Dr Pragati Salutgi likes the comment:
@Dr Pragati Salutgi You are absolutely right. The enzymes are always substrate specific. While designing the enzyme products, we always consider the general composition of diet. We only consider the type of cereals and protein sources used. Otherwise we have to design tailor-made enzymes.Similarly, ME utilisation always depends on composition of diet because of which we always underestimate or ove ...
Participation in Forum on February 22, 2025
Elaborate set of discussion above. I have experienced first hand the unwillingness of any producer/feed miller in disclosing the current set of ingredients in use. There is always much ambiguity regarding the raw materials used, unless of course you are a consultant. The bridge to value proposition and value addition is enzymes and their specific use after determining its substrate. However either ...
Dr Pragati Salutgi likes this technical article:
The poultry industry is one of the fastest-growing sectors in global agriculture, providing a critical source of protein through meat and eggs. Beyond its contribution to food security, the poultry value chain serves as a significant driver of economic development, offering opportunities for inclusive growth across rural and urban communities. By leveraging its multi- faceted value chain, the indu ...
Article published the February 7, 2025
The poultry industry is one of the fastest-growing sectors in global agriculture, providing a critical source of protein through meat and eggs. Beyond its contribution to food security, the poultry value chain serves as a significant driver of economic development, offering opportunities for inclusive growth across rural and urban communities. By leveraging its multi- faceted value chain, the indu ...
Participation in Forum on April 25, 2024
Great initiative there! Our organization is based in India and would like to know regarding IFFEDER Sustainability toolkit.
Participation in Forum on April 16, 2024
That's great food for thought. Can you provide with more links and references to additional benefits of proteases that go beyond releasing amino acids?
This member had joined Engormix
April 16, 2024