Explore all the information onPoultry gut health
The efficient conversion of feed into its basic components for optimal nutrient absorption is vital for both broiler and broiler breeder production and welfare. Gut health, an intricate and complex area combining nutrition, microbiology, immunology and physiology, has a key role to play. When gut health is compromised, digestion and nutrient absorption are affected which, in turn, can have a detrimental effect on feed conversion leading to economic loss and a greater susceptibility to disease. In addition, recent changes in legislation on the use of antimicrobials, differing feed requirements and more efficient birds highlight the need for a better understanding of gut function and gut health.
1. Introduction Salmonella spp. is Gram-negative intracellular enteric bacterium of public health concern. It is responsible for over 90,000 cases of zoonotic food-borne infections per year in the European Union (EU), according to the last European Food and Safety Authority (EFSA) report [1]. In recent years, different serovars were considered responsible for disease outbreaks, and Salmonella Typhimurium and S. Enteritidis were the most prevalent in the European Union...
1. Introduction In the poultry industry, enteric bacterial pathogens pose a threat to intestinal health and can contribute to the transmission of zoonotic diseases [1,2], increased mortality in poultry flocks, reduced feed efficiency, decreased rate of body weight gain and, therefore, increase in total production costs [3,4]. Salmonella infection and necrotic enteritis (NE) produced by Clostridium perfringens (CP) are two significant bacterial diseases in poultry [5,6]. Each...
The 2021 Symposium on Gut Health in Production of Food Animals is now accepting abstract submissions, meeting registrations, and hotel reservations.
The deadline to submit abstracts is Monday, August 30, 2021.
Register now for the symposium to secure your spot.
The 2021 symposium will be held at the Hilton St. Louis at the...
Abstract submissions for the Virtual 2021 Poultry Science Association Annual Meeting are now being accepted. As previously announced, the 2021 meeting will be held in a virtual setting on July 19-22, 2021. The official announcement of a virtual meeting can be found...
The 7th International Conference on Poultry Intestinal Health is postponed to March 30th-April 1st, 2022.
The organising committee would like to assure our sponsors, invited keynote speakers, authors and attendees that...
Heat stress pathophysiology As birds are homeothermic animals, they are able to maintain a relatively constant body temperature by balancing the production and...
The occurrence of pasty vent is usually observed after 3 days of age when chicks are mainly depending on their feed rather than their yolk sac. Some chicken flocks present pasty vent more often than others, being their frequency variable and hard to track. How can it be prevented or treated? Could this characteristic damage the growth or feed conversion ratio at the market age? The pasty vents are produced because the cecal dropping has a sticky consistence and thereby not be released out...
The issue of gut health in relation to gut bacterial became more evident with the ban of antibiotic growth promoters (AGPs) in animal/poultry nutrition. This ban became preeminent with the development of resistant bacteria strain getting into the food chain. This will ultimately result in bacteria related health issues for consumers of poultry product. In the poultry industry, gut health is not just an interaction between gut bacteria; nutrients provided...
Given the increasing pressure to limit the use of antibiotic growth promoters in animal production, the availability of alternative approaches to maintaining animal health and productivity becomes imperative for the poultry industry. Essential in evaluating such an alternative is its ability to promote and maintain...
In this study, the effect of sustainable probiotics on Campylobacter jejuni colonization and gut microbiome composition was evaluated using chicken as a model organism. Chickens were given Lactobacillus casei over-expressing myosin-cross-reactive antigen (LC+mcra). LC+mcra can generate bioactive compounds in larger quantity including conjugated linoleic acid. A total of 120 chickens were used in duplicate trials to investigate the effectiveness of LC+mcra in decreasing C. jejuni colonization...
Introduction With the expansion of the commercial broiler chicken industry, metabolic disorders have become emerging serious hazards in bird’s health and profitability (Savard et al., 2013). Fatty liver, among many other metabolic syndromes, has not received adequate attention in broiler research while it plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of many liver and kidney diseases and may directly cause low performance and a great economic loss (Zhang et...
Highlights of this research Chronic Inflammation means losses and can cause a reduction in growth up to 30% Chronic gut inflammation often seen in field...
Poultry production has increased at a faster rate than any other livestock animal globally. Among others, the nutritionally balanced-feeding program along with antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) in poultry diets played a significant role in achieving this success. However, the poultry industry is under pressure to redefine its nutrition program to grow safe and quality meat in the light of public health concern due to the use of AGP in poultry diets....
TUCKER, Ga. – With a rich history built on more than a century of poultry domestication and study, the modern poultry industry continues to expand its knowledge and mastery of avian care and finding new...
USDA researcher Michael Kogut talked about microbiota and immune response after a lecture in Chapeco, Brazil....
Introduction Body weight gains of broiler chickens have been improved substantially during the last decades. Consequently, modern broiler chicks are able to increase their weight approximately 50 fold within 40 days of hatching (Noy & Sklan, 1998; Sklan, 2003). It has been shown that relying solely on residual yolk as a nutrient source in the first 24 - 72 h would appear to waste valuable resources and produce less than optimum production results (Dibner et al., 1998). On...
Lack of adequate controls or decontamination procedures render many breeding chicken flocks susceptible to avian salmonellosis, either from contaminated environments or between birds and their young within the flock. Salmonella Pullorum...