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Rajeev Jha
Virology and Biotechnology
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Mohammad Afrouziyeh (University of Alberta / Poultry Innovation Partnership) shares his recommendations and insights on water quality, as well as a new tool to control it, during this Engormix interview.
Article published the February 10, 2023
IntroductionEarly fish development is the most important thing that should be known before producing any seeds, especially in the new cultured species or strain. Generally, early development is divided into egg, larvae and juvenile, whereas mostly fish embryos develop from transparent eggs [1] . According to Kendall et al. [2], the egg stage is divided into early, middle and late subdivisions, whi ...
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Participation in Forum on November 23, 2022
This article is discussing about the recent issues of Bacterial pathogen in shrimp. It also supports the Not uses of antibiotics in the shrimp industry
Article published the November 4, 2021
IntroductionAfrican swine fever virus (ASFV) reported as deadly for pigs. It is listed as a “notifiable disease” by the OIE due to high illness rates and a high mortality rate, up to 100%, and substantial financial losses [1-3]. Further spread of ASF to China has had disastrous consequences, especially instead of the fact that China contains more than half of the world’s pig popu ...
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Article published the October 19, 2021
IntroductionThe African swine fever (ASF) virus (ASFV) is deadly to pigs but harmless to humans [1]. ASF is one of the most severe viral diseases affecting pigs worldwide [2-5]. It is considered a “notifiable disease” by the Office International des Epizooties (International Office of Epizootics [OIE] of the World Health Organization because of its high mortality rate of up to 100% [6- ...
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Article published the March 10, 2021
INTRODUCTIONThe acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND) has affected shrimp farming in several countries, like, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, Mexico and in Philipines.1-6 The unique symptoms and characteristics of this disease consisting of massive sloughing of hepatopancreas epithelial cells.  The external symptoms in infected shrimp like, empty stomach, bluish body color and shrunken ...
remove_red_eye 314
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Participation in Forum on January 28, 2021
Good news indeed. Can we have details on this? Thanks
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Sorry Sir, this statement is no acceptable for scientists (An immunomodulator is any substance that helps to regulate the immune system)
Rajeev Jha likes the comment:
Dear Dr. Shivi, That makes a lot of sense, Thank you for your reply, Prof. Babikyan
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Location:Jakarta, Jakarta Raya [Djakarta Raya] , Indonesia
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Doctorate
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