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Minerals in poultry nutrition

Minerals in poultry nutrition are typically classified as macro- or micro-minerals, depending on the levels needed in the diet. The macro-minerals include calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, magnesium, potassium, and sodium. Requirements for the macro-minerals are typically expressed as a percentage of the diet, while the requirements for the micro-minerals are stated as parts per million. Although the quantities required for micro-minerals are lower than for macro-minerals, they play an essential role in the body's metabolism. The micro-minerals include copper, iodine, iron, manganese, selenium, and zinc.
Minerals such as copper, manganese and zinc are essential nutrients for enzyme functionality, immune system responses, tissue and bone quality as well as eggshell formation (Richards et al., 2010). Organic trace minerals are used in animal feeds to provide increased mineral bioavailability. In this experiment we investigated the benefits of hydroxy analogues of chelated trace minerals on pullet quality. Three hundred- and sixty day-old Isa Brown layers were randomly allocated into two groups...
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Matthew Bekker
Matthew Bekker and 1 more
I. INTRODUCTION The following statement was made by Landers et al., (2012) in a public health report. “Although the majority of antibiotic use occurs in agricultural settings, relatively little attention has been paid to how antibiotic use in farm animals contributes to the overall problem of antibiotic resistance”. Some classes of antibiotics are becoming less effective due to overuse and microbial adaptation leading to resistance to treatment. The pool of...
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Introduction Brazilian agriculture is concentrated in the tropical and subtropical zone, where soils are highly weathered and chemically infertile, demanding amelioration by liming and high amounts of plant nutrient inputs (Cantarella et al., 1998). In Brazil, soybean is the main crop both in scale and in value, covering ~38 M ha with an average yield of 3.5 t ha−1 (Cattelan and Dall'Agnol, 2017; EMBRAPA, 2022). Annually, about 1.2 M t of P are required to produce...
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The liver is the largest gland of the body and an accessory organ of the poultry digestive system. The liver involves in a wide range of functions including the fat mobilization and metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and...
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  • Enhancing breeding outcomes - 1
Breeding is crucial in livestock management, ensuring continuous production and maintaining genetic excellence. Better breeding results mean healthier offspring, higher birth rates, and enhanced herd or flock health. Nutrition is pivotal for breeding success in most livestock. Balanced diets, rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, help animals achieve their full reproductive potential. We present IntelliOpt, the solution for effective nutrient utilization...
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An organic mineral is a combination of a metal ion with an organic molecule called ‘ligand’ such as amino acids, proteins, polysaccharides, yeast, or organic acids. Specifically, the metal ion is bound to the organic ligand through multiple attachments (either ionic or covalent) with the metal ion occupying a central position in the structure (Kincaid, 1989, Nelson, 1988). Animal Trace Mineral Requirements aren’t Static: Poultry feeds must be formulated...
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Dr. Hana Zakaria
The University of Jordan
INTRODUCTION Zinc (Zn) is an essential trace element in all living systems – from bacteria, plants and animals to humans – and plays an important role in various biological activities in animals, especially in fast-growing poultry (Liu et al., 2011). Poultry diets are commonly supplemented with Zn since many feed ingredients are marginally deficient in this trace element (Bao et al., 2007). The variable content of Zn in poultry feeds, particularly in the components...
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Doug Korver
Doug Korver and 1 more
University of Alberta
About the study Phytase supplementation has become a standard practice for poultry diets to enhance phosphorus (P) utilization and subsequently reduce P excretion. Previous phytase studies on hen performance, eggshell and bone quality have been done over short durations and using hens of varying ages. The knowledge gap is that there are no long-term phytase studies covering the rearing period through the end of production cycle. The objective of this study was to...
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Doug Korver
Doug Korver and 1 more
University of Alberta
Summary This study was conducted to test the efficacy of phytase in low phosphorus and calcium diets in the late production cycle for maintaining the productivity, eggshell and bone quality of hens fed low phosphorus and calcium. Problem Exogenous phytase supplementation has become a standard practice for poultry diets to liberate available phosphorus and reduce excretion of phosphorus in manure. Many studies showed that phytase supplementation increased egg...
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Robert Swick
Robert Swick and 3 more
University of New England
Hydroxychloride trace minerals (HTM) have covalent bonds and thus are less reactive both in the feed and in the digestive tract compared to inorganic trace minerals, which contain ionic bonds (ITM) such as sulphate forms. Therefore, HTM may have higher bioavailability than ITM. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of replacing sulphate forms of zinc (ZnSO 4 ), manganese (MnSO4) and copper (CuSO 4 ) (ITM) with HTM sources on tibia bone traits and mineral content in...
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Feed plays a fundamental role in the growth and development of farm animals, as a balanced diet is essential for their health and determine an optimal performance. One of the most important aspects in the production of animal feed is the presentation of the feed, as it has a direct influence on feed consumption and...
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Velmurugu Ravindran
Massey University
I. Introduction Poultry diets are currently formulated based on total calcium (Ca) and available phosphorus, with a ratio of 2:1 being maintained between them. For a number of reasons, there is increasing interest in shifting the formulations based on digestible Ca and digestible P. To enable this move, information is required of the requirements of digestible Ca and digestible P. A recent study at our laboratory (David et al., 2021) determined the standardised ileal digestible (SID)...
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by Sam Shafer As in commercial broiler chicken production, broiler breeder performance depends upon adequate dietary trace minerals, including zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), and copper (Cu). Broiler breeder diets currently used in the industry contain levels of the inorganic forms of these minerals with generous safety margins. Researchers now report that combining inorganic sources of Zn, Mn, and Cu with organic hydroxy analog of methionine (HMTBa) forms in breeder hen...
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Doug Korver
University of Alberta
Phytase Efficacy in Laying Hens
Doug Korver (University of Alberta) explained how to better evaluate the use of this enzyme in the nutrition of laying hens, during IPPE 2020 in Atlanta, USA....
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Enzyme supplements are used widely in poultry diets in an attempt to improve poultry performance, feed consumption, and also minimized environmental pollutions due to the reduced output of excreta 1 . Different enzyme supplements have been developed with respect to their target substrates in feed ingredients. Exogenous xylanase is an example of an enzyme supplement to improve nutritional factors by efficiently decomposing the non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) 2 ,...
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Doug Korver
Doug Korver and 1 more
University of Alberta
Summary The short-term study was conducted to test the effects of phytase supplementation in laying hen diets during peak production on bone characteristics as well as phosphorus (P) and calcium (Ca) digestibility. Problem A large portion of dietary phosphorus is not utilized by laying hens and is excreted in feces, which leads to phosphorus pollution in the environment. Adding inorganic phosphorus to poultry diets has also become much more expensive. Phytase...
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Benefits of using Trace minerals in laying hens
Jung Wook Lee, Program Manager Nutritional Solutions at Trouw Nutrition, highlights the roles of Trace minerals in egg shell production and quality, How they mitigate heat stress and more...
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This study investigated whether hydroxy-selenomethionine (OH-SeMet) improves broiler oxidative stress response to a greater extent than sodium selenite (SS) or seleno-yeast (SY) under environmental stress. Day-old male Cobb 500 broilers (12 cages/diet, 9 broilers/cage) were fed a selenium (Se)-deficient diet (0.047 mg Se/kg) supplemented with SS, SY or OHSeMet at 0.3 mg Se/kg for 42 days. Animals were raised at a high stocking density (18 broiler/m²) and during the summer period...
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Bryden, W.L.
Bryden, W.L. and 1 more
University of Queensland
Calcium digestibility can vary dramatically depending on the Ca source, limestone solubility, source of phytate and addition of phytase (Li et al., 2021). However, there is no agreement in the literature about the most appropriate method for determining Ca digestibility (Li et al., 2017). In the current study, the apparent ileal Ca and P digestibility was determined in diets varying in Ca content, with and without phytase supplementation, based on the short-term protocol described by Kim et...
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Velmurugu Ravindran
Massey University
1. Introduction Humphry Davy, a British chemist, was the first to isolate and investigate the chemistry of calcium (Ca) and to recognise it as an essential component of bone in 1808. Ever since, it has been the subject of a voluminous amount of research in both human and animal nutrition. Today, the biological significance and economic importance of Ca in animals are intuitive. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body and is essential for the skeletal health and...
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