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Additives and feedstuffs in dairy cattle nutrition

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Evonik’s animal feed solutions quench livestock thirst and reduce the environmental impact of meat and dairy production WHITEPAPER According to the UN, four billion people experience severe water scarcity for at least a month a year – and due to our unsustainable use of freshwater and other resources, water stress will increase further. One of the drivers is water-intensive meat and dairy production, which accounts for roughly a quarter of the global water...
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Christiane Girard
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Introduction Precision nutrition aims to design nutritional recommendations in order to increase metabolic efficiency, reduce costs, improve product quality, minimize environmental impact while improving the health and well-being of dairy cattle at the individual level. According to Gonzales et al. (2018): “Precision animal nutrition requires the application of principles, techniques and technologies that automatically integrate biological and physical processes...
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Kevin Harvatine
PennState - University Pennsylvania State
PennState - University Pennsylvania State
Introduction Biological rhythms are repeating patterns that are driven by time-keeping mechanisms within the animal and are adaptive as they coordinate physiology and metabolism with the external environment. The dairy cow has a well-recognized natural daily pattern of feed intake and milk synthesis and an annual rhythm of milk composition, but regulation of these rhythms has not been well described in the literature or well considered in current dairy management. We commonly...
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Jeffrey Firkins
Ohio State University
Ohio State University
Our Dairy NRC series of Real Science webinars was very well received and we are talking about the chapter on protein and amino acids. ...
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Juan Loor
University of Illinois
University of Illinois
Methionine (Met) and choline (Chol) supply in dairy cows continues to be of interest Historically emphasis on: Milk protein (Met) Liver lipid metabolism (Met and Chol) More recently, i.e. from 1990s to present, interest shifting to supplementation during the transition period: Feeding higher-energy diets Reducing diet CP Health, etc Considerations for “Methyl donor” supplementation...
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Valentin Nenov
Valentin Nenov and 1 more
Phileo by Lesaffre
Early-lactation dairy cows have high energy demand for milk production. Often the energy intake in this period is not enough to meet their requirements and the cows often face negative energy balance that may lead to metabolic...
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Mohamed Mammeri
Phileo by Lesaffre
Heat stress will cost the global dairy sector an estimated $5 billion a year in 2050 (Wankar et al., 2021).To reduce the costs for both the farmer and animal, a more integrated approach regarding production, health and welfare is needed. The key lies in prediction...
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Dr. Steve Blezinger
Reveille Livestock Concepts
Reveille Livestock Concepts
For the most part, most dairies include at least some supplemental or additive products in their feeding programs. We build diets starting with the forage base, using the best forages we can, and then add different feed and grain components to provide protein and energy. Once the main nutrients are provided, it is then common to “fill in the holes” of the nutrient profile. Next, we often insert “tools” that are hopefully useful in improving animal performance,...
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Bradley Scott Sorrell
Balchem Animal Nutrition
Balchem Animal Nutrition
In this podcast sponsored by Balchem Animal Nutrition and Health the experts speak about the feed intake and carbohydrates sections in dairy cattle....
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The Nature Conservancy, the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy, and the Institute for Feed Education and Research are launching a three-year project to explore innovative feed management strategies that can reduce enteric methane emissions in dairy cattle. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently announced a $537,440 award for this project through its Conservation Innovation Grants On-Farm Conservation Innovation Trial program. With project partner resource contributions, the project...
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Author: ballyabio Just like humans, dairy cows are also prone to a number of infectious diseases and health conditions. Timely diagnosis of diseases and effective treatment strategy is very much important for the well-being animals and significant growth of dairy business. Overall profitability of the dairy business highly depends upon how you keep cows healthy and free from diseases. ANTIBIOTICS ARE PRODUCED BY MICROBES AND USED AGAINST MICROBES Antibiotics are low molecular...
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Ad van Vuuren
Ad van Vuuren and 1 more
Wageningen University & Research
Wageningen University & Research
Introduction   Fatty liver occurs in approximately 50-60% of dairy cows at orshortly after calving2,3. It occurs because the cow mobilizes energy from adipose tissue in response to hormonal changes at calving and negative energy balance immediately after calving when the cow cannot consume enough energy to support maintenance and milk production. However, it can also occur anytime the cow experiences negative energy balance from other factors such as sickness, suboptimal...
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Background Reducing the rate at which ammonia is released from urea into the rumen may allow rumen bacteria to more effectively capture the nitrogen released. Slowing the rate of release of ammonia from urea can be accomplished by encapsulating it with lipids. NitroShure  Precision Release Nitrogen uses Balchem’s proprietary encapsulation technology to provide a more consistent nitrogen supply to rumen microbes, maximizing microbial protein yield, improving...
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Why should we do this? With a good controlled fermentation (con-trolling pH or acidity) in the rumen, we will do two things: first, we will maximize the energy derived from the fiber, starch and other carbohydrates fed and secondly we will optimize microbial protein flow from the rumen. This results in high quality protein production in the rumen and can reduce the need to feed more expensive ingredients to meet the energy and amino acid requirements of the...
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Tania Cambieri
Balchem Animal Nutrition
Balchem Animal Nutrition
Higher trace mineral cost and increasing concern over trace mineral excretion into the environment make this strategy even less attractive. Feeding KeyShure® can help overcome the effects of antagonists, thus supporting optimum performance and decreasing mineral excretion into the environment. ...
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Ingredients are the basis of all animal feed. In times where alternative ingredients receive more and more attention, we should not forget to ask ourselves how ingredient properties affect the transition into actual feed. It is time to unravel the black box that is...
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The American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) has opened registration for its 50th Liquid Feed Symposium, being held Sept. 7-9, in Chicago, Ill. Attendees will network and learn about the history of legislation and regulations that affect liquid feed, the value of...
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William P Weiss
Ohio State University
Ohio State University
As this is written (Winter, 2012) feed prices continue to hover around historic highs and although milk prices have risen they have not kept pace with the increases in feed costs. Feed costs are usually the largest single expense on a dairy farm and with well-above average feed costs, the feeding management and nutrition of the dairy herd must be scrutinized now more than ever.   ...
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Modern animal feeding includes prophylactic approaches for supporting intestinal homeostasis and immunity, in order to avoid dysbiosis, diseases, and need for antimicrobial medication. According to the principles of the One Health concept, the well-being of humans, animals and the environment are all connected, and at these times of a pandemic, avoiding the excess usage of antibiotics in animal farming is more important than ever. Pro-, pre- and synbiotics Prebiotics and...
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