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Minimum broiler feed requirement (gram/day or gram/bird weight) for its survival and min. requirement for maximum weight gain

Published: December 6, 2019
By: Asif Ayaz Khan, MSc, PMP®, PMI-SP®, PMI-RMP®

Note: Considering broiler is grown in ideal environment and in second scenario broiler is grown in this world with little

For reducing the cost of feed with minimal stress on bird and with maximum weight gain is there any specific or thumb rule formula for calculating minimum or maximum daily feed required (gram/day or gram/bird weight) that bird can fully utilize it nutrition without losing the excess of feed nutrition in feces.

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Asif Ayaz Khan, MSc, PMP®, PMI-SP®, PMI-RMP®
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Asif Ayaz Khan, MSc, PMP®, PMI-SP®, PMI-RMP®
6 de diciembre de 2019
In our part of the world there is a norm that in First week of broiler life provide it feed ad libitum but in second week & third week (may be till slaughter) the feed requirement is calculated by multiplying the number of days & number of birds with constant of 4.5 gram feed, in some houses the constant is 5 g from week four till slaughter. On contrary to this the Ross and Cobb Broiler Performance And Nutrition Supplement as hatched section showed differently, there the feed gram constant is in first week is between 13 g and 5 g and in second week it is 4.9 g, in third week it is between 4.9 g and 5.3 g and in forth week it is between 5.3 g & 5.4 g and in week 5 it is 5.4 g. In both the case the broiler bird finishes it feed and FCR KPI is better, but first case there is variation in bird size where as in Ross & Cobb feed gram calculation the variation in minimal and weight gain is quicker but the cost of feed increase per bird as the age of bird 33 or above. For reducing the cost of feed with minimal stress on bird and with maximum weight gain the following below question need answer and this topic is added in the discussion for sharing the experiences; 1: Is there any specific or thumb rule formula for calculating minimum or maximum daily feed required (gram/day or gram/bird weight) that bird can fully utilize it nutrition without losing the excess of feed nutrition in feces. 2: Secondly how much minimum feed quantity requirement (gram/day or gram/body weight) for bird body maintenance. 3: Thirdly how much minimum feed required for required daily weight gain. There are lot of unknown in finding the answer to this question like disease stress, nutrition value of feed, breed of broiler bird & management etc., but to answer the above question two scenarios can be considered 1: Consider living in ideal world where all the stresses are minimal. 2: Secondly living in practical world where anything (stress) is possible, can happen anytime. As the feed contribute to 70 to 80% of the final bird cost, a small reduction in cost can save a lot. Looking forward to professional discussion/ opinion.
Muhammad Farooq
19 de diciembre de 2019
Asif Ayaz Khan, MSc, PMP®, PMI-SP®, PMI-RMP® its accoding to weight gain and profile of feed very much variation in raw material and data if we minimize it then precision.maintence feed very as u increase 5 gm its approx maintenace rest is for growth. Feed intake directly relate to target weight gain many factors.
Park W. Waldroup
University of Arkansas (USA)
University of Arkansas (USA)
11 de diciembre de 2019

We always feed ad libitum the entire period to support maximum growth, which minimizes the growing period and thus reduces overall maintenance allocation for best FCR.

Asif Ayaz Khan, MSc, PMP®, PMI-SP®, PMI-RMP®
12 de diciembre de 2019
Thank you for the support. Mr. Park for average of 2 kg bird (or any other weight that is kept as market standard) what is your target FCR & number of days.
Muhammad Farooq
7 de mayo de 2022
Park W. Waldroup Ad Libitum is good practice till 21 day but after that 5 to 6 hr daily feed restriction improve FCR and growth also till 37 day.
Dr Ali ajwad
10 de mayo de 2022
Muhammad Farooq It is better to provide ad libitum feed just in first week and use feed restriction to prevent metabolic diseases and sudden death syndrome in 5th and 6th week .
12 de diciembre de 2019

This is a good question, but I think no one can answer you. Because most of people feed their broiler ad-libitum. The only feed restriction when the light off.

Asif Ayaz Khan, MSc, PMP®, PMI-SP®, PMI-RMP®
12 de diciembre de 2019
Mr. Hard Man what is your lighting program, from which day you start/end it and what is the length of the program and the number of off times in a day.
john o Reilly
15 de diciembre de 2019

What is your light in program from day 0 till 39 days?

Asif Ayaz Khan, MSc, PMP®, PMI-SP®, PMI-RMP®
12 de diciembre de 2019
Thank you for the support. Mr. Park for average of 2 kg bird (or any other weight that is kept as market standard) what is your target FCR & number of days. Mr. Hard Man what is your lighting program, from which day you start/end it and what is the length of the program and the number of off times in a day. Saving a day in broiler life to market can save a lot.
Sushil Chandra
17 de diciembre de 2019

Good topic
Here we give more importance feeding broiler chicks up to 2 wks by using.prestarte at 400 g per chick to get around 400 g body wt.
Then follow stater feed till 25 days @ 1000 g of feed per bird which is followed by feeding finisher feed up to 35 days to get 2 kg body wt and 1.55 FCR.
The above routine is followed with most of the farms.
Lighting is restricted for first 10 days with brooder temp and brooding house temperature and proper ventilation.

Muhammad Farooq
19 de diciembre de 2019

What about pre-starter till 0-9 days then starter till 20 days and finisher 21-37 days fcr 1.5 weight 2.5 kg?

Sushil Chandra
20 de diciembre de 2019
Muhammad Farooq If u are getting 1.5 FCR and 2.5 Kg body wt at 37 days, it’s wonderful and congrats for the using such good formulation Regards
daniel severino
14 de marzo de 2020
Sushil Chandra i think this is the best ideal but how are we gping to controll some overweights snd what the specif specs on cp per prestater and cp on starter for the best mortality ? Quiety detailed but i only need to know a technical tool yo use on the controlling on the birds as well ad stocking density Thank you
26 de diciembre de 2019

Pls, what is the required % cp and energy in kcal per kg for prestarter, starter and finisher diets?

Muhammad Farooq
28 de diciembre de 2019

DR ABUBAKAR GENE Mostly for Broiler prestarter Cp%/ ME kcal kg 22.5 / 3000 with Digestible lysine 1.25% proportionally adjust rest essential 7-8 amino acids, for starter 22/ 3100 dig Lysine 1.20 % and for finisher 21/ 3250 Digestible Lysine 1.15 % this will give better response around 1.49-1.5 FCR using corn soya based diet.

29 de diciembre de 2019
Muhammad Farooq many thanks
Muhammad Farooq
31 de diciembre de 2019
Muhammad Farooq
7 de mayo de 2022
DR ABUBAKAR GENE welcome my whats app is +923015588335 feel free to contact.
Dr Kotaiah Talapaneni
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
26 de diciembre de 2019

Lighting program followed by Sushi Chandra not understood.
Restricted for 10 days?
Full lighting program may be given. Mohammed farooq got 1.5kg weight with 2.5kg feed, I guess?

Muhammad Farooq
7 de mayo de 2022
Dr Kotaiah Talapaneni Recommended as company
Atif Hamza
5 de marzo de 2020

How about using 80 g pre-starter and 1000 g starter then followed by feeding finisher feed up to 35 days to get 2 kg body wt with 1.45 FCR this by using feed restriction for 6 hrs daily?

Tanaji Valmik Lokare
19 de marzo de 2020
Atif Hamza Its good I have seen in commercial broiler in 3rd week and 4th week there is heavy mortality due to high protein diet as well as sub-clinical viral infection like IBD and ND the mortality was not going to stop till harvesting after PM it was showing acitis fatty liver , some people are doubtful for IBH even I myself. But when farmer started feed restriction 12.30 am to 4.30 pm and in the night whole night light is kept off . It was observed that no mortality in the 4th week to harvesting and birds are looking fresh and weight gain also very good . The conclusion is that by feed restriction though there is sub-clinical viral infection the mortality gets controlled mean mortality is due to high protein diet. Mortality at selling age is huge loss that can be controlled feed management .
Dr Kotaiah Talapaneni
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
8 de mayo de 2022
Atif Hamza We are recommending 300gms pre starte and 700gms starter for better initial growth. Light restriction depends on season and outside temperature ( not e.c houses) If day temperatures are hot better give all night light. If out side is cool and if there are cases of ascites and sudden death intermittent lighting of 6hoirs is recommended. Quantity of finisher feed will depend on feed quality and weight at start of finisher.
Hiren Pancholi
31 de agosto de 2022
Tanaji Valmik Lokare, very good observation. I feel protein restriction is also a must as many issues are because of high protein.
Dr Kotaiah Talapaneni
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
7 de marzo de 2020

There are calculations in the literature to calculate the energy requirement per given weight. Brody formula is body weight raised to the power of 0.65. the feed for added growth is calculated at 1.5 FCR.
an other way we tried is full feeding of broilers with pre starter and starter. the approximate feed consumption on 22nd day is around 80gms. we found that the daily feed on ad libitum feed at 40days is around 150gms. we hypothesized and tried limited feeding. we took base feed on 21st day as 80gms. keep adding 3 to 4gms per bird per day on daily basis. this avoided excess feeding especially in hot months resulting in less day mortality and better FCR.
Worth trying. The flocks which achieved about 800gms on 21 days did well on this program.

Samaila Dauda
5 de agosto de 2021
35-65gm for 19 weeks layer of feed per day is it ok?
Muhammad Farooq
7 de mayo de 2022
Samaila Dauda 70 to 75 gm
Muhammad Farooq
6 de marzo de 2023
Samaila DaudaI Its less
Muhammad Farooq
19 de septiembre de 2021
Max 145 to 160 gm per day and minimum 90 to 100 gm per day
Dr Kotaiah Talapaneni
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
19 de septiembre de 2021
19 weeks brown layer birds should weigh around 1700gms and will need 100gms minimum feed with metaboluzable energy of 2600 per kg. feeding less at this age can be disastrous and the maturity will be delayed. rule of thumb for layers of 19 weeks is FULL FEED. ie. feed should remain in the feeder always. modern broiler chick of 40gms becomes 180gms in 7 days 400gms by 14days 800gms by 21days 1200gms by 28days and near 1800gms by 35days. The right strategy to achieve this is to feed 300gms prestarted followed by 700gms broiler starter. this 1kg feed will last up to 20 to 21days. we may shift to finisher. the quantum of feed required will be around 80gms per day and the requirement will go up by 5gms daily ie 85,90,95,100,.... . on 22,23,24....,25th day. you are advised to full feed. the daily consumption will depend on day temperature in the house and the energy level in feed. This type of feeding will end up with consumption of 2645gms of feed giving 1800gms weight ending up with an fcr of 1.5. many flocks are giving these results and they are improving on this every year with better genetic stocks, better feed and the best health status from start to finish
Shahab poultry Health care center
27 de octubre de 2021

Broiler good FCR depends on feed and water quality, farm house location and management. In cold areas there's more feed consumption than warm areas in farm houses.

Muhammad Farooq
7 de mayo de 2022
yes why not i got it maintenance requirement is very very less around 4 to 5 percent of we feed to the chicken. yes it can be grown but it will take more time as recommended in company table also 56 day plan also then the feed will be diluted accordingly. Plz check table of any ross or cobb table production plan 42 or 56 day plans also. Broiler is for meat and meat base is protein if want to grow it fast then amino acid balancing and good protein in start is required especially prestarter booster very necessary with good vaccination plan. We can compromise protein in Finisher but not in starter and prestarter.Better specifaction to be followed by the company wise. With the increasing cost of Soybean we can use other good source of protein as insect meal or some other with good protein also.
Hiren Pancholi
31 de agosto de 2022
Poultry feed should be more supported by the feed supplements and may be at the crucial period of growth with Liquid supplements for liver and bone strength. Protein reduction in the finisher should be practiced as farmers are using various enzymes and phytase, which will help release a more pure form of nutrition from the feed. In my opinion the finisher can be reduced by 2 points e.g from 21 to 18% or from 20 to 18%
Dr Kotaiah Talapaneni
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
31 de agosto de 2022
Hiren Pancholi What are the daily quantities you recommend? Please specify if you have the data with 18% and with 21%
Hiren Pancholi
8 de septiembre de 2022
Dr Kotaiah Talapaneni Feed formulations are inclusive of feed supplements like enzymes, Gut health, AA, Vitamins, Minerals, toxin binders, and more. A few supplements are body requirements and a few aid in additional nutrition availability (Protein & Energy) and some protect the GUT health (Better absorption of feed). Undigested protein is the source for pathogen multiplication. The requirement of birds' nutrition is also not revised. It is time for reverse thinking and taking on the challenges of optimization. In the Layer after pick production and in the broiler at the finisher stage, you can 1st try the optimization and then expand. In poultry, optimized feed nutrition and not rich feed nutrition should be practiced. This was done many years before by a few farmers’ groups and is done today also, only you need to have good feed supplements, Gut health SCFAs to support the optimization program.
Mervin Tembo
7 de septiembre de 2022
That’s why it’s so difficult to find standard feeding proportions for broilers…Factors!!! They are so main things to consider i.e poultry location,water and feed quality , temperature e.t.c. I salute you all I really learn something. I would love to learn more.
Sushil Chandra
7 de septiembre de 2022
Good topic Before reducing finisher protein from 20% to 18% A thorough trial should be conducted at few farms duriing different climatic conditions to conclude this claim Regards Drchandra
Dr Kotaiah Talapaneni
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
17 de septiembre de 2022
Our experience is don't compromise on 1kg adlibitum feeding to start with 300gms pre starter and 700gms starter. This is finished in 20 to 21days. The days can change depending on nutrient density and genetic growth pattern of breed ( some breeds have initial slow growth and may take a day or two longer). After finishing 1kg feed start with finisher and 80gms per day. Daily increments of 4 to 5gms depending on the nutrient density is enough. The actual amount can be arrived at looking at the feeder clearing time and daily gain which is being arrived at automatic weighing scales set up in controlled houses. The maintainable requirement is yesterday's weight raised by 0.634 ( Brody s formula) + expected growth of today* f.c.r ( say 1.5). Can be calculated on a set formula.
Dr Kotaiah Talapaneni
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
28 de septiembre de 2022
1 to 21 days weight 900gms cumulative feed 1.0kg 22 to 28 800gms feed 1500gms weight 1.8kg 1.2fcr 29 to 35 days 1.2kg feed 2000gms weight 3.0kg 1.5fcr some thing like this. Plus or minus 10% depending on feed density and climate. This comes to 80gms daily feed at 21days. 4 to 5gms daily increments after that
Dr. Ansarimazher Mohammed
9 de octubre de 2022
Yes it is quite possible,your suggestions of feed require ment is right., please try? Formula for Broilers. 1kg feed == 1kg of body weight. It is possible. Yes.it is a challenge.in poultry world. Keep it up. ..................Thenks . ......Dr.Ansari. m .mazher.
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