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Article published the May 23, 2022
The sustainability of animal production is currently one of the key business drivers for the feed industry. Sustainability is a broad term with a lot of different interpretations. According to FEFAC Feed Sustainability Charter 2030 sustainable feed production should “contribute to climate-neutral animal production, increase resource and nutrient efficiency, promote responsible sourcing ...
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Article published the May 23, 2022
Farmers and feed companies have witnessed unforeseen price increases of feed materials during the last year, which has further escalated recently due to the inconceivable and brutal war in Ukraine. Prices of grains, protein, oils, and other feed materials have risen to a record high level, thus increasing the feeding costs. At the same time, the industry is also suffering from high costs of energy ...
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In the recent years, Hankkija, together with professor Filip van Immerseel’s research group at the University of Ghent in Belgium, have studied the mechanism-of-action of dietary resin acids in broiler chicken. In a published study by Aguirre et al. (2019), resin acids were added to broiler chicken diets, which resulted in a significant reduction of inflammation-associated collagen ...
Article published the September 23, 2021
Yeast products certainly have a role in supporting the performance and gut health of animals but choosing the right one can be tricky as there are plenty of products with similar claims. The yeast product manufacturers naturally emphasize those characteristics in their marketing messages that can differentiate them from the competition.The important characteristics of different yeast types vary an ...
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Modern animal feeding includes prophylactic approaches for supporting intestinal homeostasis and immunity, in order to avoid dysbiosis, diseases, and need for antimicrobial medication. According to the principles of the One Health concept, the well-being of humans, animals and the environment are all connected, and at these times of a pandemic, avoiding the excess usage of antibiotics in animal fa ...
Article published the February 24, 2021
Yeast products are widely used in feeding. They can improve animal performance by reducing the growth of pathogenic bacteria and supporting immunity. Although the marketing claims are similar, the product characteristics vary a lot. Farmers and nutritionists are often wondering, how to evaluate different yeast products. Understanding the factors behind the effects of dietary yeast is crucial for t ...
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This member gave a presentation on November 6, 2019
At the following event:
Symposium on Gut Health in Production of Food Animals 2019
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May 26, 2014
equalizer Statistics: Articles(4)
Location:Hyvinkää, Southern Finland, Finland
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Research and development director at Hankkija Oy
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