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Article published the July 22, 2020
Previous studies showed that inclusion of polyphenol-rich plant extracts in feed improves performance in ruminants, but the effect may vary depending on the dosage used. It has been shown that polyphenols modify the digestive process through modulation of gastrointestinal microbiota and bypass of protein digestion. The rumen houses a highly complex microbiota which is able to convert indigestible ...
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Article published the August 6, 2018
Use a blend of plant extracts as dietary antioxidant in animal productionThe objective of this article is to provide an introduction on oxidative stress, some concepts and suggestions to improve the efficiency of dietary antioxidants, including Silvafeed® ATX blend of plant extracts. This article is based on many concepts recently published in some important reviews (e.g. Bradford et al., ...
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September 8, 2015
equalizer Statistics: Articles(2)
Location:Merced, California, United States
Profile: Academic / scientific
Occupation: External Consultant, University of California
Followers (8)