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Article published the October 27, 2022
Introduction: The farm was a closed herd using AI and comprised 430 breeding sows. Progeny were kept until 10 weeks of age when they were sent to a second unit for finishing. The farm was infected with PRRS virus, as well as enzootic pneumonia (EP) (Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae), pleuropneumonia (Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae) (APP) and streptococcal meningitis/arthritis (SM) (Streptococcus suis). T ...
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Participation in Forum on February 26, 2021
Chris Morrow, You are right Chris, but things have evolved over time. In the past Chlortetracycline was really widely used in laying hens until they gave it a withdrawal period for eggs, so its use had to stop almost immediately. Tiamulin got a zero withdrawal period for eggs, which then enabled it to be used in layers for MG, MS and also spirochaetes, which caused caecal droppings in commercial l ...
Participation in Forum on February 24, 2021
David Burch Sorry, should be tiamulin is compatible with nicarbazin, it is certainly not with narasin as formally stated.
Participation in Forum on February 14, 2021
Narayan Banik - I agree that tiamulin should not be used in broilers with salinomycin as it is incompatible. It is also incompatible with monensin and narasin and can cause growth depression and even death. It only shows a mild transient effect with maduramicin and semduramicin (Islam, Klein and Burch, 2009) and is compatible with lasalocid and the chemical anticoccidials such as narasin. However ...
Participation in Forum on January 24, 2021
I could not agree more Chris, that laying flocks should be vaccinated, especially in high risk areas. We normally consider MS to be less of a clinical problem but this has led it to be quite widely spread. The Dutch have made major efforts to reduce its incidence of infection in poultry in general but also in layers, which has proven more difficult. In conjunction with virus infections, such as I ...
Participation in Forum on January 22, 2021
Dear Chris,, I could not open you weblink, unfortunately. However there is only one report of the use of tetracyclines over a long period of time that eliminated MG from a breeding flock. There are reports of the use of F strain live MG vaccine to displace wild strains of MG. There is also a problem of marketing eggs/chicks from infected broiler breeder flocks. According to OIE rules flocks should ...
Participation in Forum on January 21, 2021
There has been very little success in eradicating the infection from a farm without depopulation and cleaning. So saying, success has been achieved in medicating the breeder layer flock and taking the eggs from these birds and using these to set up a clean flock. We used the equivalent of 500ppm tiamulin hydrogen fumarate in feed for a week as a treatment. The tiamulin also passes into the egg, so ...
Participation in Forum on October 22, 2019
Looking at the droppings there would appear to be a relatively low incidence of diarrhoea (2 only). In some systems, where there are a lot of flies and the faeces are stored under the pens (e.g. deep pits) higher incidences say up to 30-40% of droppings can be affected which definitely reduces egg production and increases mortality. Where the faeces are cleared away by belt (as in the picture?) th ...
Participation in Forum on October 11, 2019
Presumably they were using individual pig body weights on day 42 to get their statistical results, and hence ADG was not significant if done on a pen average basis, as you suggest. Interestingly, from a veterinary perspective, the diarrhoea was occurring 4-6 weeks after weaning and not the usual 1-2 weeks after weaning (normal post-weaning diarrhoea period associated with E. coli). Were other bact ...
Participation in Forum on August 12, 2019
Caecal droppings (yellow pasty mucoid droppings) in layers can be very common, caused by Brachyspira infections. We found them to be present in most free-range flocks, causing 20% drop in production and an additional 10% mortality if untreated. In cage sheds, flies seemed to be important in the transmission of the infection - faeces - flies - feed - and in many tropical countries they have open-si ...
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