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Philippe Joly
Philippe Joly likes the comment:
It is a usefull article for laying hens farmers and feed formulator.First we will be overview the research of different authors for daily lysine requirement. The result obtained were dependant on the productivity of the birds. Genetic progress has a considerable influence on the dietry amino acid concentration. The best flock now a days have a daily egg outputs ...
Participation in Forum on August 15, 2015
Insteresting experiment showing that performances are improved with your product at p= 0.1 or 0.07. Question: what is the effect of your product at more realistic temperature? On the field I never seen a change from 21°C to 35°C in few hours for 14 days. I want to say that I have travelled and visiting farms in a lot of hot countries.
Participation in Forum on June 3, 2015
Shell Quality and Nutrition Poor calcium nutrition is responsible of a decrease of the number of saleable eggs and of the egg colour. A large part of the mortality after 50 weeks could be related to demineralization of birds and broken bones. The layer feed, with a part of the limestone in particles, with a correct calcium level has the capacity to express the genetic potential in term of shell ...
Participation in Forum on March 3, 2015
Specific appetite for Calcium is known for many years. The pattern intake of a separate Calcium source is related to the time of the Calcium deposit.The problem is related to the fact that birds ingested grit to " improve digestion". We can suppose that birds receiving the highest level of Calcium are looking for grit.
Participation in Forum on March 2, 2015
If there are hungry, they will eat faster. Conclusion: give more feed. Advice: give the feed at 2 pm. Feeders have to be empty at 10 am
Discussion created on December 22, 2014
Dear All, I have visited a big farm in Peru, La Callera, using Layer Manure to feed layers. The level was more than 5%. My questions are the following: 1. Do you have the experience of the use of poultry manure to feed poultry? 2. What is nutritional values of the Layer manure? 3. What are the risk for Layers and consumers? 4. Which could be the maximum level? Thank you
Participation in Forum on September 3, 2013
Could you say us according to your experience what is the maximum level that we can used for layers and layers with a limited rik? Thank you for your answer
Participation in Forum on October 2, 2012
Very interesting paper about Calcium Specific Appetite of Broiler. But I am quite sure, that , inthis result there is an interaction with an appetite for GRIT. This could explained why there is an overconsumption of Ca with diet rich in Calcium... Waiting your comment. Thak you
Article published the July 17, 2012
AbstractThe results of 10  experiments realized from 1980 have been used to define more precisely the requirement of Lysine. Results show that the daily requirement for Lysine is related to the bird´s productivity. If the requirement is expressed in mg per gramme of egg mass produced, the requirement appears independent of the daily egg mass that is produced. From this analysis, we conc ...
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Participation in Forum on June 13, 2012
OK, Do you have an explanation about the fact that at P5 the difference is small
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Location:Tregueux, Bretagne, France
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Agro Engineer Zootechnist