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Participation in Forum on September 7, 2021
Essential oil like peppermint oil or eucalyptus do possess to treat systemic dyspepsia by relieving pain cropped up in GI tract through IBS though they have little effect to address abdominal colic like covered by Simithicone. Hence your declaration demands further study to draw a conclusion on their true efficacy. Above all, they are from extraction from herbal leaf only and more prudent to obtai ...
Participation in Forum on August 3, 2021
Dr Hafiz Rizwan Akram I am confident that Trypsin inhibitor is heat liable. If SBM is boiled for thirty minutes the trypsin inhibitory function gets diluted upto 90 % and boiling SBM for 15 minutes would dilute same by 80% . Therefore review your opinion first on same before commenting.
Participation in Forum on August 3, 2021
Nelson Ruiz As I do appreciate your opinion. But I would like to pay heed on doing any chemical treatment to reduce TI activities in SBM rather than switching over to FFSB and to replace partially with Canola and sunflower cakes which are low in protein and rich in either fat or fibre and that truly compromise the prescribed protein values in final composition. Hence it would be prudent to find ou ...
Participation in Forum on July 28, 2021
I have gone through the content and it seems to be an old wine in new bottle. Nothing conspicuous has been recommended by the authors instead of depicting all bits to improve gut health apart from Gizzard erosion. It is quite shocking to note that the focussing on fungal infestation in greenish coloured undigested grain could be bit instrumental to precipitate deterioration in gut health and causi ...
Participation in Forum on July 27, 2021
Trypsin inhibitor so looming large to become a threat to use SBM in bulk albeit the same ingredient is the rich source of protein and a fair source of both L Lysine and DL Methionine. Urease activity in SBM doesn't reveal much significance in poultry feeds but it restricts the rampant use of SBM along with Urea in cattle feed. The measure to reduce TI activity in SBM in poultry feeds like heat tre ...
Participation in Forum on July 27, 2021
Dear Ruth, I do appreciate your findings to combat Salmonella infection in poultry firm because the same emerges to be a menace to cause human threat at the end. The indirect device to contain the spread through incorporating probiotic . Albeit it is not that conspicuous to note that group with probiotic does not reveal significant improvement in body weight gain even after 28;days while comparin ...
Participation in Forum on July 18, 2021
James S Tuan I would appreciate to have the copy of trial report with a control group insisting on Choline Chloride and the experimental group with exposure to Betain HCL replacing choline chloride gradually in suitable proportion. The study would reveal the FCR along with Meat quality of breast part. This study would entail a concensus to incorporate Betain HCL with confidence replacing Choline C ...
Participation in Forum on June 23, 2020
The outcome of trial reports with innovative Alquermix solution should be brought open to all because in tropical countries like India how do that solution would bring about a miracle instead is still a miracle to us. Hence I request to share the detailed trial reports with such wonder solution in feeding regimen of broiler soon to us first. What pronotium an organic component to share the soluti ...
Participation in Forum on May 29, 2020
It is prefered to bring the PH absolutely neutral under chilled state at 4° C ,no matter what you add to that media being used prior vaccination. Hence during vaccination use acid or alkali free water or else the same could affect the true efficacy of such live vaccine. Dr.R.P.Chakraborty
Participation in Forum on May 29, 2020
Lawal Sesan I do concede your apprehension that the prevailing inflated cost of raw materials while computing ration to poultry does not permit due room to accomodate additional cost through pelletisation.My recommendation is to go in incorporating unconventional items containing some toxic factors judicially as a measure on controlling cost and get those feed to undergo pelletisation under exposu ...
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Location:ARA , Bihar, India
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Specialist in Animal Nutrition
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