Explore all the information onMinerals in poultry nutrition
Minerals in poultry nutrition are typically classified as macro- or micro-minerals, depending on the levels needed in the diet. The macro-minerals include calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, magnesium, potassium, and sodium. Requirements for the macro-minerals are typically expressed as a percentage of the diet, while the requirements for the micro-minerals are stated as parts per million. Although the quantities required for micro-minerals are lower than for macro-minerals, they play an essential role in the body's metabolism. The micro-minerals include copper, iodine, iron, manganese, selenium, and zinc.
In recent years, the egg industry is aiming to prolong the life cycle of laying hens, both for reasons of profitability and for sustainability. However, the goal to produce 500 eggs in a 100-week cycle is hindered by the declining performance of older hens. It is hypothesised that nutritional strategies can be implemented to support the health of these animals, thereby improving laying persistency. The objective of this trial was to investigate the effects of two sources of butyrate...
Ben Parsons (University of Arkansas) speaks on the cost and environmental implications of phosphorus requirements and explains the steps forward shown in his recent research, in this Engormix interview during IPPE 2024 in Atlanta, USA....
I. INTRODUCTION Phosphorus (P) is an essential nutrient in metabolic processes and the third most costly nutrient in monogastric feed after energy and protein. All plant ingredients contain phytate (salt of phytic acid, myo-inositol hexakisphosphate, IP6) which is a source of phosphorus for farm animals. However, phytate has poor bioavailability for monogastric animals due to inadequacy of endogenous phytase activity and lower microbial degradation capacity in the digestive tract (Li...
APIs MARKET Pre-festival stocking-up was generally completed in mid-to-late January. Some two weeks before the holiday, including the early part of this month, the market has no actual trading activity. The market has a strong wait-and-see sentiment and lacks sustained positive support. After returning from the holiday, the sales rhythm of the veterinary API market has not yet fully recovered, and the market activity and scale have not returned to normal levels. Some leading...
Introduction Heat stress (HS) is one of the most challenging environmental stressors despite the modern climate control equipment in broiler chickens’ houses. Broiler flocks may be seasonally exposed to HS that varies in intensity according to the relative humidity of the region [1]. Multiple studies have identified the various adverse effects of acute or chronic HS on chickens, such as a severe reduction in feed intake and growth [2–4], systemic alkalosis [5],...
Introduction Routine supplementation of dietary Cu, as well as other trace minerals, is intended to prevent deficiencies that originate from the lack of sufficient amounts of this micromineral in the feeds. Copper sulfate (CuSO4) is traditionally utilized as the source Cu of supplementation in poultry feeds because of its wide availability and low cost (1). Total supplemental Cu in commercially formulated broiler feeds is variable, as can be observed in the...
Feed cost accounts for the largest proportion of the production cost of poultry and swine production. Further, the recent disruptions in the supply chain for feed ingredients and the continued consumer demand for food of animal origin that is sustainably produced dictates the need for solutions that utilize locally available resources. In the face of these challenges, significant progress towards a resilient Canadian animal nutrition industry can be realized by reducing dependency on...
I. INTRODUCTION Calcium (Ca) is a dietary essential mineral for poultry and the requirements for poultry have been investigated extensively for more than 75 years (Driver et al., 2005). Calcium is the most prevalent mineral in the body and is important for many physiological processes such as enzyme activation, intracellular signalling, acid base balance, eggshell formation and bone mineralisation (Li et al., 2017). Almost 99% of Ca is stored in the skeleton as hydroxyapatite...
I. INTRODUCTION Stephen Jay Gould famously introduced the term ‘non-overlapping magisteria’ in a Natural History article in March 1997, to describe the separation between scientific and religious lines of enquiry (Gould, 1997). From a broiler nutrition perspective, it would be accurate to represent digestible amino acid and metabolisable energy research, and digestible P and Ca research, using the same vocabulary. Despite these distinct research domains, considerable...
Trace minerals are often supplied in the forms of inorganic salts such as sulphates into poultry feed to meet the requirements. The ionic bonds in inorganic salts of minerals are very weak allowing the metal ion to disassociate once in contact with water, binding up diet antagonists such as other minerals, vitamins, and enzymes. To mitigate these negative effects technologies such as organic minerals or mineral complexes, which are less reactive, are used. In hydroxychloride minerals (Hyd)...
I. INTRODUCTION The continuous genetic improvements are increasing the first commercial egg size produced and extending the production life of the layer hens worldwide. These improvements are related to what happens at rearing and at the start of the production. Early studies showed that while approximately 60 to 75% of the calcium destined for the shell comes directly from intestinal absorption (Driggers and Comar, 1949), up to 36% could be traced to bones (Mueller et al., 1964)....
Zinc is an essential trace mineral in broiler nutrition. However, in commercial practice it is often fed above requirements to prevent any deficiencies. To prevent deficiencies, Zinc hydroxychloride (HTM) (IntelliBond®, Trouw Nutrition, Netherlands) provides versatility to optimise the producer’s trace mineral program and allow them to feed levels lower than those commercially used today in the form of sulfate trace minerals (STM). Raw data of nine studies was combined into...
Duarte Neves (Zinpro) The poultry industry is facing a problem with the fertility of broiler breeder eggs. The use of elevated amounts of trace minerals such as zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), and copper (Cu) within a broiler breeder diet has been previously linked to an increase in eggshell quality, which in turn may lead to an increased fertility rate. A parameter that has been linked to an increased eggshell quality is shell translucency. The...
Cibele Torres (Zinpro) This study investigated the performance of broilers fed diets formulated to optimize phytate hydrolysis in the upper gut and supplemented with reduced levels of Zn in the form of Zn amino acid complexed minerals (ZnAA). A total of 3,600 d-old straight-run Ross 308 broilers were randomly distributed across 72 floor pens. Birds received 1 of 6 diets (corn-soybean meal based) from day one to 37 d with 12 replicate pens per...
Cibele Torres (Zinpro) shares the results of her research and highlights the improved breast yield obtained, as well as cost and environmental benefits, in this Engormix interview during IPPE 2024 in Atlanta, USA....
John Boney (Pennsylvania State University) New generations of feed enzymes are included to enhance nutrient utilization. This study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of a new generation phytase, HiPhorius (HP), and protease, ProAct 360, when fed to peaking hens. Dietary treatments included Positive Control (PC), Negative Control 1 (NC1) at 0.15% nPP, NC1+600 FYT/kg HP, NC1+900 FYT/kg HP, Negative Control 2 (NC2) with a 2% crude protein (CP)...
I. INTRODUCTION As we learn more about the negative impacts of calcium (Ca) on the availability of phosphorus (P) in broiler diets, it highlights how little we know about Ca requirements, digestibility of Ca in ingredients and optimal Ca to P ratios. The interactions through which Ca exerts some of its negative effects can be direct or through chelation’s with phytate and the latter having a profound impact on the efficacy of phytase and on P digestibility....
Mike Persia (Virginia Tech) Experiments were conducted to determine the bioavailability of fine ground aragonite (FGA) using 0-14 d old broilers and to determine the use of FGA on performance, eggshell quality, and tibia ash (TA) of laying hens from 28-56 wks. In experiment 1, 450 as hatched Ross 708 broilers were fed a basal diet without either LS or FGA containing 0.35% Ca and LS and FGA additions resulting in 0.43, 0.51, 0.59, and 0.67% Ca. Body...
Mike Persia (Virginia Tech) explains the characteristics of aragonite, how it is harvested, and its potential as a calcium source for poultry nutrition, in this Engormix interview during IPPE 2024 in Atlanta, USA....
Duarte Neves (Zinpro) explains how amino-acid complexed mineral supplementation to broiler breeders can positively impact eggshell quality and translucency, in this Engormix interview during IPPE 2024 in Atlanta, USA....