Some Strategies to Alleviate the Incidence of Ascites in Broilers are 1. Higher level of Vitamin C, Vitamin E & Se 2. Addition of Sodium bicarbonate 1% 3. Addition of 0.2% Aspirin 4. Feed Restriction
Broilers consume a lot of food and grow very quickly and therefore have an increased need for oxygen. When the increased need for the heart to pump oxygen maximum amount of blood to the lungs. Pulmonary hypertension occurs when the heart is unable to pump sufficient amounts of blood flow through the lungs and as a result, come hypertension. The volume of the lungs and cardiovascular system lung is fixed, after some time, the lungs will not be able to receive blood that came from the heart and it is the starting point of heart failure. Excess blood pumped to the lungs will go back through the heart to the liver and intestine. The heart will increase over time due to increased work and pressure.
un manque d'oxygene est consecutif a :
_batiment mal aerer
_rachitisme une boite thoracique exegue donc moins de volume pour les poumons
_atteinte par E.coli par voie respiratoire ou une aspegilose ou mycoplasme
tous ces facteurs seul ou associes provoque une prodution de plus de nombre de GR est entrainent une agregation au niveau des vaiseaux qui par consequences augmente de volume donc plus de sang qui arrive au niveau des poumons et ce cree un cercle viscieux donc poumon remplie et art pul aussi puis hypertophie du coeur droit et par la suite de l'ascite
donc le plus important est de conaitre la vraie ethiologie de l'ascite pour trouver le traitement adequoi
It is true that the incidence of ascites in Broiler is very rare phenomenon except the farms reared in high altitudes.The ascites caused by the manage-mental faults could be in briefed as under.There are other causes like pathological situation like aspergillosis,aflatoxicosis,various bacterial and viral causes etc.As far as farm management points are concerned the following facts and interpretation should be brought into consideration. The causes of the ascites are multifactorial but diet and, particularly, interactions between diet, other environmental and genetic factors play an important role. The relatively high heritability estimates for ascites-related traits and the significance of maternal genetic effects for most of the traits indicate that direct and maternal genetic effects play an important role in development of the ascites syndrome. An imbalance between oxygen supply and the oxygen required to sustain rapid growth rates and high food efficiencies causes ascites in broiler chickens. Because of the relationship to oxygen demand, ascites is affected and/or precipitated by factors such as growth rate, altitude (hypoxia) and environmental temperature. As the high metabolic rate (fast growth) is a major factor contributing to the susceptibility of broilers to ascites, early-age feed or nutrient restriction (qualitative or quantitative) or light restriction in order to slow down the growth rate seem practically viable methods, since final body weight is not compromised. Manipulation of the diet composition and/or feed allocation system can have a major effect on the incidence of ascites. Optimization of the house temperature and ventilation in cold weather seem helpful practices to decrease ascites incidence.
What i have observed in India that generally its winter where ascites flare up especially in northern part. Generally the farmer during brooding to maintain temperature which hover from maximum of 15 to minimum of 0 degree use source such as coal or even electric heater as well. The Brooding is done in such a way that whole farm is made air tight and this continues for at least first 10 days. with presence of gases like Ammonia, Carbon dioxide and Monoxide the birds could not get adequate level of oxygen instead the whole respiratory system get infected due to continues inhalation of harmful gases. Generally there is no symptoms until 21 days as the growth till then is little subdues. But as the body weight start increasing the demand for oxygen increase to many folds but the harm happen to lungs at brooder age does not allow lungs to fulfill that level. Hence Ascites symptoms like water belly become prominent. where ever we advised proper management and ventilation during brooding age there we have seen sharp drop in incidence of Ascites.
But yes there are so many other factors like diet, Stress, Light, Viral or bacterial infection and altitude which do play key role in this occurrence.
We all strongly endorse your obsevation as I had touched those points in my statement earlier.Prior any disease takes a toll in a firm any body could improve the situation through managemental tools as we should stick to our basic after pursuing the concept as PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE.
I completely agree with Dr. Bhardwaj. Being a resident of north India I can say that he has very nicely elaborated the real conditions in a very informative manner. Ascites is mainly a problem during winter months and as temperature sinks upto 2-3 degrees celcius during night, farmers airtight the sheds in order to maintain brooding temperature. Most of them burn coal , wood or saw dust inside sheds to maintain recommended temperature which burns the already limited oxygen from sheds, gradually affecting lungs and heart resulting in onset of clinical cases of ascites by 3rd week of age.
Hypoxia(lack of oxygen) generated as an aftermath of poor ventilation,high ammonia accumulation,brooding with the help of kerosine stove,any bon- fire arrangement,and nevertheless by application of heaters as well.Such cases are common in winter and also in high hilly areas. All such cases are the predisposing factor to precipitate ASCITES in BROILER.
all said and done ascites though a main problem in high altitude areas, the main issue is the mangamental . poor management is the reason for un known conditons like ascites where this condiition is very rare particularly in broilers.
It becomes now conspicuous that ASCITES in Boiler is an High Altitude issue which I too had emphasized in the beginning.Now I request all fraternity to switch over to some other grievous issue in Broiler Farming or any other vital constraint causing threat to animal production rather than harping on the same cord of crisis again and again.
Mr.Moorthy, I do appreciate your statement which seems to be half fed.Feeding high energy ration to broiler during winter is mandatory to ensure rapid growth.The factor like brooding house firing,lack of oxygenation,hypoxia,poor ventilation etc.are responsible for same.
Mr.Chandrasekharan-Yes indeed you are absolutely on the cord to ventilate the truth behind ascites in broiler and this of course happens in high altitude where the depletion in oxygen level is common,unavoidable and inevitable too.This aggravates while we use to raise firm house temperature with various raw techniques to fight out the ambient temp which remains to be chilling.