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Dr Ali ajwad
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Dr.muhammad Siddiq not just speed , pad area and designing also extra pad area which just used in high humid days ...
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Do not use water when RH in the house is above 75-80%. Increase air circulation as much as possible ... try.
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IntroductionFowl cholera is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Pasteurella multocida. This species is named “multocida”, which may be interpreted as a bacterium that "kills" (cida) "many" (multo). In 1879, Pasteur was able to cultivate this bacterium; this was the first time that disease-causing bacteria were grown in culture media, outside the animal host. Pasteur inadverte ...
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Excellent paper! In high productive layers - the hopefully healthy - liver is the basis for nearly everything. All efforts in order to support liver health - pay back!
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There are probably several factors. 2 main culprits: 1) infectiuous "proventriculitis" caused by a mix of more or less identifieed virus and bacteria 2) good pellet quality made of very fine mash. That means high feed intake but very poor control of the feed flow in the upper gut and no development of the gizzard muscle. This has probably an effect on the dilatation isthm section. This factor is e ...
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Atif Hamza Its good I have seen in commercial broiler in 3rd week and 4th week there is heavy mortality due to high protein diet as well as sub-clinical viral infection like IBD and ND the mortality was not going to stop till harvesting after PM it was showing acitis fatty liver , some people are doubtful for IBH even I myself. But when farmer started feed restriction 12.30 am to 4.30 pm and in ...
Participation in Forum on May 10, 2022
Muhammad Farooq It is better to provide ad libitum feed just in first week and use feed restriction to prevent metabolic diseases and sudden death syndrome in 5th and 6th week .
Participation in Forum on May 7, 2022
Yes It seems to be FT .
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Shiva BhusalI IBH mainly affect chicks at 2-3 wks with main lesion mainly in liver and somewhat kidney with out effect on proventericulus and gizzard but adenovirus can affect proventericulus and gizzard and lead to gizzard errosin
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Danka Maslic-Strizak May be severe mycotoxins
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