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Zahed Abbasi
Breeder and layer management , prevention,control and treatments of diseases and technical cosultant in Hatcheries, management of hatch process to have high quality day old chicks.
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dan hofer Sorry if you read this but only do a Trial and dose it on normal level of 1kg/1000l and you will see grwoth. If you do high level everything kills.... All Vitamin can kill bacteria on high levels and some are as well frarmers and animals. So I am only saying there is much more efficent ways and as well to kill algae, as even high levels of Citric will not do anything on them.
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1. IntroductionHumphry Davy, a British chemist, was the first to isolate and investigate the chemistry of calcium (Ca) and to recognise it as an essential component of bone in 1808. Ever since, it has been the subject of a voluminous amount of research in both human and animal nutrition. Today, the biological significance and economic importance of Ca in animals are intuitive. Calcium is the most ...
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Dear Dr. Beplob, Our product is effective, and we have carried trials against competing products where the animals treated with our product showed better performance. However, in my opinion, if the management of the farm is bad, there will be no product, natural or synthetic, that will solve the underlying problems.
Participation in Forum on July 10, 2023
Hi Dear John Thomson; The prepare enough energy in layer especially in late period of production in modern layer breeds is very important and critical ,unfortunatly i cant watch the video because it dos not open . if it is possible please send me by this e-mail '' Tanks alot
Zahed Abbasi likes this technical article:
IntroductionModern broiler chickens are most certainly a most visible manifestation of genetic advancements. At hatch, a Cobb500 broiler weighs 42 grams. This newborn chick grows 31 % (55 g/bird) in just twenty-four hours. By day 35 of age, this chicken reaches a body weightof 2,521 grams, representing 5,902 % relative to hatching mass (Cobb-Vantres 500, 2022). Genetic selection, food, health, and ...
Participation in Forum on June 22, 2023
Excellent about antioxidant in cell and the question is that are the anti oxidant effective in healing from viral infection and diseases ? do the radical will produce in the infections?
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Peter Surai (FeedFood, UK; Vitagene and Health Research Centre, UK, among others) presents on Engormix his talk about antioxidants and their use in poultry production.
Participation in Forum on June 22, 2023
Hi again to all: When i mentioned the biogenamin and mycotoxin i mean to induce dysbacteriosis not feed passage , when feed passage occurs we are facing dysbacteriosis but the kind of extra will be different in relation to condition and the cause .
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George Entz Soybean meal (SBM) is the predominant supplier of digestible amino acids in commercial poultry diets. I don´t know how predominant is SBM where you are or where you visit flocks. But if SBM is from 20% on in the formula of broiler feeds it is likely that you will see rapid feed passage in the excreta of any flock of broilers. SBM, to the best of my knowledge, continues to be at a ...
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George Entz. Hello George, the photos show typical excreta of broilers exposed to high trypsin inhibitors in the diet either from soybean meal or from full-fat soybeans or both. In my response to Dr. Rob Patterson June 16/2023 ( I provided my explanation of how trypsin inhibitors elicit rapid feed passage in ...
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