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Participation in Forum on October 3, 2023
Hello JennyNice work. I have a question for you. How about the mycotxins degradation products? Do they are safe for pigs or poultry?
Ghorbanali Sadeghi likes the comment:
This is an interesting review. However, there are two or three important dietary interactions that have been overlooked. First, it is mentioned that methionine is necessary for the synthesis of choline, but I couldn't find anything on the re-methylation of homocysteine by betaine to form methionine. The re-methlyation of homocysteine is accomplished by betaine in the feed or that is formed in the ...
Participation in Forum on September 11, 2023
hello may i know about the ratio of different types of protease (acidic, Alkaline and neutral) in your product?
Ghorbanali Sadeghi likes this technical article:
In the past, nutritionists did not pay attention to fibre in poultry feed formulations. Step by step the researcher as well as the industry in this decade has realised the importance of fibre in a poultry feeding strategy. The use of fibre in poultry has been, and still is, a major research topic at universities around the globe.Professor Mateos group from Spain as well as Prof. Svihus from Norway ...
Participation in Forum on August 30, 2023
Aaron Cowieson Thanks again. I have one more question for you. If we have all 3 types ( acidic, alkalic and neutral ) proteases, which combination of them ( the ratios in percentage) would be better?
Participation in Forum on June 28, 2023
Aaron Cowieson Thanks a lot for your answer
Ghorbanali Sadeghi likes the comment:
Ghorbanali Sadeghi, if you reflect on the carbohydrase market, there is a great diversity of enzymes available that have been developed specifically to address the heterogeneity in the substrate landscape - from xylanase, glucanases, pectinases, galactosidases, mannanases, etc. We understand that dietary carbohydrate is not a homogenous substrate pool. With protein we still have some work to do he ...
Participation in Forum on June 25, 2023
Aaron Cowieson Thanks for your explanation. How if we have a combination of trypsin-like and chrmotrypsin-like proteases?
Participation in Forum on November 16, 2022
Mohammad Afrouziyeh you are very welcome Mohammad
Ghorbanali Sadeghi likes the comment:
Ghorbanali Sadeghi Dear Dr. Sadeghi, I agree. Thank you very much for the constructive feedback. I appreciate it.
equalizer Statistics: Forums(7)
Location:Kurdistan, Khuzestan, Iran
Profile: Academic / scientific
Occupation: Poultry Nutritionist, Professor at University of Kurdistan
Followers (3)
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