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Sushil Chandra
Master in Poultry Nutrition 1975
I am feed Mill management person with over 40 yrs of experience with Feed Industry.Have headed many feed companies In India .Since 2007 have my own consulting company M/S Chandraassociates on Ato Z of
Master in Poultry Nutrition 1975
User topics
#Feed formulation
Participation in Forum on June 21, 2024
Dear sirSome more experimental study results awaited from ur side on usage of thyme oil and its efficacy and cost effective issuesRegards Drchandra
Participation in Forum on April 18, 2024
@Imen Belhadj Slimen Dear sirThe basic issue is commercial qty availability of dead insects all over universeIts only some poultry people from Nigeria ( lagos) tried to collect small wty of dead insects like flies and larvae used at very low level @ 2 to 4 % and found positive results More study needs to be done about commercial availability Regards Dr. Chandra Pune India
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@Dr Piotr Stanislawski and Mr. Zakria, a precise matrix for a blend of enzymes is totally related to the measure of substrates and anti-nutritional elements in the feed, and it varies from one to another.The correlation of enzymes is an aspect that interferes in the performance results and gather this improvement is truly a challenge but possible with the growth model, it becomes more elucidative.
Participation in Forum on September 7, 2022
Good topic Before reducing finisher protein from 20% to 18% A thorough trial should be conducted at few farms duriing different climatic conditions to conclude this claim Regards Drchandra
Participation in Forum on July 9, 2021
There can no end to discussion on this topic I fully endorse views of Mr Diaz Its indisputed that pellets are better in all the aspect Regards
Participation in Forum on July 8, 2021
Good article Problem is of availability on commercial scale, quality parameters, and price per tone and of course efficacy of product I haven’t seen any alternative product coming in use in recent past in poultry feed industry Kindly let us know if any?? Regards
Participation in Forum on June 23, 2021
One has to look into commercial angle of experiment As the price of fenugreek seed and its commercial quantity availablity needs to be looked into it Regards
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I struggle with the effect of particle size on pellet quality as shown in figure 1 showing only a 1% impact. I think it is much more dramatic that suggested for finishing pigs. Pre-grinding soybean meal has shown to improve pellet quality and digestibility. When comparing corn particle sizes from 300 to 1000 micron, pellet quality will be impaired with coarser particle sizes.
Participation in Forum on February 23, 2021
There no shortcut / formula for feed mill efficiency But certainly following points need to be followed 1 utilitise man hours judiciously without any waste of time 2 Do not allow machinery to run empty or over loaded 3 Note down electric meter reading every morning 4 clean alk magnets in the morning before batching 5 check oil and grease 6 time between intake and first batch coming out must be ...
Participation in Forum on December 24, 2020
2 mm crumb for pre starter 2.5 mm crumb for starter or 3 mm pellet 3 mm pellet for finisher Proper conditoning of 90 sec Standard parameter for ME, protien Avl P , lysine , methionine M+C Get 2000 g in 35 days With FCR of 1.45— 1.5 Regards
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Location:Pune, Maharashtra, India
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Master in Poultry Nutrition 1975
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