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How to alleviate heat stress in poultry

Published: April 4, 2019
Laurine Faivre, Poultry Manager Asia-Pacific at Phileo by Lesaffre, talks about the use of Phileo’s premium yeast fraction, Safmannan®, helps to achieve positive improvements in survival rates, alongside better growth and feed efficiency, during VIV Asia 2019
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Laurine Faivre
Phileo by Lesaffre
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Clara Berger
Dr. Amit Kumar Pandey
Ayurvet Ltd.
8 de mayo de 2019

What is the specific mechanism in alleviating heat stress? How does this yeast extract work?

Laurine Faivre
Phileo by Lesaffre
8 de mayo de 2019
Dear Dr. Amit Kumar Pandey Thank you for your question. Our yeast solution to counteract heast stress in poultry is a premium yeast fraction, or commonly called yeast cell wall. It makes it different from a yeast extract in term of composition and mode of actions. It was demonstrated that heat stress hampers the development of the intestinal morphology and function. In poultry, dietary supplementation with the premium yeast fraction Safmannan® increases goblet cell number and mucus thickness of the intestinal mucosa. As a result, it may induce better gut morphology when birds are subjected to heat stress. Additionally, it has been confirmed that the selected yeast fraction can bind various pathogenic bacteria, making it difficult for them to colonize the intestine and to get in contact with the intestinal epithelial cells. This leads to the hypothesis that the selected yeast fraction could counteract the negative effects of heat stress on the epithelial barrier by reducing the translocation of bacterial products, and limit the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines like IL-6 which may activate the HPA-axis (which itself leads to immune-suppression). Moreover we know that Safmannan®, thanks to its composition in mannans and b-glucan, intensifies the immune system making the birds stronger and more resistant. I invite you to read our range of detailed articles dealing with heat stress on our blog for more information (https://raising-life.phileo-lesaffre.com/category/poultry/). Regards, Laurine
University of Maiduguri
13 de mayo de 2019

Heat stress can be reduced through
1 house orientation is east - west
2 roof insulation
3 painting of roof to white colour
4 dipping birds into water
5 good ventilation is wide windows
6 cooling system provision
7planting of trees and long raves
8 vit c in drinking water etc

Aoun Khan
8 de mayo de 2019

How this yeast extract works availability?

Laurine Faivre
Phileo by Lesaffre
8 de mayo de 2019
Dear Dr Aoun Khan , Thank you for your question. I will give you the same answer I gave to Dr Amit Kumar Pandey. Our yeast solution to counteract heast stress in poultry is a premium yeast fraction, or commonly called yeast cell wall. It makes it different from a yeast extract in term of composition and mode of actions. It was demonstrated that heat stress hampers the development of the intestinal morphology and function. In poultry, dietary supplementation with the premium yeast fraction Safmannan® increases goblet cell number and mucus thickness of the intestinal mucosa. As a result, it may induce better gut morphology when birds are subjected to heat stress. Additionally, it has been confirmed that the selected yeast fraction can bind various pathogenic bacteria, making it difficult for them to colonize the intestine and to get in contact with the intestinal epithelial cells. This leads to the hypothesis that the selected yeast fraction could counteract the negative effects of heat stress on the epithelial barrier by reducing the translocation of bacterial products, and limit the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines like IL-6 which may activate the HPA-axis (which itself leads to immune-suppression). Moreover we know that Safmannan®, thanks to its composition in mannans and b-glucan, intensifies the immune system making the birds stronger and more resistant. I invite you to read our range of detailed articles dealing with heat stress on our blog for more information (https://raising-life.phileo-lesaffre.com/category/poultry/). Regards, Laurine
Stephen Adejoro Dr
9 de mayo de 2019
Thank you for this innovation of yeast approach to heat mitigation especially in the humid tropical climate where this challenge has become critical for optimum performance and livability I welcome innovations of dietary approach to hestbmanagementbin the tropics including the use of osmoregulatory dietary products that can stabikuse internal homeostasis of chicken cells that will adequately prevent cell dehydration It is my believe that a group of poly methyl donors can perform this function effectively well as dietary inclusions, and dietary formulated Betaine perhaps with this enzyme innovation will go a long way to elevate this prominent chalkange inntropical poultry production Please also note that the issue if heat stress management is more of the night issues when humidity is high and then ventilation is poor So we need to merge our dietary management with the creation of good humidity in the night following a hot day by the adoption of using humidifier bin the night at least in the tropics Dr Adejoro in Nigeria is proposing an holistic idea capable of solving this problem in Humid tropical climate ,and kindly follow us on http://.blog.lifango .org or contact us on soavet@yahoo.com
Laurine Faivre
Phileo by Lesaffre
9 de mayo de 2019
Stephen Adejoro Dr , thank you for your comments. I'll have a look to the website. Regards, Laurine
Ghorbanali ( Amirali ) Sadeghi
University of Kurdistan
University of Kurdistan
13 de mayo de 2019
Stephen Adejoro Dr hello, may i know more about Dr Adejoro idea?
Stephen Adejoro Dr
14 de mayo de 2019
Ghorbanali ( Amirali ) Sadeghi Thank you for your interest on my idea of the use of trimethyl donors Betaine as an appropriate product Betaine will regulate osmosis and maintain the colloidal integrity of the cells and prevent dehydration the greatest chock in heat stress to birds We are working here on an innovative product of Betaine with vitamins as mitigator if heat Experimental trials is in progress in Nigeria supported by livestock industry foundation for Africa Interested collaborators are welcome to some thus challenges with us Follow LIFA on www.lifango.org or ouw news at http://blog.lifango.org E mail soavet@yahoo.com lifango48@gmail.com
Dr. Mahbub
9 de mayo de 2019
How acetyl salicylic acid act to overcome heat stress?
Laurine Faivre
Phileo by Lesaffre
9 de mayo de 2019
Dear Dr. Mahbub , I am not very familiar with ASA, but I suppose that its anti-inflammatory effect helps to cope with heat stress situation. Nevertheless heat stress negatively impacts several parameters in birds. Among them we generaly see an increase of body temperature, dysbacteriosis in the gut, gut's hypoxia, immunosupression,... As a result, it would be interesting to associate this solution with others to have a broader mode of action to support bird's protection against heat stress. For more information I invite you to read our range of articles dealing with our solutions and their application in heat stress situation (https://raising-life.phileo-lesaffre.com/category/poultry/). Regards, Laurine
Dr. Mahbub
9 de mayo de 2019
Dear Laurine Faivre Thanks for your comments. Regards Dr. Mahbub
Dr Kotaiah Talapaneni
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
10 de mayo de 2019

There are no medicines which will alleviate heat when temperature go up. The authors ate theoretically correct but not enough to produce results.
Try and reduce the house temperature to below 30c. Don't waste money on concoctions.

Begerano Albert
13 de mayo de 2019
Dr.Talapaneni.Kotaiah You are very correct, first invest in environment improvement, most important.
11 de mayo de 2019
In an open-sided house, it is not easy to reduce heat temperature to the comfort zone or even to the nearest point to it. In this regard, the addition of some drugs will help to reduce the negative effects of hot weather on the chickens.
Dr Kotaiah Talapaneni
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
11 de mayo de 2019

We use foggers air circulators wet the drip curtains on sided. Some operate evaporative cooling/ tunnel ventilation for two months. Good for dry weather areas.
We used vitamin C antipyretics etc. just eyewash. Nondescript herbal concoctions earned a lot of money for the companies in the first usage. Nobody bought again but the earnings are enough for life.

Zahed Abbasi
Toyoor Barekat co
12 de mayo de 2019

Gut dysfunction due to heat stress is only one aspect of it, there is anion cation imbalance, respiratory Alkalosis and etc the right decision is to correct the environment condition in poultry house about temperature and ventilation but after heat stress we are faced whit structural change and growth of harmful bacteria in intestine and have to be prevention or treated, hence in tropical area have to use feed additives like betaine and this new product to alleviate the problem .

SalahEldeen Alaghbash
12 de mayo de 2019

We have experienced high mortality in broiler flocks in houses where a fatal combination of high temperatures and humidity was prevailing. With some management efforts, introducing salcellic acid, vitamin C and lowering drinking water temperature helped to alleviate the problem.

Begerano Albert
13 de mayo de 2019
Simple roof insulation, local material like two layers of palm leaves with sprinkles is even better. I worked with betaine, it is doing good job.
Rustam ali
14 de mayo de 2019

Facing big problems, high mortality. swelling of kidney, liver size in large, and discolored. age 33 day weight 1.5 kg broiler. If anyone knows the cause, please advise.

Dr. Amit Kumar Pandey
Ayurvet Ltd.
14 de mayo de 2019

Dear Rustam Ali,

As we know that the incorporation of oils in the feed of broilers as energy content put lots of pressure on liver and kidney for metabolism especially in summer conditions with high ambient temperature. Please check the oil content of the feed, also check the sign of fatty liver by post mortem. To support the liver and reduce mortality it is very necessary to give tiver tonic in the feed especially in summer or in the area with high ambient temperature.
Superliv is a product of Ayurvet limited which is 100% natural liver tonic and proves its efficacy in this type of situation.
At present to reduce the mortality add liver tonic in the broiler feed and see the result.

Martin Smith
Evonik Animal Nutrition
Evonik Animal Nutrition
20 de mayo de 2019
Dr. Amit Kumar Pandey Incorrect sir! Oils are actually BETTER than carbohydrates (CHOs) as an energy source in heat stress conditions This is because heat increment is less for lipids than for CHOs; so the animal produces less internal heat and so reduces risk. Net energy systems recognise this and should be used over AME systems. Further, liver insult is more pronounced when processing CHO energy sources compared to lipid sources. In summary; in heat stress conditions use MORE oil, particularly poly unsaturated sources such as soya, sunflower and rapessed. MPS
Stephen Adejoro Dr
14 de mayo de 2019

Over 95 of poultry farmers in the South Sahara Africa will not be able to invest in close environmental houses where the effect of heat stress on poultry is highly compromised
We are very much concern about the bulk of poultry farmers in this region who often load chicken internal heat with moderate to high energy diets with all the detrimental effect on both broiler and layer efficiency production
Efforts are made in this region to use less heat conducting roofing sheets, as well as proactive measures like planting shady trees, white panting water tankers and regular use if ice cold packs
These methods are in long time usages by farmers with minimal paliatives and especially in many regions and seasons when environmental temperatures could build up as high as 39-42*c and with high overnight humidity
It is a usual observation to record very high mortalities early in the morning following such hugh ambient temperature in the day
It becomes partinent to shift our search on to dietary approach to the management if heat stress ,an approach by using dietary products that can assist in creating internal cell homeostasis and product that can maintain ismolytic regulation if the internal cell integrity ,astsrem that will prevent cekk dehydration which is the major cause of mortality in heat stress
We believe that a good product rich in nethyl radical for donation and have the zwitteriinic characteristics and as ismolytic will help maintain water homeostasis+klasibf et am 200302) without affecting metabolism
We in livestock industry foundation believe in holistic solution to the industry chakkabges and thus include the mitigation if heat stress now more devastating with the climate change upsurge
The research team of LIFA has identified Betaine especially with vitamins as mist appropriate for thus role
As an osmolyte Betaine will enable proteins maintain their stability in the presence of uruc acid concentrations and in high salinity
Tissues will then depend on Betaine as osmolyte and organs like kidney liver,intestines and keucicytes enjoy thus benefits +kkasing et am 2002)
Its thus osmoprotective ability if Betaine that often mitigate if heat stress and prevent the acud-base imbalances that may compromise metabolic actions that ultimately impact in broilers performances and layers and breeders performances
Besides all the above Betaine complement recovery from coccidiosis by improving the intestinal vili growth for proper absorption
LIFA in Nigeria will vigorously promote the alternate use of this product in South Sahara Africa
Already efforts are on to promote a Betaine vitamin mineral oremux in Africa for the mitigation of this great threat to the poultry industry if thus region.
I conclude that in the tropics dietary approach to the management if gear stress is nothing but sound wisdom that farmers with open sided housing structures must embrace.

Pirzado M Zakria
15 de mayo de 2019

Hi, Laurine hope you will be fine. In our conditions, farmers raised their birds in open sided houses. In summer average environmental temperature is around above 40 Celsius. In open houses, it is difficult to control heat stress. My question is that how yeast can control the heat stress in birds reared in open houses?

Laurine Faivre
Phileo by Lesaffre
22 de mayo de 2019
Dear Pirzado M Zakria , Thank you for your question. It is indeed difficult to control heat stress with open house. House management would be the first parameter to improve before using any other products. Sprinklers, Fans, Reducing density, ... plenty of different aspects can be tried. I even saw farms painting their roof in white to reduce the temperature (compared with a similar house with black roof we had 2°C difference between houses!) Yeast fraction will help to cope with part of the negative impacts induced by heat stress, especially protecting the birds with pathogen contamination which is more frequent in opened house. I can provide you our technical guide where we give some advices regarding management solutions under heat stress solutions. Feel free to give me your email address for me to send it to you. Regards, Laurine
Pirzado M Zakria
5 de septiembre de 2019
Hi, Laurine Faivre hope you will be fine. Thanks for your answer. My email is drpirzado41@gmail.com. Please share technical guide regarding management solutions under heat stress. Regards, Dr. Zakria
Stephen Adejoro Dr
15 de mayo de 2019

Heat management in open sided tropical houses must focus on palliative environmental measures as mentioned by many contributors on this discussion, and mist critically us the inclusion of potent dietary products in duets to ensure homeostasis, low rectal temoeration and enhance methylation processes.
We in the tropics need to drastically mitigate internal heat liad in very hot climate and in hot seasons
In combination to this management strategy will be the installation of humidifier in the nights to lower night high humidity, while cross ventilation is encouraged for heat blow out from pens.
An NGO in Nigeria Livestock industry foundation for Africa( LIFA) is promoting advocacy and knowledge sharing on the use if osmolites like Betaine in the conventional mitigation if heat stress in the tropical climate.

Dr Kotaiah Talapaneni
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
17 de mayo de 2019
The sales man of Betain wants to replace Methionine, Choline, and now it stops heat stress also. Better if it can replace whole feed
Stephen Adejoro Dr
17 de mayo de 2019

Dr Talapaneni
Please read more about Betaine composition and its biochemical reactions as a potent mrthyk donor like methionine and its ismoregulatory roles
Read about Betaine in relation to nitric acid formation and see the role if nitric acid in cardiovascular efficient
Read about Betaine as an enhancement of fertility in breeders because of its sohrodiasic properties ,and study methylation roles of Betaine in the synthesis of ATP ,what of the role of Betaine in fictional intestinal villi morphology after an outbreak of coccidiosis then you will believe my post on the substitution role if Betaine to methionine and choline chloride, if used at a certain concentration.

Stephen Adejoro Dr
17 de mayo de 2019

Contact me privately to send you further studies
I am not a salesman ,but a seasoned poultry technical consultant of over 40 years in the humid tropical climate, where the effect of heat stress is of great concern to our poultry farmers
I am also the founder of livestock industry foundation for Africa ,a knowledge capitalized livestock NGO in Nigeria
You may follow our activities more on www.lifango.org.

Srinivasa Group
Srinivasa Group
17 de mayo de 2019
Doctor, what's the correct prpotion rate of beta e and what time be useful in better
Stephen Adejoro Dr
18 de mayo de 2019
thulasiram. Betaine inclusion rates depend on your usage objectives ,whether you need it to ameliorate heat stress,or as synergy for the management of coccidiosis,or in usage to improve fertility in breeders,or to use in replacement if methionine The range vary from as low as 100gram per Ton if feed tobas high as 750-800gram per ton if ration especially if it is to replace methionine and chkiribe chloride Since I gave been receiving more information on the practical approach to the use if Betaine in poultry, Livestock Industry foundation for Africa,a knowledge capitalized NGO whose initiatives cover advocacy on developing resilences to the vagaries of climate change ,will discuss heat stress management and the role of Betaine in our upcoming E magazine We recommend you follow us more on our blog https://blog.lifango.org You can also contact LIFA at lifango48@gmail for more information on efficient management of your poultry in humid tropical climate LIFA is an NGO with the slogan ,"COME AND HELP US DEVELOP LIVESTOCK FOOD SECURITY IN SOUTH SAHARA AFRICA
Martin Smith
Evonik Animal Nutrition
Evonik Animal Nutrition
20 de mayo de 2019
Stephen Adejoro Dr Please be aware that betaine CANNOT replace methionine. Use of betaine as an osmoregulator is completely correct; and yes, it CAN play a role as a methyl donor. However, methionine is an essential amino acid, and cannot be replaced. When methionine donates methyl groups, it is recycled and so betaine plays no role in replacement. Numerous trials have concluded that partially replacing methionine with any other methyl source (betaine OR choline) results in poorer performance, both physically and financially MPS
Ziad Adel
kubbar International
18 de mayo de 2019
No question about Betaine positive effect in hot climate.
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