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Field Efficacy of an Attenuated Infectious Bronchitis Variant 2 Virus Vaccine in Commercial Broiler Chickens

Published: July 2, 2020
1. Introduction Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) is a single-stranded enveloped RNA virus that belongs to the genus Gammacoronavirus , family Coronaviridae [1]. The virus causes a clinical disease characterized by coughing, sneezing, tracheal rales, and watery eyes. In layer and breeder chickens, the disease is associated with both quantity and quality deterioration of egg production. Lesion...
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daniel severino
15 de julio de 2020

A very sensitive and makes a diferent about how we should get our vaccines and tge tyoe according to climate and conditions over this ..plus had seen the boosting of tge vaccines but there are also some areas that drs are not taking on a conscience on this by doing as mentioned and have a detemined vaccines for the area.

Challenge are being seen and heads on to attain the resolution by taking time and make sure they come up with the correct vaccine. Thank so much had learnt and i suggest if all dr under vets should address this each and every region so that the selking of and ibv ot hypravia clone or NCD vaccines should be the right ones and proper administered to birds.



Wael Elfeil
16 de julio de 2020

daniel severino Thanks for your nice comments.
For sure, each region should evaluate the proper prime-boost vaccine strategy and choice the proper vaccines type for IBV according to the epidemiology of the region to obtain the proper protection.

Akintunde Akintoye
21 de noviembre de 2020

Thank you for this self-explanatory work. In our breeder farm, we observed that Infectious bronchitis is endemic. At some point, we stock commercial broiler in some of our pen houses and sprayed them with IB4/91 at first week. We started experiencing facial swelling, sinusitis with respiratory distress and of course mild mortalities for like 2 batches. We removed the IB4/91 from the vaccination program for the 3rd batch and there was no sign of IB diseases on the farm.

Does it mean that IB4/91 vaccination done for the commercial broiler stocked for the first 2 batches failed or the birds had already been exposed to the field strain before the vaccination?

Wael Elfeil
28 de noviembre de 2020

Akintunde Akintoye, greetings. 
Maybe the flocks sprayed with IB-4/91 had a bacterial infection and this vaccine its residual pathogenicity higher Classic IB vaccines, so it was a postvaccinal reaction complicated with bacteria.
It's not preferable to use 4/91 in the first few days of life; if you are using prime-boost strategy; use it as a second dose; if it required in your area and match circulating virus, if not remove it from the vaccination program.

Akintunde Akintoye
8 de diciembre de 2020

Wael Elfeil, greetings. thank you very much for your contribution. Just like you said, the vaccine strain isn't meant for priming. We have completely removed the vaccine from the vaccination program.

Husam Bakri
8 de diciembre de 2020

Akintunde Akintoye
Dear sir first thank you for your message. Usually using 4/91 at first week when u have early IB challenge otherwise 2nd weeks is the recommended time.
When u get post vaccination after using it, u need to be sure that you give it as coarse spray.
Can you please let me know when you give it and what is the method?

Akintunde Akintoye
11 de diciembre de 2020
Husam Bakri the vaccination was done first day of life using fine spray method. but after the post vaccination reaction , we removed the vaccine from the vaccination program totally.
abid ali
17 de diciembre de 2020
Akintunde Akintoye always use coarse spray at 1st day for vaccines
Ahmed Hamouda
29 de enero de 2021

abid ali better not to use as prime vaccine even if it is coarse spray, this is my experience science long time.

Wael Elfeil
30 de enero de 2021
Ahmed Hamouda I am with your side Dr Ahmed, 4/91 not suitable for one day old chicks due to residual pathogenicity
artsiom sereda
Ceva Animal Health
5 de diciembre de 2020
Vaccine 4/91, was not originally developed for neonatal chickens, the reason is post-vaccination reactions. Confirmation of this, Early Issue Guidelines and MSD Recommendations for 4/91 Coarse Droplets 250-300 microns.
Wael Elfeil
27 de diciembre de 2020
artsiom sereda sure its residual pathogenicity still high, if the Dayold chicks with low MDA, it has adverse effect
Fazal Malik Malik
5 de diciembre de 2020

Well, but is it possible mutation in present situation though by applying vaccine starin H 120 strain its available in market but bacterial growth is controlled still mortality moves up waiting yr honourable opinion.

Wael Elfeil
27 de diciembre de 2020
Fazal Malik Malik mutation risks in IB is high whatever the vaccines used It can occur in nature with wild virus or even between wild virus and any vaccine seed IB , belong to corona family, one of its main characteristic features is mutation and recombination
artsiom sereda
Ceva Animal Health
8 de diciembre de 2020

1. It is not possible To completely exclude the 793B group of vaccines from the priming of broilers for a day. You need to use for example (at 1day) Ibird793b+Mass. In the future (11-14 days) if you want to strengthen (increase strategy) 4/91+Mas(Ma 5). 2. H120-unfortunately loses its relevance. The reason is the deterioration of epizootics according to IBV

Wael Elfeil
27 de diciembre de 2020
artsiom sereda Based on Epidemiology of IB in your area If you Have IB GI-13 , you can use 793b in the vaccination program if your area dominate with GI-19, better to use QX if your area dominate with GI-23, better to use Var2
artsiom sereda
Ceva Animal Health
27 de diciembre de 2020
Wael Elfeil I agree with this approach, But how are you rated "Protectotype"? (cross defense).
?????? ????? ???
?????? ????? ???
4 de enero de 2021
Wael Elfeil Thanks for useful discussion I totally agree with you about when we use homologous vaccine against field strain ,they will induce good protection such as if we have Middle East strain we can use Var -2 vaccine but if we we have many serotype in field situation such as var-2 and QX I advice use protecotype theory to induce cross protection against other serotype Kindly if you have technical study about efficacy of Var-2 vaccine against other heterologus IB strain of combined with classic or alone
Deogratius Nsanzugwanko
12 de diciembre de 2020
Wonderful to learn about poultry vaccination. Does anyone of you have a vaccination schedule for kuroiler? Or any kind of commercial layers? Deogratius Nsanzugwanko
Wael Elfeil
27 de diciembre de 2020
Deogratius Nsanzugwanko the Broiler Vaccination program tailored based on the epidemiological situation and expected age of birds please mention your epidemiological situation and condition of rearing and tailoring vaccination program , will be easier
DR.R.N.Sreenivas Gowda
Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University
Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University
21 de diciembre de 2020
I appreciate the scientists involved in this research. according to the local strains prevalent in the area and making vaccine is always useful and they work better in control of IB, it is our experience.
Wael Elfeil
27 de diciembre de 2020
DR.R.N.Sreenivas Gowda you are completely right total agree with your vision
Aripin Drh
28 de diciembre de 2020
If we perform carcass surgery on chickens aged 6-7 weeks then we find fluid in the undeveloped oviduct on the right side, whether this is one of the signs of pathological symptoms due to after viral bronchitis infection or just normal conditions. Please enlighten me
Wael Elfeil
5 de enero de 2021
Aripin Drh better to conduct PCR on the fluid and tissue homogenate from oviducts to confirm the association of IBv in the case
Dr. Jignesh Barot
11 de marzo de 2021
Aripin Drh , Most of the time it is normal.
Jwander Luka
23 de marzo de 2021
I like the different views of the participants, this platform will really clear doubts in the minds of young professionals. Keep it up. Jwander
oumed gerjis
26 de marzo de 2021
Hi Thanks for sharing information ! In the Middle East countries, usually poultry owners generally do no pay attention to biosecurity rules and do not follow them practically, therefore whatever vaccination program suggested and applied do not succeed! The field virus very rapidly multiplies and infect chicks before sufficient immunity developed against the disease which the vaccine were given (let say infectious bronchitis)! Thanks Oumed
Maqsood Jaffery
29 de enero de 2024
@oumed gerjis
Thanks Dear for valuable guidance. I have observed that poultry Farmers instead of working on bio security & other health management in long lived birds like commercial layer birds, give Live IB vaccines of both classic & variant types with the interval of 30 to 50 days. Only one type of vaccine is used at one time & is usually Massachusetts type but variant (usually 4/91 mostly is given as variant) after long intervals in comparison to Massachusetts.In my opinion it is more damaging due to nature of virus (Corona type) as it generates new variants or recombination of viruses for IB.
Please guide about the interval for IB live vaccine repeat gap. Request is for all participants please
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