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Poultry manure in layer nutrition

Published: March 14, 2014
By: Philippe Joly

Dear All, I have visited a big farm in Peru, La Callera, using Layer Manure to feed layers. The level was more than 5%. My questions are the following:

1. Do you have the experience of the use of poultry manure to feed poultry?
2. What is nutritional values of the Layer manure?
3. What are the risk for Layers and consumers?
4. Which could be the maximum level?

Thank you

Related topics:
Philippe Joly
Nuhad Daghir
American University of Beirut
American University of Beirut
17 de marzo de 2014
I suggest you refer to my book "Poultry Production in Hot Climates" page 181, under Dried Poultry waste section. Nuhad Daghir
Joan Fuster Monzo
Piensos Nanta
17 de marzo de 2014

Interesting Topic Mr Joly. Obviously after fermentation or technical treatment, That ís correct? I think it is a difficult option considering EU rules.

Winnie Babirye
17 de marzo de 2014

Dear Joly,

We appreciate your effort and work you are doing, but it´s not a common practice in feeding poultry in management because it needs more research.

Badr Alfadil
18 de marzo de 2014

Dear Mr. Joly,

I have seen same practice few years ago in Saudi Arabia. One layer farm with manure dryer, they add around 5% of heat-dried manure to the layer rations with no noticeable problems. I found some figures as analysis of such kind of caged layer manure as follow:

Nitrogen % 4.9- 7.5
Ammonium Nitrogen mg/kg 91 -17780
Nitrate-N mg/kg <200
Phosphorus % 2.1- 3.1
Potassium % 1.6- 1.8
Calcium % 8.0- 15.9
Sulfur % 0.4 -0.6
Magnesium % 0.5- 0.6
Copper mg/kg 36- 61
Manganese mg/kg 370 -440
Iron mg/kg 690 -1300
Zinc mg/kg 330 -470

I hope we end up with more data on this topic from participants.

Winnie Babirye
18 de marzo de 2014

Dear Dr. Badr,

Thanks so much for the information and, with your expertise and experience, I would like to know how often can that inclusion of that manure be used and if there is still any relationship improvement in terms of production and at what percentage...

Dr. K. M. Ehasanul Islam
23 de abril de 2014

It´s interesting but those are not common practices all over in Sri lanka and Bangladesh. What is the benefit in using poultry manure as a feed?

Tariq Mahmood
7 de mayo de 2014
i think yes,but after fermentation by housefly giving megats as protein source, but limitation may be the heavy metals.
Aart J. Mul
6 de noviembre de 2014

Dear Philippe,

In the early nineties, a company has been established in The Netherlands, with the name FERM-O-FEED, ( near the village Mil) with the objective to develop and implement the controlled fermentation and drying of poultry manure ( mainly broiler manure) that should be used as a component in ruminant feed.

At the same time, there were also initiatives in the USA to develop such a process and product.

The research project and the construction of the fermentation- & drying-plant were supported by the Dutch government wit a substantial financial support. The fermentation and drying operation was considered to be essential, in order to eliminate pathogens from the manure, Most threatening and resistant was Clostridium.

After quite some troubles, a process was developed and a good product for ruminant nutrition could be produced in an industrial routine. So technologically, the project was successful. Also the nutritional aspects, for ruminants, were investigated in detail and expectations were met.
However, the objective to produce an ingredient for ruminant nutrition failed at the end, because of regulatory constraints. So finally, the FERM-O-FEED operation had to be shifted to the production of dry organic manure for horticulture applications.

Regretfully the factory was destroyed by a fire, some 3 years ago and not rebuilt as such.

There may be still useful information around about the composition and the applications of the intended poultry ( broiler) manure product., I do not have the details, but yoy may be able to find some.

Any way, good to be aware of this initiative and the hurdles that came up.

Good luck with your initiative.

Dr. Mohammad Akram
8 de noviembre de 2014
The nutritive value of dried layer manure given by Dr. Bader Alfadil is really a knowledgeable information. No doubt the addition of manure in feed can reduce the cost of production. Normally heat drying is being done at 140-160 degree C, which can kill all kinds of microorganism including Salmonella. There are chances of post drying cross contamination during packing etc., therefore bacterial testing particularly of Salmonella must be done prior to add in the feed. Dr. Akram, Micro Laboratories, Karachi.
Abdou Gad Abdallah
8 de noviembre de 2014
Layer or broiler drying manure contains some nutrients that were not digested when the feed was passed through digestive system for the first time in the bird. However, using these nutrients again are most likely not to be digested, you just using a filler that dilute the diets. beside they may harbor pathogenic bacteria that can negatively affect bird performance, In brief, I advice you not to use poultry manure neither for poultry nor for large animals.
Koson, Jonathan Or-apine
9 de noviembre de 2014
The use of animal by products in poultry nutrition is challenging because of the likelihood of these products to be contaminated with pathogenic organisms. Bone meal, Blood meal as examples. These by products may not present the nutrients in absorbable state which requires processing of such products before use. When considering processing of raw materials for nutritional purposes, the method to be used in relation to the primary nutrient target is important in order not to over process to denature such nutrients. You also have to bear in mind the consequences of under processing raw materials. Whichever way refering to this subject, you may be looking at energy and protein as primary nutrients which forbids subjection of the material to heat treatment in order to maintain the amino acid profile. These keeps you at a high risk of using a contaminated raw material in your feeds. Placing the cost of processing by products to be used in feeds, treatment of disease that may arise as a result improper processing of such materials and the nutritional benefits of these materials side by side, the farmer is likely going to incure losses. I therefore recommend strongly that except the processing method used refines the material to be pathogen free and the cost of processing such a material is profitable, poultry manure should not be used in poultry nutrition.
Jose E. Ferrer
Agranco Corp
9 de noviembre de 2014
We totaly agree with your comments. The main purpose for using OXYDOL in poultry litter is to reduce ammonia to acceptable labels so as not to affect the immunity of animals.
Oscar Briceño
9 de noviembre de 2014

I would compare the cost of one ton of phosphorus with the layer manure phosphorus and calculate how much of this phosphorus is reused by the layer. If it is processed over 120 degrees Celsius, and with steam, this would help prevent the manure to get out of the barn and go somewhere else (Contamination? Phosphorus to the ground if the manure is used as ammendement for agricultural soils?)t

IIf you assume that the value of MS is approximately 780 kcal and the cost of production is very low (less than $ 100 / MT) I think it could be used,
I also think that it cannot be compared layer manure  with broiler manure, because they are different, the second one has mixed with the bed as wood chips, rice straw and  layer manure is of cage

Venugopal Sathyanarayan
9 de noviembre de 2014
i do agree with the above views on use of litter in the animal feed
Maheswar Rath
10 de noviembre de 2014
sorry such views to incorporate poultry litter in poultry nutrition or any other animal feed is a narrow approach as such approach is not in the interest of science for human food production. Even you recycle through the gut it will still have same levels of waste every grams of litter. what made such thought in the minds of technical persons? Are they competing with feed cost? Is there any disposal problem? well i propose to recycle such items through earth not through gut. Let us feed birds and animal full of good aroma of feed and good items ingredients so that we can taste first and feed to animal . Every production person should take the physical test of any feed before feeding to animal which is the future for human safety. I do not agree such studies rather use as energy and fertilizer. This also include MBM and other such items. Try to innovate digestive enzymes for best utilization rather than off line thoughts. dr m rath
Joseph Akayi Nammonywa
10 de noviembre de 2014

I do not agree to feed poultry or any other animal on poultry waste,maybe if there is a detailed scientific proof data on the same.
And on the same i would like to know anybody with information on how to turn poultry wet waste litter from cages into fertalizer,and if maybe we have a chemical to use?

Silas Abel
10 de noviembre de 2014

I agree that poultry waste can be used to feed animals but it should be treated, to me as monogastric animal researcher, it is the level of inclusion that matters, though if u look at it in the angle of animal welfare, an eyebrow can be raised, but in a developing economy like pours even where the animal protein intake is lower than the recommended daily intake by the FAO, then producing healthy birds that will help increase the animal protein intake of the populace to produce a virile and healthy nation by feeding them with treated poultry waste is a welcomed trend. Its not a new topic at all.

Nuhad Daghir
American University of Beirut
American University of Beirut
10 de noviembre de 2014
I would like to refer my colleagues to an old article we published on this subject many years ago: Daghir, N.J. and I. Amirullah (1978) Dehydated poultry waste and urea as feed suplements in layer rations, Iran Jouranal of Agricultural Research, 6:91-97.
Dr. Phan Quang Vinh
10 de noviembre de 2014

At best, data on layer manure provided by Badr Alfaddil should be put in good use by the farm manager to modify or re-formulate layer's feed. For example, his data did show that Phosphorus and calcium were not effectively utilized and that magnesium,Copper,maganese, Iron and Zinc were oversupplied.

Based ob the observation of Philippe Joly: surely anything still with some nutritive values can be used as feed again . Directly incorporated back in layer's feed means adding the indigestible parts back to layers as pointed out by Kosin may not be a good choice.

We all know that it is technically feasible if we really want to use layer's manure as feed. Economical feasibility is actually the major issue here because we should evaluate different ways to make use of layer's manure. Ferm-O-Feed made a reasonable choice since manure was converted into ruminant concentrate ( indigestible part to birds is no longer a problem to ruminant). Should manure be incorporated into fertilizer?Should it be used to feed aquatic species in ponds?

Economic feasibility study will also point out the worthiness of sterilizing manure, drying manure, removal of toxins, hormones,bacterial and viral load in finished product prior to feed formulation. When energy inputs, time, technology investment become so excessive then we just have to forget about this idea of using layer's manure to feed back to layers

Robert Huggins
12 de noviembre de 2014

Although I have no experience in using poultry in layer rations, my experience in using it in ruminant rations would make me very cautious. First of all, there is no consistent analysis for poultry manure, which means you will have each batch analysed prior to incorporating into the feed. Then you have the problem of pathogens, which can be eliminated (hopefully) through sterilization which in turn will more than likely destroy vitamins, and other non-pathogenic bacteria which I would consider more important than the nutritional value. A laboratory analysis does not mean the nutrients are available to the bird.

As far as the effect of poultry manure on the health of the bird or the consumer will depend on the level of pasteurization or sterilization of the original product and the ability of any remaining pathogens(if any) to either be transmitted into the egg during egg formation or at the time of laying.

Inclusion rates of 5%(max) or less will probably not reduce feed costs significantly, but will increase the risk of loosing your flock due to improper sterilization/pasteurization and disease. Is it worth the risk?

Compost poultry manure, blend it with ruminant manure and apply as a soil amendment for crop production.

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