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abid ali
Participation in Forum on June 12, 2024
We r facing antibiotic resistant Colibacillosis in Pakistan and I got a great success against said bacteria by Esterified butyric acids.
Participation in Forum on June 12, 2024
@Dr Kotaiah Talapaneni thank u sir ,we r facing the same situation in the form of an antibiotic resistant E coli.Plz explain some measures to control it
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With this post, a general introduction to the disease, we start a series of articles about avian colibacillosis.Colibacilosis is one of the most common infectious bacterial diseases in the poultry industry and one of the main causes of economic loses. Such losses are caused by increased mortality and morbidity, lack of uniformity, decreased production, treatment costs and increased condemnation at ...
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These type of cystic ducts are also seen in case of male broilers. I think it is congenital anomaly and it should be called as cystic ducts(whether Mullerian or Wolfrian ducts).
Participation in Forum on November 14, 2023
It may be a case of IBH .In this specific case a significant decrease in feed offering along with feed dilution with wheat bran is very effective.
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Respiratory problems are considered one of the most important challenges in poultry farming, with a significant economic and productive impact, not just because of their high morbidity and mortality, but also because of the decrease production and higher seized materials in the slaughterhouse they cause. Furthermore, main reasons for the use of antimicrobials in aviculture are related to respirato ...
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First, treat the infected flock, you may revaccinate using the killed vaccine if the flock stabilizes.
Participation in Forum on October 30, 2021
As Dr. Tahir sb said, we should correlate liver and kidney lesions for field diagnostic approach. In my opinion, we may consider it for Mycotoxins or IBH.
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Pale , inflammed and hemorrhagic liver and kidneys are mostly seen in case of IBH and/or Mycotoxicosis. But Finally PCR is helpful, As you can see such lesions in case of Avian Astrovirus infection, Nephropathogenic IB, Chicken Infectious Anemia, Sulphonamide toxicity, Dehydration and Pullorum Disease.
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Consider mycotoxicosis
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Location:Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
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