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B.V.Sc & AH ; M.V.Sc
Poultry Professional working in Poultry Feed supplements & Additives
B.V.Sc & AH ; M.V.Sc
Article published the April 26, 2022
The use of enzymes in animal feed was first reported in 1925 (Hervey 1925) but the chemistry of target feed substrate has been understood during the last two decades only. The field of biotechnology has introduced various advancements in enzyme production technology specifically in fermentation and microbiological processes resulting in production of enzymes in affordable range to be used for comm ...
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AASHAQ HUSSAIN phytase works by removing phosphate groups from the phytate molecule. As such, other nutrients (including Ca) bound to the phosphates will also be released. In layer diets, the amount of Ca released by phytase in the context of total dietary Ca is very small, but real. FTU are determined under standard laboratory conditions, but different phytases have different thermostability an ...
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Mohammad Afrouziyeh (University of Alberta) discusses Least Cost Feed formulation and Maximum Profit Feed formulation models, as well as the application of mathematical Linear Programming and Non Linear Programming models that are used in animal nutrition.
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Well, interesting, but I am not so optimistic: as I am from the country of limestone - Italy - I well know how large the variation in Ca digestibility can be among various geological origins of limestone, even without mentioning the particle size issue...The other question of giving Phytase a Ca value or not, in my experience when many years ago in Europe we started to give a Ca value to Natuphos ...
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Dear All,formulating in Bestmix, I also considered the total Ca and dig./av. P for the added phytase; and energy (ME) and AA for the NSP enzymes only. On this way I estimated to be on the safe side, because the nutrient matrix values indicate the amount of nutrient that could be released when the enzyme is added.In the past 10 years it became a trend to request and offer “matrix values&rdquo ...
Participation in Forum on July 20, 2020
Dear Prof. Korver, Thank you for the valuable information on Phytase. Dear sir, if phytase is for release of phosphorus from phytate complex, does it have also significant effect on Ca concentration and that is why Ca matrix is there. And how much Av. P matrix can be then considered for a product having 500FTU/Kg feed in layers.
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April 9, 2016
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Location:Chandigarh, Chandigarh, India
Profile: Academic / scientific
Professional Title: B.V.Sc & AH ; M.V.Sc
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