments of 18 replicates of 22 turkeys. Corn was manufactured...