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Additives and feedstuffs in dairy cattle nutrition

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Dr. Steve Blezinger
Reveille Livestock Concepts
Reveille Livestock Concepts
Rumen-protected lysine (Lys) and methionine (Met) are becoming common fixtures in dairy rations, particularly in those where milk is sold not only for volume, but also for the component values. Research and practice have shown repeatedly that improving the Lys and Met profiles in the diet (where increased dietary levels of these limiting amino acids are available to the small intestine) results in increased milk volume,...
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The company's R&D Coordinator explains the benefits of the yeast cell wall used to control pathogens contamination....
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Melina Bonato, ICC's R&D Coordinator, explains all the benefits of Hylises. ...
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Lorenzo Quesnel
Perry Brook Dairy Farm
In a Steve Blezinger article about fat, there was a reference to rumen protected whole flaxseed. Would heat treated (roasted whole flax seed) yield similar conception/production results?? Please feel free to discuss. ...
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In the current context of the international dairy market, increasing milk production regarding quantity is no longer relevant due to low prices. Now more than ever, producing more milk fat and protein is a proven way to enhance herd profitability.  The best way to boost milk fat and protein is to promote rumen fermentation with a particular focus on fiber digestion. ...
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Valentin Nenov
Phileo by Lesaffre
Valentin Nenov, Global Ruminant Manager for Phileo Lesaffre Animal Care, speaks to us about rumen microbiota balance, during Eurotier 2016, in Hannover, Germany....
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Alejandro Relling
Ohio State University
Ohio State University
Weaning is a normal process in beef production, where the newly weaned calf is denied both its dam’s milk and social contact with her and other adults (Stookey et al., 1997). Newly weaned calves are subjected to a numerous nutritional, behavioral, and immunological stressors immediately prior to and during the weaning, marketing, and transportation process, as well as upon arrival at the feedlot or backgrounding facility. The result is a period of...
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C.V. Chandrasekaran, Ph.D
Optima Life Science Pvt. Ltd.
Summary Components of marketable herbal feed supplements are primarily evaluated based on their efficacy and safety to ensure quality. Nevertheless, as complex mixtures of different groups of primary and secondary metabolites, retention of overall phytochemical consistency with permissible levels of contaminants is critical to their efficacy and safety of herbal feed supplements. Herbs sourced from right geography, collected in the right season,...
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Lorraine M. Sordillo
Michigan State University
Michigan State University
1. Introduction Inflammation contributes to a variety of human and veterinary diseases, including mastitis. Bovine mastitis caused by Streptococcus uberis results in severe damage to milkproducing tissues as a result of an uncontrolled inflammatory response. Previous clinical and histopathological data suggested that disruption of the endothelial barrier contributed to disease pathology. For example, S....
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While humans are used to diets that contain concentrated sugar, it might be better if sugar was used in animal feed instead. Sugar is a concentrated energy food that is not a vital nutrient for humans; but, few studies have been done to fully determine all of the implications of using sugar in an animal feed diet. The feeding of sugar to livestock is a new concept in animal feed technology (PGK John, 2006). However, research...
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Over the past 30 years, the concept of establishing requirements and evaluating nutritional adequacy by use of nutritional models for dairy cattle has taken over the feed industry. Private companies, universities, feed companies, governments and even individual nutritionists have developed models. It will be the purpose of this paper to look at some concepts governing nutritional modeling, recommend some techniques for evaluating a model, and look at a few...
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It was during 1980's when the concept of functional food first took its commercial shape in Japan. Since then, the business space for functional food has been expanding and will continue to rise over the coming years. Functional foods are referred to as the food additives with health benefits. The growing awareness among the consumers pertaining to the relation between health, nutrition, and diet is basically propelling the demand for these functional food...
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James K. Drackley
University of Illinois
University of Illinois
Background Cows around calving time experience a depression on immune function partially due to the marked negative energy balance (NEB), which results when cows cannot ingest enough nutrients to support dietary requirements for milk production. During this time, methionine (Met) as one of the first limiting AA in dairy cows may be in limited supply. Research has demonstrated that Met plays a key role in milk protein...
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Introduction. The yield and composition of milk can be changed dramatically by altering the feeding regimen and phytogenic supplementation. Plant parts such as leaves and seeds contain bioactive compounds such as essential oils, saponins and tannins with some antimicrobial and anthelmintic properties which can be exploited in ruminant production to improve feed utilization, animal performance and milk nutritive value 1 . Mustard seed (Brassica...
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Dario Colombatto
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Introduction In temperate regions, grazing livestock production systems are primarily constrained, both biophysically and economically, by the amount, seasonality, and interannual variability of forage produced (Oesterheld et al., 1992; Oesterheld and Salas, 1994). In those systems, setting the stocking rate is a major managerial decision. The main goal of grazing management is to balance forage supply with livestock...
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Agranco's Coating Sustained Release Technology allows targeted release of nutrients to individual segments of the digestive track to increase dose efficency....
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Juan Loor
University of Illinois
University of Illinois
Background Previous research has underscored that provision of adequate levels of essential AA (EAA) is critical for improving N utilization efficiency as well as maximizing bovine milk protein synthesis [1]. Rulquin et al. [2] proposed “ideal” values for intestinal absorption of EAA in dairy cows; however, after absorption, AA flow first to the liver where substantial and differential net removal occurs...
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Introduction Late pregnancy and lactogenesis are linked to comprehensive endocrine and metabolic changes. Homeorhetic adaptations are necessary to accomplish the nutrient drain towards the mammary gland. They are associated with decreasing peripheral insulin sensitivity (IS) in peripheral tissues other than the mammary gland in dairy cattle [1] just as in other mammalian species like humans [2]. Nevertheless, genetic...
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Bill Braman
Chr. Hansen
The United States dairy pro­duction has continued to grow despite competition for land and other agricultural resources from other agronomic and livestock/poultry alternatives. More ef­ficient utilization of resources has now become a major objective of many dairies as they increase the size of their dairy herd despite a limited land base. In the Midwest and Northeast U.S. this growth has been driven by increases in use of corn silage, increased...
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Alfredo J. Escribano
Orffa Excentials
In ruminants concentrates, oils\fats inclusion is lower that in monogastrics' ones, where low durability and pasty textures can be found due to high inclusion of fats. In ruminants diets, where fats level of inclusion is lower, do you have any data\and or experience regarding the effect of calcium soaps of fatty acids (and\or hydrogenated fats) on pellet quality? ...
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