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Participation in Forum on May 2, 2017
Dr. Choudary,Thanks for your vaccine schedule and other details to control IBD. I feel the flock history should be taken into account before finalizing the vaccine schedule for IBD. If there is any history of IBD outbreaks at the farm, depending on the age of outbreaks, if vaccine schedule is finalized, that would be more practical as a generalized schedule may not apply in such cases.This is ...
Participation in Forum on April 22, 2017
Thank you Dr. for the info. Is this product available in India? If so, where and with whom? Thank you,Dr. G. V. Kumar Hyderabad,India
Participation in Forum on February 9, 2017
Initially, the ideal solution for you is to go for the ready made branded feed avaiable in your area. Before buying ascertain the nutritional values of their feed and you can try for feed analysis for safety. Generally most of the branded feed manufacturers do give the nutritional values and they will suggest you what best suits for your farm.
Participation in Forum on August 1, 2016
all said and done ascites though a main problem in high altitude areas, the main issue is the mangamental . poor management is the reason for un known conditons like ascites where this condiition is very rare particularly in broilers.
Participation in Forum on April 27, 2015
Pl . let me know how to store the vaccines. 1. freeze dried live vaccines - on the vial i.e. on the lable it is mentioned that it has to stored between 2 to 4 degrees c. Then why are they freezing? can we not store in a refrigerator where the temp are between 2 to 4 degrees C.? both killed and live vaccines are recommended for storing between 2 to 4 degrees C. then wjhy live vaccines are frozen. ...
Participation in Forum on December 31, 2014
Dear Dr.Lameness can be due to several reasons. nutritional, vertical transmission, toxins and viral diseses. rule out the possibilities one by one and DD (differential diagnosis ) is v. important. Reo virus can be a mjor reason. Go ahead and start ruling out all the possibilties. hope your flock will get back to normalcy soon. good luck.
Participation in Forum on January 31, 2014
Respected Dr. L M Belwal, This is Dr. G V Kumar from Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh worked in Indovax during your tenure in Indovax. In Andhra Pradesh there have been lot of outbreaks in commercial layer farms, diagnosed as VVND. Mortality is also very high. Whether this is VVND or any other disease is yet to be confirmed. As I do not have your EMAIL ID, kindly reply with your EMAIL ID to my mai ...
This member had joined Engormix
January 31, 2014
equalizer Statistics: Forums(7)
Location:Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Consultant
Followers (4)