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Surinder Maini
General Manager -Technical
Advisory/consultative services to poultry breeders - GP, PS , Hatcheries, Emu farms, Meat Processing plants,Quail,ducks and Turkey Farms, Disease Diagnosis, feed formulations and training of their sta
General Manager -Technical
Participation in Forum on August 11, 2024
Very interesting and informative writeup, keep the good work going,
Surinder Maini likes this technical article:
Summary Over the last decennia different recombinant viral vector vaccines for poultry have been introduced in several countries. The first vaccines were all based on the Fowl pox(FP) virus  used as the vector (e.g. the avian influenza (AI) recombinant (r) FP/H5, NewcastleDisease (ND) rFP/ND, infectiouslaryngotrachetis (ILT) rFP/ILT vaccines. The most recent ("second generation") viral vect ...
Participation in Forum on August 2, 2023
Mr O.P.Singh moderated the program very efficiently, he understands the poultry Industry very well, but I am surprised, besides such a large gathering, only 3 persons, Dr Shirolkar, Dr Yogesh n Dr Rajender Prasad, all belonging to ABTL, wrote appropriative comments, the others just kept mum, either they did not understand anything or their ego's stop them from appreciating the facts, or they have ...
Participation in Forum on July 9, 2023
To reduce irritation the birds drink more water causing loose droppings, as mucous is insoluble in water, overtime it evaporates leaving behind mucoid dropping, confusing the Vets to diagnose properly
Participation in Forum on July 9, 2023
It could be a mycotoxin or a combination of mycotoxins, causing inflammation and mucoid discharge
Participation in Forum on March 13, 2023
Friends learn to keep poultry as simple as possible, use common sense, stay close to nature, let birds perform using feeds, medicine and vaccines that were used during the 1980's, i can assure you, good profits will be there. Using latest technology, sanitizer, medicine, amino acids, vaccines n now bacteriophages, have certainly helped the manufacturing n distribution companies, not the farmers an ...
Participation in Forum on February 2, 2023
Bacteriophage technology is not new, nothing great about it, i know Dr L R Sood of BE (Hyderabad) and Dr Basu of Kasauli, used to work on effects of phage on Salmonella and Ecoli during the late 1970 and early 1980's, in the lab it gives results, results in the poultry industry are questionable.
Participation in Forum on January 28, 2023
People are thinking air filtration will keep bacteria n virus level low, and improve the health of the birds. Bacteria n virus enter through water, feed, insects, rodents, air, workers, visiting supervisor s, managers n veterinarians, chicks suppliers, vaccines used etc. Air filterstion is no solution for reducing the bacteria n virus population in the poultry house.
Participation in Forum on January 15, 2023
In my opinion, the problem is not with the producers n suppliers, problem is with the regulators, corrupt drug dept personal, govt agencies n research institutions, any product intended to be introduced in the market, needs to b analysed, studied, only if comparitve results obtained, be allowed to be introduced, as it affects the birds/ animal health n well being first n also enters the human food ...
Participation in Forum on December 10, 2022
Neem cake has been tried in both layers n broilers, with no benificial results, 3 to 4% may not show any deleterious effects if fed for few days, in agriculture the neem cake is used as fertilizer, it reduces the nematode n other insects population, helps plants grow better, as it contains certain bitters, as a nutrient, large quantity for longer periods will be harmful, researcher need to do mo ...
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Location:Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
Profile: Academic / scientific
Professional Title: General Manager -Technical
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