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Video published on December 1, 2021
Our Dairy NRC series of Real Science webinars was very well received and we are talking about the chapter on protein and amino acids.
Article published the June 18, 2012
Introduction Sugars are rapidly and extensively fermented in the rumen. Clearly, adding sugar to a diet already high in ruminally degraded carbohydrates should offer little benefit and could decrease digestibility of fiber, whereas diets that have less-than-optimal rumen degraded carbohydrate probably will benefit the most from addition of sugars. Therefore, dietary situations influence the optimu ...
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Photo posted on October 11, 2011
34º Congreso Argentino de Producción Animal - 1st Joint Meeting ASAS-AAPA
On the album: Various
This member gave a presentation on October 7, 2011
At the following event:
34º Argentine Congress of Animal Production- 1st Joint Meeting ASAS – AAPA
This member had joined Engormix
March 9, 2010
equalizer Statistics: Articles(1)Videos(1)
Location:United States
Profile: Academic / scientific
Occupation: Research
Followers (5)