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Discussion created on March 6, 2023
Note: Considering broiler is grown in ideal environment and in second scenario broiler is grown in this world with little For reducing the cost of feed with minimal stress on bird and with maximum weight gain is there any specific or thumb rule formula for calculating minimum or maximum daily feed required (gram/day or gram/bird weight) that bird can fully utilize it nutrition without losing the ...
Asif Ayaz Khan, MSc, PMP®, PMI-SP®, PMI-RMP® likes the comment:
Atif Hamza Its good I have seen in commercial broiler in 3rd week and 4th week there is heavy mortality due to high protein diet as well as sub-clinical viral infection like IBD and ND the mortality was not going to stop till harvesting after PM it was showing acitis fatty liver , some people are doubtful for IBH even I myself. But when farmer started feed restriction 12.30 am to 4.30 pm and in ...
Participation in Forum on December 12, 2019
Mr. Hard Man what is your lighting program, from which day you start/end it and what is the length of the program and the number of off times in a day.
Participation in Forum on December 12, 2019
Thank you for the support. Mr. Park for average of 2 kg bird (or any other weight that is kept as market standard) what is your target FCR & number of days.
Participation in Forum on December 12, 2019
Thank you for the support. Mr. Park for average of 2 kg bird (or any other weight that is kept as market standard) what is your target FCR & number of days. Mr. Hard Man what is your lighting program, from which day you start/end it and what is the length of the program and the number of off times in a day. Saving a day in broiler life to market can save a lot.
Participation in Forum on December 6, 2019
In our part of the world there is a norm that in First week of broiler life provide it feed ad libitum but in second week & third week (may be till slaughter) the feed requirement is calculated by multiplying the number of days & number of birds with constant of 4.5 gram feed, in some houses the constant is 5 g from week four till slaughter. On contrary to this the Ross and Cobb Broiler Performanc ...
Asif Ayaz Khan, MSc, PMP®, PMI-SP®, PMI-RMP® likes the comment:
Thank you so much Prof. Guillermo about that clarification about necrotic enteritis and predisposing factors which leads to exaggerating those problems in the poultry farms and for curing purposes for treating that problems. Excuse me: what about the role of bacillus in changing the PH inside the intestine that can stop the growth and multiplication of Clostridium Perferingens and role in regenera ...
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September 14, 2015
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