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Video published on December 26, 2024
Dr. Chandrasekaran discusses the challenges facing poultry production in India, including managing depletion rates and raw material contamination. He stresses the importance of adopting proactive approaches and standardized procedures to ensure consistent, high-quality production and support India’s growth in the global poultry industry.
Participation in Forum on August 6, 2016
In fly control repelling is not the best option as flies are said to travel even 20km in search of organic waste, moist poultry droppings is one of the best breeding ground for flies, when we repel them they will not go to the place of origin but to nearby dwellings causing huge social problems, the flies should be attracted and killed, the larva should be tackled. In my opinion management of wate ...
Participation in Forum on August 6, 2016
The high O2 need is one of the cause when we used Coenzyme Q10 there was a huge reduction in Ascites
This member had joined Engormix
April 27, 2007
equalizer Statistics: Videos(1)Forums(2)
Location:Namakkal, Tamil Nadu [Madras] , India
Profile: Academic / scientific
Occupation: Animal Nutritionist