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Article published the December 1, 2023
There are essentially two types of poultry house circulation fan systems: vertical and horizontal. In a vertical circulation fan system, fans are located in the center of the house, typically near the ceiling, and are oriented to blow straight down towards the floor. The air then moves across the floor, up the side walls, and back along the ceiling to the center of the house, creating a vertical a ...
remove_red_eye 69
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Article published the December 1, 2023
Preventing injury to a chicken’s foot pads (paws) is very important for a number of reasons. First, chicken paws are a valuable product, a delicacy in some cultures, and often sell for as much as two to three times as breast meat on a per-pound basis. Secondly, foot pad lesions can become infected, resulting in leg problems and a decrease in overall bird performance. Last but not least, a ch ...
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This member gave a presentation on January 23, 2023
At the following event:
IPPE - International Production & Processing Expo 2023
Article published the October 3, 2022
Recently a study was conducted on commercial broiler farms examining broiler water usage over the first seven days of a growout. High-accuracy, ultrasonic water meters were installed in twenty-two broiler houses (18, 40' X 500' houses, four 54' X 500' houses) on nine farms. The water meters were capable of accurately measuring water flow rates as low as 0.005 gals/min, which is 50 ...
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Article published the October 3, 2022
Getting chicks off to a good start is very important to overall flock performance. At no time does a bird grow faster than during the first week of its life. Over the last week of a 42-day-old flock, a bird’s weight will increase by approximately a third. In contrast, a chick’s weight will typically increase approximately four fold, possibly more, by the time it reaches seven days of a ...
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Article published the April 1, 2022
Something to consider. If we preheated and ventilated a house long enough prior to chick arrival, the need for a litter treatment would be drastically reduced, if not possibly eliminated. Litter treatments are used primarily because the cost of preheating and ventilating a house long enough prior to chick arrival to remove excess moisture and ammonia produced by the previous flock far exceeds that ...
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Article published the March 30, 2022
The level of ammonia young chicks will be exposed to during the first week of their lives is determined to a large extent by what was done to the litter between the flocks. Towards the end of a flock, the birds are adding thousands of gallons of water to a house each day. During cold weather, reduced ventilation rates, in an attempt to keep heating costs to a minimum, can result in a large percent ...
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Article published the March 30, 2022
Windrowing has become a very popular method of managing litter between flocks. In order to get the most benefit out of windrowing, the litter needs to be relatively damp. How damp? Ideally, the litter moisture content would be between 25 and 35%. At this level of litter moisture, when you grab a handful of litter and squeeze it, it would form a very tight ball. Most research has found a litter moi ...
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Connie Mou likes the comment:
Just curious….why couldn’t we simply conclude that it simply doesn’t work???
Article published the January 6, 2022
INTRODUCTIONIn poultry, phosphorus (P) is an essential nutrient in metabolic processes and a component of nucleic acids, membrane phospholipids, and bones (Nie et al., 2013). Much effort has been made to increase P absorption in poultry to improve metabolic performance and reduce the environmental impact of phosphate (Pi) release from manure (Ahmadi and Rodehutscord, 2012; Letourneau-Montminy et ...
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