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Dr. Steve Blezinger
Nutrition and Management Consultant
Nutritional and management consulting with a focus on ruminants, particularly beef and dairy cattle feeding programs. Additional services include contract technical service, research and development,
Nutrition and Management Consultant
Article published the December 15, 2021
There is no question that the ongoing narrative concerning climate change and various “man-induced” gas emissions (including ammonia, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide) includes dairy production.While many producers (and others involved in agriculture) may not agree with the significance or level of gas contributions of agriculture to the total production, that disagreement may ...
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Participation in Forum on December 6, 2021
Hafiz Wasi Muhammad Khan - thank you!
Participation in Forum on February 16, 2021
Izhar Ali this is a very good question but not one that is easily answered I'm afraid. Mixing order is affected by four things, in my opinion - ingredients used, ingredient form, mixing and processing equipment and operator ability.Ingredients, particularly forages are variable, particularly when it comes to particle size or chop. This also varies depending on the intended outcome or average parti ...
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Dr. Kenneth Nordlund, Emeritus Clinical Professor in the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, talks to us during Phileo's Global Ruminant Symposium on Health & Management in Toulouse, France.
Article published the February 10, 2021
Feed mixing and delivery is one of the most important activities on the dairy. Mixing and feeding a total mixed ration (TMR) is a multiple-times-per-day activity. Doing this job accurately and consistently time and time again, batch after batch and day after day is critical to production (volume and components), animal health and overall farm economics. Accuracy and consistency of mixing and feed ...
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Article published the September 25, 2020
 Horn flies are small in size and typically populate the backs, sides, belly and poll areasCattlemen spend countless dollars and hours in efforts to maintain and improve the productivity of their cattle. Forages, feed and other inputs are delivered to the animal in an ongoing effort to improve productivity at a variety of levels.Generally, this includes promoting breeding in the cow herd, gro ...
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Article published the August 27, 2020
For the last few months, it seems that immunity has been at the forefront of our thought process – not just for the dairy industry but world-wide. While everyone has been focused on staying healthy and have become increasingly aware of the importance of a well-functioning immune system (IS), these are concepts that the dairy producer needs to keep in mind almost every day. The IS in all ani ...
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Dear Branko Stuburic , the same aspects apply to protected lysine as well. It needs to be well protected from microbial degradation but release the lysine in the small intestine for absorption. A combination of methionine and lysine and one product is convenient from a handling aspect (just one product, not two). It it not the most economical solution because you can't adjust methionine and lysine ...
Participation in Forum on March 12, 2020
Dhanraj Hello! Thanks for your question. I am not certain of specific fruits that are useful in improving body weight and milk production. However, there are a number of plant extracts/phytobiotics/essential oil products that are considered more natural that have research showing effects on rumen function that support both growth and milk as well as animal health. In this context, these products a ...
Article published the January 8, 2020
For the most part, most dairies include at least some supplemental or additive products in their feeding programs. We build diets starting with the forage base, using the best forages we can, and then add different feed and grain components to provide protein and energy. Once the main nutrients are provided, it is then common to “fill in the holes” of the nutrient profile. Next, we of ...
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Location:Sulphur Springs, Texas, United States
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Nutrition and Management Consultant
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