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Vitamins in poultry nutrition

Vitamins are a group of organic compounds that poultry require in small quantities. Despite the low requirement levels, vitamins are essential for normal body functions, growth, and reproduction. A deficiency of one or more vitamins can lead to a number of diseases or syndromes. Vitamins are divided into two categories: fat-soluble and water-soluble. The fat-soluble vitamins are A, D, E, and K. Vitamin A is required for normal growth and development of epithelial tissue (skin and the linings of the digestive, reproductive, and respiratory tracts) and reproduction. Vitamin D3 is required for normal growth, bone development, and eggshell formation. Vitamin K is essential for blood clot formation. The water-soluble vitamins include vitamin C and the B vitamins. The B vitamins include vitamin B12, biotin, folacin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, riboflavin, and thiamin. The B vitamins are involved in many metabolic functions, including energy metabolism. Poultry can make vitamin C, so there is no dietary requirement established for this vitamin. Vitamin C supplementation is useful when birds are in stress.
Aminul Islam
BioGreen International Limited
Bird performs well within a certain range of environmental temperatures. As the temperature gets higher than the range, the bird falls on stress generally called heat stress. Heat stress is the most significant stressors influencing poultry productivity and causing considerable economic losses in the poultry industry. This induces several negative effects on physiological response of bird. Reducing feed consumption, body weight gain, feed efficiency, egg production and immune response are of...
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The strict control of the successive outbreaks throughout the country resulted in the people staying home, the closure of roads and the suspension of production, and it had a negative hit on both supply and demand in the economic sphere, even though such severe control was not scientifically reasonable or necessary for the Omicron epidemic. The domestic APIs market is currently maintaining weak. On the supply side, the overall market supply is not short while the production costs...
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Ronnick FONG
Hangzhou DE Mark Industrial Co Ltd
Hangzhou DE Mark Industrial Co Ltd
APIs MARKET  At present, China APIs market remains weak, with the majority of wait-and-see. In terms of supply, although the production load of the factory is declining and the production cost is relatively high, the overall market supply is sufficient. In terms of demand, the market for mid-and downstream breeding enterprises is sluggish after the Chinese New Year holiday. On the whole, most mid-and upstream manufacturers have a certain degree of inventory pressure, and...
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INTRODUCTION The rapid growth of modern broilers in a relatively short period of time requires a parallel increase in the size or capacity of supply organs, such as those of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. However, due to the slower development of these organs relative to body growth rate, the capacity to balance body energy is compromised, particularly under extreme environment conditions, such as cold stress (Shahir et al., 2012; Shinder, 2002). Cold...
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Ronnick FONG
Hangzhou DE Mark Industrial Co Ltd
Hangzhou DE Mark Industrial Co Ltd
The statutory Spring Festival holiday of 2022 is from January 31 to February 7. Positive cases were reported from time to time across the country. In particular, the Omicron variant strain does not have an apparent symptom and spreads rapidly. Many county-level governments adopt excessive pandemic prevention policies. This forces migrant workers to return to their hometowns ahead of schedule, resulting in the disruption of the everyday activities of production and logistics enterprises...
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Fausto Solis
Fausto Solis and 1 more
Wenger Feeds
Wenger Feeds
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a yeast extract supplemented in feed and a vitamins-aminoacids compound in the drinking water on the performance and microbiology count of broiler chickens. A 42- day experiment was carried out and replicated twice in time at Universidad ISA. In each experiment, 240 straight run day-old chicks were randomly distributed in 4 treatments of a Completely Randomized Design with a factorial arrangement. The 4 treatments were from the combination...
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Mike Persia
Mike Persia and 1 more
Virginia Tech
Virginia Tech
INTRODUCTION Vitamin D is a group of closely related compounds that have antirachitic activity. It has been estimated that nearly 50% of the United States population is at risk for vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency (Holick et al., 2011). Vitamin D 3 (D 3 ) deficiency can cause rickets in young children or increase the risk of osteoporosis and osteomalacia in adults (Holick, 2005). One approach to increase D 3 intake in a population without...
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Choline- chemically known as 2-hydroxyethyl-trimethyl ammonium hydroxide andis referred as vitamin B4. It has recently been claimed as a rediscovered vitamin & performance promoter in poultry. The role of choline in the prevention of conditions suchas perosis and liver enlargement in chicks is already well known. Choline wasfirst isolated from ox bile ("chole" in Greek) in 1849. Its nutritional importancehas been recognized since 1930 and it is now a common dietary supplement forlivestock &...
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Mike Persia
Mike Persia and 2 more
Virginia Tech
Virginia Tech
INTRODUCTION In poultry, phosphorus (P) is an essential nutrient in metabolic processes and a component of nucleic acids, membrane phospholipids, and bones (Nie et al., 2013). Much effort has been made to increase P absorption in poultry to improve metabolic performance and reduce the environmental impact of phosphate (Pi) release from manure (Ahmadi and Rodehutscord, 2012; Letourneau-Montminy et al., 2013). Dietary P is absorbed in the small intestine by both passive and...
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Shawna Weimer
Shawna Weimer and 3 more
University of Arkansas (USA)
University of Arkansas (USA)
This newsletter provides an overview of the anatomy of the keel bone, risk factors and welfare implications associated with keel fractures, how to assess keel bone integrity, and management strategies to mitigate keel fractures in laying hens. ...
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Sometimes chicken flocks resulted in less livability and body weight at seven days of age than other ones without knowing the reason. Besides, this reduced performance at an early age has a carryover effect until the market age. What was the cause? Probably, the lower broiler performance is mostly related to the quality of the chicks that arrive at the farms. Indeed, the broiler breeders, incubation process, or in-ovo feeding impact on chick quality. The eggshell temperature, brooding...
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Maven of diversified fields including Steve Jobs believes in Quality rather than quantity. In Poultry, quality egg even if less quantity can conquer more profit than the poor quality (cracked, soiled, smelled, less weight, misshapen, etc) but more in quantity eggs. Summer is the...
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Dra. Roselina Angel Univ Maryland USA Ca-P
University of Maryland (USA)
University of Maryland (USA)
INTRODUCTION As we learn more about the negative impacts of calcium (Ca) on the availability of phosphorus (P), it highlights how little we know about Ca requirements, digestibility of Ca in ingredients, and their impact on P digestibility (Angel, 2019). These impacts can be direct or indirect through chelation with phytate, which can have a profound impact on the efficacy of phytase. Historically the ratio of Ca to P has been defined as total Ca to total P or total Ca to a form...
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Doug Korver
University of Alberta
University of Alberta
I. INTRODUCTION Commercial laying hens have been successfully selected for increasing production cycle lengths. Rather than being depopulated at 60 to 70 weeks of age, or being moulted to allow for additional production cycles, the egg industry has moved towards cycle lengths of 80 weeks or even longer. Selection for increased persistency of production and livability, skeletal health, and a slow rate of increase...
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NEW POLICIES AND ACTIONS "Dual control of energy consumption" has become a crucial driving force for the contradiction between supply and demand of the veterinary APIs market. On Sep 16, the state planning agency published new policy...
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Joaquin Armando Paulino Paniagua
Universidad ISA (Instituto Superior de Agricultura)
Universidad ISA (Instituto Superior de Agricultura)
Introduction Genetic companies using new advances in genetic engineering are working to achieve high-persistence brown and white egg layer hybrids capable of producing more than 500 eggs in a 100-week lay and molt-free period. 1-The quality of the shell is the main reason for a producer to discard a flock of layer. 2-The posture drop is the second. - The most important nutritional strategy is bone health during rearing and all production through the...
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Jayanta Bhattacharyya
Bentoli AgriNutrition Inc
Managing heat stress in poultry remains a major concern for both producers and scientists as it accounts for an annual loss of $128 to $165 million in the poultry industry alone. The impact of heat stress results in a drastic change in physiological activity linked with a decrease in feed consumption, growth rate, eggshell quality, and biochemical change like increase in the level of glucocorticoids leads to reduced immunity, and breakdown of muscle due to gluconeogenesis and the upward...
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Steve Leeson
Poultry Health Research Network
Poultry Health Research Network
1. Introduction Under normal circumstances, excessive free radicals are scavenged by body enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants, but oxidative stress can occur when the amount of oxidant production surpasses the capacity of the body’s antioxidant system [1,2]. Different aspects of avian productive and reproductive performances, such as egg production rate and egg quality traits, as well as fertility and hatchability may be adversely influenced by oxidative...
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