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#Feed formulation
Article published the March 10, 2017
Introduction A three-phase growout process is commonly used in the commercial production of hybrid striped bass in earthen ponds. Phase I fingerlings, 2.2 to 3.3 lb/1000, are stocked into phase II ponds at a density of approximately 12,000/acre. Harvest of fish (2.2 to 4.5/lb) from phase II ponds is followed by size grading that precedes stocking into ponds (3,500/acre) for the final growout phas ...
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Article published the February 10, 2017
Over the past twenty years, much success has been realized in the efforts to reduce the amount of fish meal in aquafeeeds in favor of other feedstuffs. Demand of fish meal as a principal source of protein has decreased due to many successful achievements, but is poised to increase as attention is being directed to the farming of more carnivorous species. A variety of approaches to achieve total su ...
remove_red_eye 349
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Article published the October 18, 2016
During the past 20 years, the pond culture of hybrid striped bass has developed into a successful sector of the United States aquaculture industry; annual production has grown exponentially from 10,000 pounds to nearly 12,000,000 pounds during that period. A three-phase production system has been used. Phase I (nursery phase) consists of producing 30- to 45-day-old fingerlings in fertilized &ldquo ...
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This member gave a presentation on October 23, 2015
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September 26, 2012
equalizer Statistics: Articles(3)
Location:Starkville, Mississippi, United States
Profile: Academic / scientific
Occupation: Research
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